An exploration of automatic learner promotion at three schools in Namibia: Implications for quality education.

dc.contributor.advisorDavids, Nuraan, 1970-en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMbudhi, Liina Friedaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Education Policy Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study aimed to explore the implications of the automatic learner promotion (ALP) policy on the quality of education at three primary schools in the Erongo region of Namibia. The study employed a qualitative, phenomenological case study design. The objectives of the study were as follows: to gain insights into teachers’ understanding and implementation of the ALP policy; to ascertain the effects of ALP on learners and teachers, and hence, learning and teaching; and to determine the implications of the ALP policy on the quality education at the three schools. The data for this study was constructed from a purposively selected sample of six teachers, six heads of department and three school principals drawn from three state primary schools. In addition to conducting semi-structured interviews with a total of fifteen participants, the ‘National Promotion Policy Guide for Junior and Senior Primary School Phase’ (National Institute for Educational Development (NIED)) (2015) was analysed. The study found that only one of the three primary schools implemented the policy as required and stipulated in the ‘National Promotion Policy Guide for Junior and Senior Primary School Phase’ (NIED, 2015). Although the teachers and principals shared a common conceptual understanding of the policy, they had different understandings of how to implement it or whether to implement it at all. They also differed in terms of who was responsible for implementing the policy and the additional support required by learners who had been automatically promoted. Nevertheless, there seemed to be agreement that the negatives of ALP outweighed the positives. This perception was informed by several key factors, which included a lack of support from the Ministry of Education; unpreparedness and unwillingness by teachers to provide the extra support required by learners who had been automatically promoted; and the tensions between learners who had met the minimum grade requirements and those who had not but were promoted regardless. The study found that most participants viewed the ALP practice as compromising the education quality. Instead of assisting learners who struggled academically, such learners continued to struggle in the next grade. Their lack of competencies in their previous grade meant they were continually compromised and disadvantaged in acquiring new competencies. The difficulties experienced by these learners were compounded by a lack of interest, support, and motivation from teachers. The study recommends extra support to the teachers to eliminate the challenges they face. Policymakers are encouraged to consult teachers when developing the policies and conduct workshops sharing the meaning and significance of the policy. Policymakers are also encouraged to implement mechanisms that encourage all schools to implement national policies. The study encourages more parental involvement in the implementation of the ALP policy.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die implikasie van die outomatiese leerderbevorderingsbeleid op die gehalte van onderwys by drie laerskole in die Erongo-streek van Namibie te ondersoek. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie het 'n fenomenologiese gevallestudieontwerp gehandhaaf. Die doelwitte van die studie was soos volg: om insigte in onderwysers se begrip en implementering van die beleid te kry; om die uitwerking van die beleid op leerders en onderwysers en by implikasie, leer en onderrig vas te stel; en om die implikasies van die beleid op die gehalte van onderwys by die drie skole te bepaal. Die data vir hierdie studie is verkry van 'n doelgerigte steekproef van ses onderwysers, ses departmentshoofde en drie skoolhoofde uit drie staatskole. Benewens die uitvoer van semigestruktureerde onderhoude met vyftien deelnemers, is die nasionale beleid, die ‘National Promotion Policy Guide for Junior and Senior Primary School Phase’ (Nasionale Instituut vir Opvoedkundige Ontwikkeling (NIOO), 2015) ontleed. Die studie het bevind dat slegs een van die drie laerskole die beleid geimplementeer het soos vereis en bepaal in die nasionale leerderbevorderingsbeleid (NIOO, 2015). Alhoewel die onderwysers en skoolhoofde 'n gemeenskaplike konseptuele begrip van die beleid gedeel het, het hulle verskil in hul begrip van hoe om dit te implementeer, en of dit enigsins geimplementeer moet word. Hulle het ook verskil in terme van wie verantwoordelik is vir die implementering daarvan en die bykomende ondersteuning wat outomaties-bevorderde leerders vereis. Daar blyk ooreenstemmende persepsie te wees dat die negatiewe aspekte van die nasionale leerderbevorderingsbeleid die positiewe aspekte daarvan oorskadu. Hierdie persepsie is deur verskeie sleutelfaktore bepaal en sluit die volgende in: 'n gebrek aan ondersteuning van die Minister van Onderwys; 'n onvoorbereidheid en onwilligheid deur onderwysers om die ekstra ondersteuning te bied wat outomaties-bevorderde leerders vereis; en die spanning tussen leerders wat aan die minimum graadvereistes voldoen het en diegene wat nie daaraan voldoen het nie, maar nietemin bevorder is. Die studie het bevind dat die meerderheid deelnemers die praktyk van outomatiese leerderbevordering as ‘n kompromie van kwaliteit onderwys beskou het. In plaas daarvan om leerders by te staan wat akademies gesukkel het, het leerders ook in die volgende graad aanhou sukkel. Hul gebrek aan die nodige bevoegdhede vir hul vorige graad, het beteken dat hulle voortdurend blootgestel en benadeel is in die proses om nuwe bevoegdighede te ontwikkel. Die probleme wat hierdie leerders ervaar het, is vererger deur 'n gebrek aan belangstelling, ondersteuning en motivering van onderwysers. Die studie beveel aan dat onderwysers ekstra ondersteuning ontvang om die uitdagings wat hulle met outomaties-bevorderde leerders ervaar, uit te skakel. Beleidmakers word aangemoedig om onderwysers te raadpleeg wanneer hulle beleide ontwikkel, en werkswinkels aan te bied wat die betekenis en implikasies van die beleid meedeel. Beleidmakers word ook aangemoedig om meganismes in plek te sit wat alle skole aanmoedig om nasionale beleide te implementeer. Die studie moedig aan dat ouers meer betrokke is by die implementering van die outomatiese leerderbevorderingsbeleid.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 123 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAcademic achievementen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation -- Standards -- Namibia -- Erongoen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational equilizationen_ZA
dc.subjectGrade retentionen_ZA
dc.subjectGrade repetitionen_ZA
dc.subjectChildren with disabilities -- Education (Early childhood) -- Namibia -- Erongoen_ZA
dc.subjectEarly childhood special education -- Namibia -- Erongoen_ZA
dc.subjectChildren with disabilities -- Services for -- Nambia -- Erongoen_ZA
dc.subjectNational Promotion Policy Guide for Junior and Senior Primary School Phaseen_ZA
dc.subjectNational Institute for Educational Development (Namibia) (NIED)en_ZA
dc.titleAn exploration of automatic learner promotion at three schools in Namibia: Implications for quality education.en_ZA
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