An exploratory study of organisational culture and employee commitment: a case study at a local municipality

dc.contributor.advisorMuller, Kobusen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAdams, Joy-Ann Rachelleen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Rooyen, Joy-Ann Rachelleen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Organisational culture and the understanding thereof can be regarded as a fundamental component within any organisation. Organisational culture determines how employees communicate with one another and also with various stakeholders. It also determines how, and at what rate certain tasks are performed. Understanding the culture within an organisation can help to determine why the organisation excels in certain tasks, but fails in others. It can also assist an organisation in understanding where strengths and weaknesses are present and what needs to be changed accordingly in order to see improvements. Commitment can be regarded as a component of organisational culture. The aim of this study was to assess certain aspects of organisational culture, including employee commitment within a municipality. Various models are available to assess and evaluate organisational culture. Although these models are diverse in their scope, they do have certain common elements. Six common elements emerged: innovation and creativity, leadership, participation in decision-making, organisational structure, communication and productivity. The commitment of employees to the organisation was also explored as an element of organisational culture. Quantitative and qualitative research was undertaken for this research paper. The quantitative research made use of an existing internal staff survey and secondary data were therefore used in this regard. The qualitative research made use of a focus group. The questions used for the focus group were derived from the internal staff survey. It is clear from the findings of this study that there is a large disconnect between ground-level staff and senior management with regard to innovation and creativity, leadership, participation in decision-making and commitment. The ordinary employees are of the view that the organisation is innovative and that they are highly committed. However as with many other municipalities, the local municipality has a culture of malicious compliance. In fact, one could argue that strict compliance regulations are proving to be a major deterrent in getting tasks done efficiently and it ultimately also hinders innovation. The local municipality will need to implement a number of changes in order to address these varying views and take corrective action to ensure improved service delivery.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die kultuur van ‘n organisasie en die begrip daarvan kan beskou word as ‘n integrerende deel binne enige organisasie. Dit bepaal hoe werknemers met mekaar en met verskillende rolspelers kommunikeer. Dit bepaal ook hoe en teen watter tempo take uitgevoer word. Begrip van die kultuur binne ‘n organisasie kan help om te bepaal waarom sekere take suksesvol uitgevoer word en ander nie. Dit kan ook bydra om ‘n organisasie te help om hul sterk en swakpunte te identifiseer, ten einde vordering en verandering te weeg te bring. Pligsgetrouheid kan gesien word as ‘n komponent van organisatoriese kultuur. Die doel van hierdie studie was om sekere aspekte van organisatoriese kultuur te bepaal, insluitend werknemers se pligsgetrouheid binne ‘n munisipaliteit. Daar is verskeie voorbeelde om organisatoriese kultuur te assesseer en, te evalueer. Alhoewel hierdie voorbeelde uiteenlopend in omvang is, het hulle sekere elemente in gemeen. Ses elemente het as gemeen voorgekom: innovering en kreatiwiteit, leierskap, deelname in besluitneming, organisatoriese strukture, kommunikasie en produktiwiteit. Organisatoriese pligsgetrouheid was ook ondersoek as ‘n element van die kultuur van ‘n organisasie. Kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsing is onderneem in hierdie studie. Die kwantitatiewe navorsing het gebruik gemaak van ‘n bestaande interne personeel opname en sekondere data was dus gebruik. Die kwalitatiewe navorsing het ‘n fokusgroep gebruik. Die vrae vir die fokusgroep was verkry van die interne personeel opname. Die bevindings van die navorsingstudie dui op n groot verskil tussen die grondvlak werknemer, en die senior bestuur met betrekking tot innovering en kreatiwiteit, leierskap, deelname aan besluitneming en pligsgetrouheid. Grondvlak personeel is van mening dat die organisasie innoverend is en dat hulle hoogs pligsgetrou is maar die plaaslike munisipaliteit het ‘n moedswilliger inskiklike kultuur soos by baie ander munisipaliteite, wat innovering belemmer. Dit sal vereis dat die plaaslike munisipaliteit sekere veranderinge moet implimenteer om hierdie uiteenlopende siening aan te spreek deur regstellende aksie te neem om dienslewering te verbeter.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxv, 175 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectCorporate culture -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectOrganizational commitment -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleAn exploratory study of organisational culture and employee commitment: a case study at a local municipalityen_ZA
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