Drawing as intervention to improve concentration in the classroom at four schools in the Western Cape

dc.contributor.advisorGunter, Elizabethen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorCarlini, Laraen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Visual Arts.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research was sparked by my interest as an art educator in drawing. Whilst observing the calming effect drawing lessons had on learners in my classroom, I realised that drawing might assist other educators to manage problematic behaviour in their classrooms without making use of traditional discipline practices. In conjunction with the alarming statistics connected to violence, neglect, dropout rates, bullying, and inadequate funding associated with South Africa, I became concerned that such practices do not effectively improve learning or concentration. The purpose of this study was thus to investigate whether a positive intervention such as a series of drawing exercises facilitated by the educator could contribute to better learning in high schools. By adopting the arguments of enactionists and instructional literature on the art of drawing in this study, I developed my hypothesis that a drawing intervention could enable changes in perception that can remediate the behaviour of a learner. Driven further by literature on compassionate teaching approaches from abroad that included more expensive interventions, compassionate teaching practice also links problem behaviour and poor concentration with stress. Curriculum responsive theory corresponds with compassionate teaching but considers the economic and social needs of South African learners. Hence, I aimed to find out whether quick gesture drawing exercises, could provide a cost-effective solution for South African learners with similar restorative qualities as was claimed abroad. Furthermore, it was necessary to determine whether South African educators would be willing to facilitate a gesture drawing intervention and which drawing exercises would best suit their classroom contexts. The data collected for this study was gathered through case studies of four diverse educators who were working at different educational institutions in the Western Cape. Two interviews and a drawing workshop were employed to investigate the unique experiences and reflections of the participant educators. The study adopted an inductive approach and consequently utilised an interpretive paradigm to dictate how the research was analysed and interpreted. The analyses revealed that the educators were enthusiastic about a drawing intervention and could easily imagine most of the exercises being used in their classroom contexts. The participants additionally identified a shortcoming in teacher training that lacked guidance for handling various instances of disruptive behaviour, a shortage of support, and the need for interventions. Supported by theory and the feedback from the educators, the study arrived at the conclusion that a drawing intervention should offer a choice of different exercises to the learner. The educators selected different effective and ineffective drawing exercises for a potential intervention. A further conclusion was that, although the educators were convinced that drawing could improve concentration, this does not prove that the gesture drawing exercises would unquestionably improve learning, behaviour, or concentration. Gesture drawing exercises hold credible possibilities that can offer the educator a compassionate response to disruptive behaviour, although they could experiment with this strategy either in the art domain or in other fields.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing is die gevolg van my belangstelling as ‘n kunsopvoeder in tekenkuns. Die kalmerende effek van tekenklasse op my leerders het my laat besef dat tekenkuns moontlik ander opvoeders in hul klaskamers met problematiese gedrag kan help sonder om gebruik te maak van tradisionale dissiplinêre prosedures. In ag genome die ontstellende statistieke wat gepaard gaan met geweld, verwaarlosing, druipsyfers, afknouery en onvoldoende befondsing wat met Suid-Afrika geassosieer word, is ek oortuig dat sulke prosedures akademiese sukses negatief beïnvloed. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om ondersoek in te stel of ‘n positiewe intervensie, soos byvoorbeeld ‘n reeks tekenoefeninge wat deur die opvoeder gefasiliteer word, ‘n verbetering in leervermoë en konsentrasie in die hoërskool kan lewer. Enaktiewe argumente en instruksionele literatuur oor tekenkuns het die studie gelei tot my hipotese dat ‘n tekenintervensie die persepsie wat die gedrag van die leerder beïnvloed, kan aanpas. Empatieke onderwys benaderings soos gevind in internasionale literatuur wat duur intervensies beskryf, koppel problematiese gedrag en swak konsentrasie met stres. Leerplan-reaksie teorie wat met die empatieke onderwysbenadering ooreenstem, neem die ekonomiese en sosiale behoeftes van Suid- Afrikaanse leerders in ag. Dus het ek gepoog om uit te vind of vinnige tekenoefeninge wat op gebaarteken gebaseer is, ‘n goedkoper opsie vir Suid-Afrikaanse leerders kan bied, met soortgelyke herstellende gevolge soos in internasionale studies beskryf word. Verder was dit nodig om te bepaal of Suid-Afrikaanse opvoeders gewillig sal wees om ‘n gebaarteken- intervensie te fasiliteer, asook watter tipe tekenoefeninge hul leerkontekste die beste sou ondersteun. Die data wat vir hierdie studie ingesamel is, het gevallestudies van vier diverse opvoeders wat by verskillende opvoedkundige institusies in die Wes-Kaap gewerk het, behels. Twee onderhoude en ‘n werkswinkel is in die navorsing gebruik om die unieke ervarings en refleksies van die deelnemende opvoeders te bepaal. Die studie het ‘n induktiewe benadering gevolg, en dus ‘n interpretatiewe denkraamwerk gebruik om die navorsing te analiseer en te interpreteer. Volgens die analise was dit duidelik dat die opvoeders entoesiasties oor ‘n tekenintervensie was, en hulself maklik kon voorstel hoe die tekenoefeninge in hul leerkontekste toegepas kan word. Die deelnemers het addisionele tekortkominge in onderwysopleiding geïdentifiseer, en die teenwoordigheid van problematiese gedrag, benodigde ondersteuning, en ‘n behoefte aan intervensies aangedui.af_ZA
dc.format.extent113 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectArt in educationen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation, Secondary -- Activity programsen_ZA
dc.subjectGesture in arten_ZA
dc.subjectAttention in childrenen_ZA
dc.subjectSchools (Secondary) -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.titleDrawing as intervention to improve concentration in the classroom at four schools in the Western Capeen_ZA
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