A professional development enquiry : teacher pedagogical content knowledge to support reading comprehension of non-mother-tongue speakers

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This study investigated and addressed the professional development needs of teachers to improve their pedagogies regarding the reading comprehension of non-mother-tongue speakers in Afrikaans-medium classes. A professional development programme was designed and implemented based on collected data. The investigation was undertaken against the background of the poor overall achievement of pupils in the national systemic evaluations and international assessment studies, which is currently a cause of great concern. Teachers have indicated that they feel frustrated and overwhelmed, because they do not have adequate knowledge to support the non-mother-tongue speakers in their classes. Therefore, they have expressed the need for professional development to assist them to improve their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in this regard. Action research as part of a mixed method approach was the design of choice for this study. Empirical data were generated by two cycles of this action research study. In this way, research questions could be explored without the constraints of using only one research method. The main approaches to data collection were quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (questionnaires, teacher journals, observations and interviews with the participating teachers). The data collection was supported by a literature study that investigated the professional development of teachers, reading models, approaches and strategies as well as comprehension strategies with specific reference to non-mother-tongue speakers. The study was based on the theories of constructivism and socio-constructivism as underpinning theories for the development of literacy skills. As this study included the professional development of teachers, a theoretical framework that addresses their knowledge base and the degree to which their continued professional development and growth should be supported was adopted. Teacher learning and the development of their PCK as described by Shulman were therefore included. The study found that the professional development programme may have had a positive influence on the PCK of the participating teachers regarding reading models and strategies as well as comprehension strategies. Similarly, the programme may have resulted in increased implementation of these strategies in their classes, as indicated by the 92% of participants who explicitly taught comprehension strategies after the conclusion of the professional development programme. The results show that the participants’ implementation of action research may have contributed to effective application of reading and reading comprehension strategies. The responsibility to ensure that pre- and in-service teachers receive professional development, which includes the appropriate methodologies and strategies to adequately support the literacy skills of non-mother-tongue speakers, lies with universities and the Department of Basic Education. The study, its findings and recommendations can therefore be used as a resource for the development of training programmes to improve teacher PCK regarding the enhancement of the reading comprehension of non-mother-tongue speakers.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie ondersoek die professionele ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van onderwysers met betrekking tot die bevordering van die leesbegrip van nie-moedertaalsprekers in Afrikaansmediumklasse. Gebaseer op die data wat gegenereer is, is ‘n professionele ontwikkelingsprogram ontwerp en geїmplementeer. Hierdie ondersoek is onderneem teen die agtergrond van die swak prestasie van leerlinge in nasionale sistemiese toetse asook internasionale assesserings. Onderwysers het aangedui dat hulle oorweldig en gefrustreed voel, omdat hulle nie oor die nodige kennis beskik om die nie-moedertaalsprekers in hulle klasse te ondersteun nie. Dus het hulle die behoefte uitgespreek om professionele ontwikkeling te ondergaan sodat hulle pedagogiese inhoudskennis in die verband uitgebrei kan word. Hierdie studie het ‘n gemengde navorsingsbenadering gevolg. Empiriese data is gegenereer deur aksienavorsing wat onder andere twee siklusse behels het. Die navorsingsvrae kon dus sonder die beperkinge van slegs een navorsingsmetode verken word. Data is op die volgende wyses gegenereer: kwantitatiewe data (vraelyste) en kwalitatiewe data (vraelyste, onderwysersjoernale, klaskamerobservasies en onderhoude met onderwysers). Die literatuurstudie gee ‘n oorsig van die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers, leesmodelle, -benaderings en -strategieë sowel as leesbegripstrategieë. Konstruktivisme en sosio-konstruktivisme is geïdentifiseer as die teoretiese begronding vir die vestiging van geletterdheidsvaardighede. Aangesien hierdie studie die professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers behels, is ‘n teoretiese raamwerk wat hulle voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling en groei in ag neem oorweeg. Dus is onderwyserkennis asook die ontwikkeling van hulle pedagogiese inhoudskennis soos beskryf deur Shulman as teoretiese raamwerk ingesluit. Bevindinge voor die aanvang van die studie dui daarop dat die meerderheid van respondente geen professionele ontwikkeling ondergaan het aangaande die bevordering van lees- en leesbegripstrategieë van nie-moedertaalsprekers in hulle Afrikaansmediumklasse nie. Voorts het 84% van die respondente aangedui dat hulle nie leesbegripstrategieë eksplisiet onderrig nie. Bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat die professionele ontwikkelingsprogram moontlik ‘n positiewe invloed op die pedagogiese inhoudskennis van die deelnemende onderwysers rakende leesmodelle en -strategieë sowel as leesbegripstrategieë gehad het. Eweneens kon dit gelei het tot die verhoogte implementering van leesbegripstrategieë in hulle klasse soos aangedui deur 92% van die onderwysers wat na afsluiting van die professionele ontwikkelingsprogram, leesbegripstrategieë eksplisiet onderrig. Voorts dui die resultate daarop dat aksienavorsing moontlik ‘n bydrae kon lewer tot die effektiewe toepassing van lees- en leesbegripstrategieë in hulle klasse. Die verantwoordelikheid rus op die Departement van Basiese Onderwys en universiteite om te verseker dat voor- en nagraadse onderwysers professionele ontwikkeling ontvang sodat hulle oor die nodige pedagogiese kennis en metodes beskik om effektiewe ondersteuning aan die geletterheidsvaardighede van nie-moedertaalsprekers te bied. Die studie, sy bevindinge en aanbevelings kan dus as verwysing dien wanneer professionele ontwikkeling van onderwysers beplan word. Dit geld met spesifieke verwysing na die bevordering van hulle pedagogiese inhoudskennis aangaande lees- en leesbegripstrategieë van nie-moedertaalsprekers.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Career development, Reading comprehension, Afrikaans language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Curricula, Non-native language and education, UCTD