From the editors

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Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Military Science (Military Academy)
This edition of Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, brings three very particular themes together: history, contemporary military operations, and military technology. From a historical perspective, the focus is on the Anglo-Boer War. The two articles on the contemporary use of force places the emphasis on Iraq and Somalia. The 2003 Iraqi War is used as a case study in the analysis of ‘civil war’ as a concept. The article on Somalia addresses the need for military intervention. The underlying argument is that military intervention can be successful in bringing about the change that is required in that war-torn region of the world. The technology related articles highlight the role of information warfare and weapons assignment in air defence.
CITATION: Esterhuyse, A. & Liebenberg, I. 2011. From the editors. Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, 39(2):i-iii.
The original publication is available at
Military operations, Military technology, Armed forces -- Operations, Iraq war, 2003-2011 -- Technology, Somalia war
Esterhuyse, A. & Liebenberg, I. 2011. From the editors. Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, 39(2):i-iii