Kabaret as moonlike teatervorm vir sangers met 'n klassieke sangorientasie

dc.contributor.advisorKruger, M. S.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDe Villiers, Jacobien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Drama.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2008.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was initiated to gain insight into cabaret as a form of theatre for the migration of singers with a classical singing orientation. It researches a form of music theatre known as entertainment cabaret, which is individual by nature, as it is not bound by convention. The study entails a discussion of the nature of cabaret as a diverse form of theatre. It illustrates the role of the artist and the genre’s music style in researching structure, to determine differences and similarities in the frameworks of cabaret and opera, with specific reference to classical singing. Currently there is an abundance of musical theatre genres, and cabaret is not differentiated as an individual genre. This leads to problems in the definitive classifying of cabaret, as well as the bridging of a singer with a classical singing orientation migrating to cabaret. The study researches the concept of, and reasons for, this migration in South Africa. The qualitative research method, which makes use of in-depth interviews to gain insight, generated a wealth of information about the realities in South Africa. This method introduces a new method of acquiring information, where the changes of the last few years had a tremendous impact on the careers of performing artists in South Africa. For this reason, artists with a classical singing orientation must have a choice to take action; to generate their own opportunities. The main findings and the need for multi-talented artists to adapt to the different styles of genres were analysed in the theoretical section, followed by a discussion of the respondents’ feedback selected to contribute to this study. The gap in skills between the cabaret artist and the classical singer is identified to showcase and define the possibility of cabaret as a form of theatre for classical singers. New categories are generated in which ideas of how development can be adapted are laid out.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om insig te verkry in kabaret as moontlike teatervorm vir die migrasie van sangers met ’n klassieke sangoriëntasie. Dit ondersoek die vermaaklikheidsvorm kabaret, ’n eiesoortige vorm van musiekteater deurdat dit nie deur konvensies begrens word nie. Die studie behels ’n bespreking van die aard van kabaret as diverse teatervorm, en illustreer die rol en vaardighede van die kabarettis asook die genre se musiekstyl om die ooreenkomste en verskille in die raamwerk van kabaret en opera, met betrekking tot klassieke sangoriëntasie, te ondersoek. Tans oorvloei die musiekteatergenres, en word kabaret nie as eiesoortige genre onderskei nie. Dit maak die onderskeid van kabaret, asook die oorbrugging van ’n klassieke sanger wat na kabaret migreer, uiters problematies. Die studie stel ondersoek in na die konsep van en redes vir die migrasie van sangers met ’n klassieke sangoriëntasie na kabaret in Suid-Afrika. Die kwalitatiewe metode, wat met behulp van diepte-onderhoude insig verkry, het ’n magdom inligting oor die werklikhede in Suid-Afrika opgelewer. Hierdie metodologie is ’n nuwe manier om inligting in te samel, veral in die lig van veranderinge in die laaste paar jaar in die land, wat ’n geweldige impak op die loopbaan van Suid-Afrikaanse uitvoerende kunstenaars gehad het. Kunstenaars met ‘n klassieke sangoriëntasie moet kan kies om tot aksie oor te gaan; om hulle eie geleenthede te genereer. Die hoofbevindinge en die behoefte dat veelsydige kunstenaars by verskillende genrestyle moet kan aanpas word in die teoretiese afdeling ondersoek, gevolg deur ’n bespreking van die respondentterugvoering wat vir die doel van die studie geselekteer is. Die gaping tussen die vaardighede van die kabarettis en klassieke sanger word geïdentifiseer om sodoende die moontlikheid van kabaret as teatervorm vir klassieke sangers te definieer. Nuwe kategorieë word geskep waarin idees vir die moontlike aanpassing van ontwikkeling neergelê word.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectActing in musical theatreen_ZA
dc.subjectMusical theatreen_ZA
dc.subjectClassical singing -- Dramaen_ZA
dc.subjectPerforming artists -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleKabaret as moonlike teatervorm vir sangers met 'n klassieke sangorientasieaf_ZA
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