The Holy Spirit in Matthew 12:15-32 : an intertextual investigation

dc.contributor.advisorNel, Marius Johannesen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHasiso, Elias Assefaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Former studies of Matthew’s Gospel in general, and 12:15-32 in particular, have emphasised on Christology to the detriment of Matthew’s presentation of the Holy Spirit. Previous research further limited its consideration of the role of the Holy Spirit in relation to Jesus’ miraculous ministry to 12:15-32, in the light of preceding and succeeding chapters. No study has investigated the integral role that the Holy Spirit played in Jesus’ entire miraculous ministry and the reasons behinds Jesus’ provocativeness towards the Jewish religious leaders. This thesis aims to fill this gap in Matthean studies. This study investigates Matthew’s presentation of the Holy Spirit in relation to Jesus’ miraculous ministry in a specific pericope of his Gospel in order to ascertain whether Jesus, Matthew and his faith communities’_ and even the Jewish religious leaders were aware of the Holy Spirit. The study endeavours to address a specific research question: How does Matthew present the Holy Spirit in relation to Jesus' miraculous ministry in Matthew 12:15- 32 in terms of the Old Testament? This study used an intertextual method and specifically Richard Hays’ “_backward reading_ or “_figurative reading_” of Scriptures to study the relevant passages. Particular attention is given to Matthew’s direct and indirect quotations and allusions to the Holy Spirit and the Spirit’s relationship with Jesus the Messiah. This intertextual study examined how Matthew’s rereading of the OT Scriptures shapes not only his understanding of Jesus the Messiah, but also the dynamic role of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of the Messiah. The research on Matthew 12:15-32 with its preceding and succeeding texts shows that Matthew presents the Holy Spirit as known to Jesus, his followers and Matthew’s faith community, and as being actively involved in Jesus’ conception, baptism, temptation and miraculous ministries. Matthew 12:15-32 also indicates that Jesus, who himself empowered by the Holy Spirit in performing his miracles. Jesus further encouraged his disciples by promising that the Holy Spirit would accompany them on their mission among their fellow Jews and Gentiles. Thus, to disregard what the Holy Spirit is doing in Jesus means to reject the visitation of God which will incur judgment, whether the perpetrators are the Pharisees or Matthew’s faith community.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vorige studies van die evangelie van Mattheus oor die algemeen en spesifiek met betrekking tot 12:15-32, het op die christologie gefokus, tot nadeel van Mattheus se uitbeelding van die Heilige Gees. Voorafgaande navorsing het die onderwerp van die rol van die Heilige Gees in Jesus se wonderbediening beperk tot 12:15:32, in die lig van die voorafgaande en daaropvolgende hoofstukke. Geen studie het al die integrale rol wat die Heilige Gees in Jesus se algehele wonderbediening en die redes vir Jesus se uitdagende houding teenoor die Joodse godsdienstige leiers ondersoek nie. Hierdie verhandeling beoog om dié gaping in Mattheïse studies te vul. Hierdie studie ondersoek Mattheus se aanbieding van die Heilige Gees in verhouding tot Jesus se wonderbediening in ‘n spesifieke perikoop van sy evangelie, met die oog daarop om vas te stel of Jesus, Mattheus en sy geloofsgemeenskappe – en selfs die Joodse godsdienstige leiers – bewus was van die Heilige Gees. Die studie onderneem om ‘n bepaalde navorsingsvraag te beantwoord: Hoe beeld Mattheus die Heilige Gees in verband tot Jesus se wonderbediening uit in Mattheus 12:15-32, teen die agtergrond van die Ou Testament? Hierdie studie maak gebruik van ‘n intertekstuele metode en naamlik Richard Hays se “backward reading” of “figurative reading” van die Skrif om die betrokke gedeeltes te lees. Besondere aandag word aan Mattheus se direkte en indirekte aanhalings en sy verwysings na die Heilige Gees geskenk, asook aan die Gees se verhouding met Jesus die Messias. Hierdie intertekstuele studie ondersoek hoedat Matteus se herinterpretasie van die Ou Testamentiese skrifte nie alleen sy begrip van Jesus die Messias vorm nie, maar ook die dinamiese rol van die Heilige Gees in die lewe en bediening van die Messias. Die navorsing oor Mattheus 12:15-32 saam met sy voorafgaande en daaropvolgende tekste toon aan hoe Mattheus die Heilige Gees uitbeeld as bekend aan Jesus, sy volgelinge en Mattheus se geloofsgemeenskap; en as sulks ook aktief betrokke was in Jesus se konsepsie, doop, versoeking en wonderbediening. Mattheus 12:15-32 dui ook aan dat Jesus self deur die Heilige Gees bemagtig is om sy wonders te doen. Jesus het vervolgens sy dissipels aangemoedig deur sy beloftes dat die Heilige Gees hulle op hul sending onder hulle medeJode en nie-Jode sal begelei. Om dus te verontagsaam wat die Heilige Gees in Jesus doen, beteken ook dat die verskyning van God wat oordeel sal bring, verwerp word; of die oortreders Fariseërs is of die lede van Mattheus se geloofsgemeenskap.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 96 leaves : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Matthew, XII, 15-32 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.en_ZA
dc.subjectHoly Spiriten_ZA
dc.titleThe Holy Spirit in Matthew 12:15-32 : an intertextual investigationen_ZA
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