South-South migration and trade : Chinese traders in Senegal
Daouda, Cisse
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Stellenbosch University, Centre for Chinese Studies
With a growing South-South co-operation framework in the world political economy in general (and the
co-operation between Africa and emerging powers in particular), global trade patterns are increasingly
changing. Economic interests regarding trade and investments between Asian, African and Latin
American countries follow this scope. These shifts alongside macro-economic factors have implications
on global migration patterns. New destinations with great economic interests related to fast economic
growth, modernisation and industrialisation have emerged and attracted international migrants. These
migrants mostly move between regions in the south, seeking work or business related opportunities
beyond the borders of their respective countries. This policy brief explores the patterns and challenges
of Chinese small traders’ activities in Senegal.
CCS Policy Briefings are drawn from the published reports and other material produced by the Centre. They aim to highlight specific recommendations and outcomes from the larger reports and present them in a concise, easily consumable format.
The original publication is available at
The original publication is available at
Chinese traders -- Senegal, Informal sector (Economics) -- Law and legislation -- Senegal
Daouda, C. 2013. South-South migration and trade : Chinese traders in Senegal. CCS Policy Briefing - June 2013. Stellenbosch University: Centre for Chinese Studies.