Compassionate citizenship through storytelling – an analysis of stereotypical views among ladies’ residence students in Huis ten Bosch on Stellenbosch Campus

dc.contributor.advisorCostandius, Elmarieen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorTurner, Chantel Juliaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Visual Arts.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis MA(VA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stellenbosch University, and its campus residences, can be considered a place at which a very diverse group of students now need to share the space. However, transformation towards being a place where everyone feels welcome and included is still in progress (Task Team on a Welcoming Culture at Stellenbosch University 2013:3). Although the university has implemented structures such as a new placement policy that increases diversity in campus residences in order to prepare students for the South African and international reality and to create spaces where diverse students can learn from one another, stereotyping practice is a current stumbling block in the case for valuing diversity. South Africa, with its history of Apartheid and colonialism, the University of Stellenbosch and it‘s role as a perpetuator of colonial discourse, and the context of the Huis ten Bosch ladies‘ residence were the main contextual aspects informing this study. The purpose of this research was to negotiate the research question: To what extent does engaging with a fellow student‘s life story, through the art of drawing, influence one‘s view of one‘s fellow student? In negotiating this research question, the study was aimed at revealing stereotypes prevalent in the Huis ten Bosch ladies‘ residence and exploring ways in which art and storytelling can be implemented to break down these stereotypes and to create compassion among students living together in this residence. The research design took the form of a case study as qualitative research. Inductive content analysis was used, whereby collected data were organised into themes that emerged throughout the research. Residents of Huis ten Bosch read anonymous life stories of individual fellow residents. Afterwards, they drew portraits of how they imagined their storytellers to look. This was followed by showing photographs of the storytellers to participants, which led to reflection on stereotyping practice. In this study it was found that the most prevalent stereotypes in Huis ten Bosch ladies‘ residence were socioeconomic and racial. These are consequences of colonial and apartheid discourse as well as stereotypes imparted generationally. It was also found that art and storytelling are very effective means for learning and investigation as it engages one‘s imagination, one‘s senses and one‘s emotions. Implications of this study are that platforms for storytelling and safe spaces in which stereotypes can be revealed and reflected on should be created in the Huis ten Bosch residence so as to work towards compassionate citizenship in the South African reality.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stellenbosch Universiteit en die koshuise wat deel van die kampus vorm, is plekke waar ‘n baie diverse groep studente tans die ruimte moet deel. Transformasie gerig op ‘n ruimte waarin almal welkom en ingesluit voel, is nog ‘n lopende proses (Task Team on a Welcoming Culture at Stellenbosch University 2013:3). Alhoewel die universiteit strukture soos ‘n nuwe plasingsbeleid geïmplementeer het wat diversiteit in kampus-koshuise verhoog om sodoende studente vir die Suid-Afrikaanse en internasionale realiteit voor te berei en om ‘n ruimte te skep waarin diverse studente van mekaar kan leer, is stereotipering ‘n huidige struikelblok tot die waardering van diversiteit. Suid-Afrika, vanweë die geskiedenis van apartheid en kolonialisme, die Universiteit van Stellenbosch vanweë ‘n rol as ‘n instandhouder van koloniale diskoers, en die konteks van die Huis ten Bosch dameskoshuis was die hoof kontekstuele aspekte wat hierdie studie beïnvloed het. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die volgende navorsingsvraag te ondersoek: In watter mate word ‘n student se siening van ‘n mede-student beïnvloed deur by so ‘n student se lewensverhaal deur die kunsmedium van teken betrokke te raak? Die studie was daarop gemik om die algemeenste stereotipes in Huis ten Bosch te ontbloot en om die maniere waarop kuns en storievertelling geïmplementeer kan word om hierdie stereotipes af te breek en om deernis tussen studente wat saam in hierdie koshuis leef, te ontwikkel. Die navorsing is as ‘n gevallestudie onderneem en was kwalitatief van aard. Induktiewe inhoud-analise is gebruik, om versamelde data onder temas te organiseer wat in die navorsing na vore gekom het. Inwoners van Huis ten Bosch het die individuele lewensverhale van anonieme mede-inwoners gelees, waarna hulle portrette geteken het van hoe hulle gedink het hul storievertellers lyk. Dit is gevolg deur foto‘s van die individuele storievertellers te vertoon, wat tot refleksie op stereotiperende neigings gelei het. In dié studie is gevind dat die algemeenste stereotipering in die Huis ten Bosch dameskoshuis, op sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede en ras gebaseer was. Dit is ‘n gevolg van koloniale en apartheid diskoers sowel as stereotipes wat oor geslagte heen oorgedra is. Dit is ook gevind dat kuns en storievertelling effektiewe maniere vir leer en ondersoek is, omdat dit die verbeelding, sintuie en emosies betrek. Implikasies vir hierdie studie is dat platvorms vir storievertelling en veilige ruimtes waar stereotipes ontbloot en oor gereflekteer kan word in Huis ten Bosch geskep behoort te word om deernisvolle burgerskap in Suid-Afrika tot stand te bring.af_ZA
dc.format.extent112 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectStereotyping in ladies residencesen_ZA
dc.subjectStellenbosch University -- Vision towards transformationen_ZA
dc.subjectArt -- Medium to improve relationshipsen_ZA
dc.subjectArt and storytellingen_ZA
dc.titleCompassionate citizenship through storytelling – an analysis of stereotypical views among ladies’ residence students in Huis ten Bosch on Stellenbosch Campusen_ZA
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