Exploring stakeholders' perceptions on the status of women's rugby development in South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorKraak, Wilburen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorBekker, Shereeen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorGroom, Ryanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSolomons, Jocelynen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. Dept. of Exercise, Sport and Lifestyle Medication.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the past 7 years, Women's Rugby has experienced remarkable global growth, marked by increased participation and a rise in tournaments. However, despite these advancements, the sport has received limited attention regarding women's participation, primarily due to historical and societal barriers. These barriers include the perception of rugby as a men’s-only sport, limited resources for female players, and societal discouragement. To comprehensively explore the challenges faced by South African Women's Rugby, this study collected qualitative data through online interviews, focus group discussions, and in-person observations, while considering stakeholders' (players, coaches, support staff (i.e., team doctor, physiotherapist, biokineticist, sport psychologist) and administrators (team managers and team/club administrators) perceptions and the impacts of historical and cultural factors. The findings uncovered significant challenges in overcoming gender-role expectations and gaining acceptance in a society that predominantly views rugby as masculine. To address these challenges, the study recommends that Women's Rugby coaches continually improve coaching practices by embracing experimentation, feedback, and reflection. Special considerations should be given to coaching Women's Rugby in South Africa, considering players' late entry and diverse sporting backgrounds. Integrating ethics and professionalism into coaching development frameworks is crucial. Moreover, the study emphasises the critical importance of the coach-athlete relationship, highlighting individual differences, and attachment styles. Effective communication, trust-building, and mutual support play key roles in creating an environment where players feel valued and motivated to excel. The coach-athlete relationship maximises performance and overall well-being. Both coaches and players must actively contribute to prioritising and nurturing this relationship, leading to effective coaching and improved player performance. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the challenges faced by participants in South African Women's Rugby and offers recommendations for improvement. Shifting gender-role expectations, dispelling stereotypes, and increasing media exposure are pivotal in promoting Women's Rugby as a popular and viable sport. Continuous improvement in coaching practices and the implementation of tailored coach development programs are crucial. Fostering effective communication, trust, and support within the coach-athlete relationship can contribute to the growth and success of Women's Rugby in South Africa. Implementing these recommendations will help South African Women's Rugby overcome historical, cultural, and economic barriers, creating a more inclusive and prosperous future for the sport. This will benefit players, coaches, administrators, and Women's Rugby as a whole.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope 7 jaar het Vrouerugby 'n merkwaardige globale groei ervaar, gekenmerk deur 'n toename in deelname en 'n toename in toernooie. Nietemin, ten spyte van hierdie vooruitgang, het die sport beperkte aandag gekry met betrekking tot vrouedeelname, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van historiese en samelewingshindernisse. Hierdie hindernisse sluit in die persepsie van rugby as 'n mansport, beperkte hulpbronne vir vroulike spelers, en samelewingsontmoediging. Om die uitdagings wat deur Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouerugby in diepte te ondersoek, het hierdie studie kwalitatiewe data ingesamel deur aanlyn-onderhoude, fokusgroepbesprekings en persoonlike waarnemings, terwyl daar ook gelet is op die persepsies van belanghebbendes (spelers, afrigters, ondersteuningspersoneel (bv. spandokter, fisioterapeut, biokinetikus, sportpsigoloog) en administrateurs (spanbestuurders en span/klub-administrateurs)) en die invloed van historiese en kulturele faktore. Die bevindinge het betekenisvolle uitdagings blootgelê om geslagrolverwagtinge te oorkom en aanvaarding in 'n samelewing te verkry wat rugby hoofsaaklik as manlik beskou. Om hierdie uitdagings aan te spreek, beveel die studie aan dat Vroue Rugby-afrigters voortdurend hul afrigtingspraktyke verbeter deur eksperimentering, terugvoering en refleksie te omarm. Spesiale oorweging moet gegee word aan die afrigting van Vrouerugby in Suid-Afrika, met inagneming van spelers se late intrede en uiteenlopende sportagtergronde. Die integreer van etiek en professionalisme in afrigterontwikkelingsraamwerke is van kritieke belang. Verder beklemtoon die studie die kritieke belang van die afrigter-atleet-verhouding deur individuele verskille en hegtingsstyle te belig. Effektiewe kommunikasie, vertroue-opbou, en wederkerige ondersteuning speel 'n sleutelrol in die skep van 'n omgewing waar spelers waardeur voel en gemotiveerd word om uit te blink. Die afrigter-atleet-verhouding maksimeer prestasie en algehele welstand. Beide afrigters en spelers moet aktief bydra tot die prioritering en bevordering van hierdie verhouding, wat lei tot effektiewe afrigting en verbeterde spelerprestasie. Ten slotte werp hierdie studie lig op die uitdagings wat deelnemers in Suid-Afrikaanse Vroue Rugby in die gesig staar en bied aanbevelings vir verbetering. Die veranderende geslagrolverwagtinge, die ontmaskering van stereotipes, en 'n toename in media-blootstelling is deurslaggewend om Vroue Rugby as 'n gewilde en lewensvatbare sport te bevorder. Voortdurende verbetering in afrigtingspraktyke en die implementering van op maat gemaakte afrigterontwikkelingsprogramme is van kritieke belang.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvii, 289 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshCoach-athlete relationships -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshWomen Rugby Union football players -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRugby football coaches -- Knowledge and learningen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRugby football for women -- Physiologyen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshRugby football for women -- Sociological aspectsen_ZA
dc.titleExploring stakeholders' perceptions on the status of women's rugby development in South Africaen_ZA
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