Coaching and skill profiles of mini-rugby coaches and players in the Western Cape, South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorKraak, Wilburen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorvan Deventer, Karelen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBasson, Jacquesen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2017en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT : The optimal development of mini-rugby players demands a substantiated, ageappropriate training programme, as well as good quality coaching and a structured methodology. However, due to a lack of qualified, experienced rugby coaches in the Western Cape Province primary schools, South Africa, the coaching of mini-rugby is often lacking and neglected. The first objective of this study was to compile a profile of mini-rugby coaches in the Western Cape Province, South Africa with the aim of establishing the coaches’ experience in playing and coaching rugby, their coaching education and training, and their feelings of efficacy in terms of developing mini-rugby players. The second objective was to determine the effect of a skills intervention programme on the skill level of mini-rugby players with the purpose of investigating the impact of an organised and substantiated practice plan on the skill development of players. This thesis followed a research article format. Article one will address the first objective of the study. The first major finding of this study was that the majority of coaches (51%) did not have any form of rugby coaching qualification. When this number was combined with the number of coaches who only had a World Rugby level one qualification, which does not require any assessment, it showed that a disturbing 84% of the coaches either did not have any form of coaching training or were not assessed on their knowledge of, or their ability to coach rugby. Furthermore, a significant number of the coaches did not feel efficacious in their coaching (23%) and did not believe that they were optimally developing the skills of the players (29%). The findings highlight an unfavourable situation where untrained and inexperienced individuals coach mini-rugby, which has important practical implications for rugby administrators, developers of coaching education courses, players, as well as the game itself. Article two addressed the second objective of the study. The experimental group, when compared to the control group, showed significant improvements (p<0.05) in five of the six skills (e.g. passing, catching, picking up the ball, tackling and taking the ball into contact). Although the control group improved in three of the skills, the improvements were not significant (p>0.05). Considering the results, it can be concluded that the specific skills intervention programme significantly enhanced the skill level of the mini-rugby players. Furthermore, the study highlighted the importance of appropriate coach education and training, as well as the value of a well-structured and substantiated training programme in the quest for players’ skill development. By investigating the coaching and skill profiles of mini-rugby coaches and players respectively, coaches and other relevant role players will be able to make more informed decisions regarding the coaching of mini-rugby and the development of mini-rugby players. An obvious recommendation would be that all coaches must be educated and trained to coach rugby and that a coaching education course designed specifically for mini-rugby will aid in preparing individuals to successfully coach mini-rugby and raising their confidence to do so. Another recommendation would be that all practice plans need to be wellstructured to incorporate age-appropriate activities, suitable progressions, as well as the element of play and fun.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die optimale ontwikkeling van mini-rugbyspelers vereis 'n gestaafde, ouderdomsgepaste oefenprogram, sowel as goeie gehalte afrigting en 'n gestruktureerde metodologie. Weens 'n gebrek aan gekwalifiseerde, ervare rugby afrigters in laerskole van die Wes-Kaapse Provinsie, Suid-Afrika, is die afrigting van mini-rugby, egter, dikwels gebrekkig en verwaarloos. Die eerste doelwit van hierdie studie was om 'n profiel van mini-rugby afrigters in die WesKaap Provinsie, Suid-Afrika saam te stel met die doel om die afrigters se ondervinding in rugby speel en afrigting, hul afrigtingsopvoeding en opleiding, en hul gevoelens van doeltreffendheid ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van minirugbyspelers te bepaal. Die tweede doelwit was om die effek van 'n vaardigheidsintervensieprogram op die vaardigheidsvlak van mini-rugbyspelers te bepaal met die doel om die impak van 'n georganiseerde en gestaafde oefenplan op die vaardigheidsontwikkeling van atlete te ondersoek. Hierdie tesis het die formaat van ʼn navorsingsartikel aangeneem. Artikel een sal die eerste doelwit van die studie aanspreek. Die eerste hoofbevinding van hierdie studie was dat die meerderheid afrigters (51%) nie enige vorm van rugby afrigtingskwalifikasie gehad het nie. Indien hierdie getal gekombineer is met die aantal afrigters wat slegs 'n World Rugby vlak een kwalifikasie gehad het, wat nie enige assessering vereis nie, het dit gewys dat 'n onrusbarende 84% van die afrigters in hierdie studie òf geen vorm van afrigtingsopleiding gehad het nie, òf nie geassesseer was op grond van hul kennis van, of hul vermoë om rugby af te rig nie. Daarbenewens het 'n beduidende aantal van die afrigters nie opgewasse gevoel vir die afrigting van mini-rugby nie (23%) en het nie geglo het dat hulle die vaardighede van die mini-rugbyspelers optimaal ontwikkel nie (29%). Die bevindinge beklemtoon 'n ongunstige situasie waar onopgeleide en onervare individue mini-rugby afrig, wat belangrike praktiese implikasies inhou vir rugby administrateurs, ontwikkelaars van opleidingskursusse vir afrigters, spelers en ook die spel self. Artikel twee het die tweede doelwit van die studie aangespreek. Die eksperimentele groep het, in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep, beduidende verbeteringe (p<0.05) in vyf van die ses vaardighede getoon (bv. aangee, vang, optel van die bal, duik en die bal in kontak inneem). Alhoewel die kontrolegroep in drie van die vaardighede verbeter het, was die verbeteringe nie beduidend nie (p>0.05). Met inagneming van die uitslae, kan daar afgelei word dat die spesifieke vaardigheidsintervensieprogram die vaardigheidsvlak van die mini-rugby spelers aansienlik verbeter het. Verder het die studie die belangrikheid van toepaslike afrigtingsopvoeding en opleiding, asook die waarde van 'n goed gestruktureerde en gestaafde oefenprogram in die strewe na spelers se vaardigheidsontwikkeling beklemtoon. Deur die afrigtings- en vaardigheidsprofiele van mini-rugby afrigters en -spelers onderskeidelik te ondersoek, sal afrigters en ander relevante rolspelers meer ingeligte besluite kan neem rakende die afrigting van mini-rugby en die ontwikkeling van mini-rugbyspelers. 'n Ooglopende aanbeveling sou wees dat alle afrigters onderrig en opgelei moet word om rugby af te rig en dat 'n afrigtingskursus wat spesifiek vir mini-rugby ontwerp is, sal help om individue voor te berei om mini-rugby suksesvol af te rig en om hul selfvertroue daarin te verhoog. Nog 'n aanbeveling sou wees dat alle oefenplanne goed gestruktureerd moet word om ouderdomsgeskikte aktiwiteite, gepaste progressie, sowel as die element van spel en pret in te sluit.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvii, 219 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCoaching skillsen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football -- Coaching -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football -- Coaching -- Trainingen_ZA
dc.subjectCoaching efficacyen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football -- Primary schools -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.titleCoaching and skill profiles of mini-rugby coaches and players in the Western Cape, South Africaen_ZA
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