More than just pretty girls in uniform : a historical study of women's military roles during World War II, 1939-1945

dc.contributor.advisorFransch, Chet James Paulen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKotze, Este Marien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of History.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Women’s Auxiliary Defence Corps (WADC) was created in 1940 and consisted of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Service (WAAS), Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) and Women’s Auxiliary Naval Service (WANS). The members of the WADC served as auxiliaries to the South African Army, Air Force and Naval Service. Despite more than 21000 white women enlisting in the WADC, the roles played by South African women during World War II, has been largely overlooked in the historiography. In contrast, there is a growing international scholarship surrounding the participation of women in World War II. These works focus on, amongst other things, the complex and interrelated factors that limited women’s military service as merely “auxiliary”. This thesis aims to investigate the roles played by white South African women in the WAAS, WAAF and WANS within the broader military structure of the Union Defence Force (UDF). It also aims to show how these roles changed over the course of World War II. It asks a very simple question: How auxiliary were these service women? Archival documentation and testimony from service women relating to the founding, organisational structures, training and deployment of the three branches of the WADC are therefore analysed. This is positioned within the local and international historiography on women’s auxiliaries in Britain, the United States, Russia and other allied nations to compare and contrast the experiences of woman auxiliaries in different national and military contexts. Furthermore, this case study is situated in the historiographical debates on military culture, military masculinity and civilian femininity, the war taboo and the double helix of gender. This dissertation demonstrates that participation in the UDF was confined by the complex intersection of race, class and gender, and the upholding of prevailing socio-political hierarchies. The UDF essentially functioned as a microcosm of South African society and this restricted the level to which these women could break beyond the proverbial “brass ceiling”. This is not to suggest that their actual roles were strictly confined by these parameters as the manpower pressures of the war necessitated a degree of flexibility, allowing women to take on what was deemed a male role. Nor does it mean that they perceived their own service on these terms. The dissertation argues that the role of the auxiliary changed over the course of the war not necessarily because of a change in organisational structure, but rather as a result of the unpreparedness of the UDF at the onset of WWII. This provided an opportunity for the male divisions of the army, airforce and navy to have a level of influence on the trajectory of the corresponding women’s auxiliary services placed under their administration. This provided an opportunity for women in each of these arms to move beyond the level of pure auxiliary, culminating with one division of the WANS becoming active combatants. Thus, the evolution occurs across, as well as within, those divisions. The boundary between auxiliary and combatant is, therefore, more porous than the terms suggest. From this, the dissertation identifies six steps in an auxiliary/combatant spectrum and argues that it is not simply the war taboo of the UDF which had to be overcome by these women but, in addition, the way in which the historiography continues to relegate their contributions into the realm of the auxiliary, becomes the contemporary battle which must be challenged and reimagined.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Vrouehulpverdedigingskorpse (VHVK) is in 1940 gestig en het bestaan uit die Vrouehulpleërdiens (VHLD), Vrouehulplugmag (VHLM) en Vrouehulpvlootdiens (VHVD). Die lede van die VHVK het as hulptroepe vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Leër, Lugmag en Vlootdiens gedien. Ten spyte daarvan dat meer as 21000 wit vroue in die VHVK gewerf was, is die rolle vervul deur Suid-Afrikaanse vroue tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, grootliks in die geskiedskrywing oor die hoof gesien. In teenstelling is daar ‘n groeiende internasionale navorsingsbelangstelling oor die deelname van vroue in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog. Hierdie studies fokus, onder andere, op die komplekse en verwante faktore wat vroue in militêre diens net as “hulp” beperk het. Dié proefskrif het ten doel om die rolle wat wit Suid-Afrikaanse vroue gespeel het in die VHLD, VHLM, VHVD, binne die breër militêre strukture van die Unieverdedigingsmag (UVM), te ondersoek. Dit is ook daarop gemik om vas te stel hoe hierdie rolle gedurende die Tweede Wêreldoorlog verander het. Die vraag is: Hoe aanvullend was hierdie vroulike dienstroepe? Argiefdokumentasie met betrekking tot die stigting, organisasiestrukture, opleiding en ontplooiing van die drie takke van die VHVK, is dus ontleed. Dit is binne die plaaslike en internasionale geskiedskrywing oor vrouehulpdienste in Brittanje, die Verenigde State, Rusland en ander geallieerde nasies geplaas om die ervarings van vroulike hulptroepe in verskillende nasionale en militêre kontekste te vergelyk en te kontrasteer. Verder is hierdie gevallestudie binne die geskiedkundige debate oor militêre kultuur, militêre manlikheid en burgerlike vroulikheid, die oorlogstaboe geleë en die dubbele heliks van gender. Hierdie proefskrif toon dus dat deelname aan die UVM deur die komplekse kruispunt van ras, klas en geslag, en die bewaring van heersende sosio-politiese hiërarchië, begrens is. Die UVM het wesentlik as ‘n mikrokosmos van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing gefunksioneer en dit het die vlak waarnatoe hierdie vroue die spreekwoordelike “glas plafon” van militêrerange deur kon breek, beperk. Dit is nie te sê dat hulle werklike rolle deur hierdie grense streng beperk was nie, want die mannekragdruk van die oorlog het `n graad van aanpasbaarheid noodsaaklik gemaak en vroue dit het toegelaat om rolle wat gesien was as manlike aan te pak. Nog dat dié vroue hulle diens in dieselfde hoedanigheid ervaar het nie, Dié proefskrif redeneer dat die rol van die hulpmagte in die loop van die oorlog verander het, nie weens ‘n verandering in organisasiestrukture nie, maar eerder as gevolg van die ongereedheid van die UVM aan die begin van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog. Dit het vir die manlike afdelings van die leër, lugmag en vloot die geleentheid gegee om ‘n vlak van invloed op die koeëlbaan van die gelykstaande vrouehulpdienste wat onder hulle administrasie geplaas is, uit te oefen. Dít het ‘n geleentheid vir die vroue van die drie vertakkings geskep om verby die vlak van net hulp te beweeg. Hierdie beweging het ‘n hoogtepunt bereik toe een van die seksies van die VHVD strydend geword het. Dus het die evolusie regoor, sowel as binne, dié seksies plaasgevind. Die grens tussen hulptroepe en vegtroepe is dus meer poreus as wat dié terme voorstel. Gebasseer op hierdie waarneming, wys hierdie proefskrif ses stappe uit in `n hulp/veg spectrum en bewys dat dit nie alleenlik die oorlogstaboe van die UVM is wat deur hierdie vroue oorkom moes word nie, maar ook die manier hoe geskiedskrywing aanhou om hulle bydrae in die terrein van aanvullende werkers af te skaal en derhalwe word dit ‘n voordurende geveg wat uitgedaag en hervoorgestel word moet.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 248 pages : illustrationen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMilitary Cultureen_ZA
dc.subjectWomen and the military -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectWorld War, 1939-1945 -- Womenen_ZA
dc.subjectWorld War, 1939-1945 -- Social aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africa. -- Union Defence Forceen_ZA
dc.subjectSocio-political hierarchies in the militaryen_ZA
dc.titleMore than just pretty girls in uniform : a historical study of women's military roles during World War II, 1939-1945en_ZA
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