'n Bedryfsielkundige ondersoek na die bruikbaarheid van die Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as spanontwikkelingsinstrument

dc.contributor.advisorCalitz, C. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVerster, L. G.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionTesis (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1993.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractIt used to be that an entrepreneur could build a company on his own. Those days are gone. Today's business environment is so complex and in such a continual state of change that success often depends on the outputs of teams or work groups rather than the efforts of a single person. The necessity for people to work in teams, has led to the development of team development and team building strategies. An instrument often used in this capacity is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This psychological instrument is based on Carl Jung's theory of personality types and reports preferences and styles of interaction. Many authors describe the use of the MBTI as a team development instrument, but there seems to be a lack of supportive empirical evidence. This study attempts to investigate the use of the MBTI as a team development instrument to enhance the climate and effectiveness of a team. Teams working in a public service sector, and management teams of different companies took part in MBTI team development sessions. The hypothesis stating that there would be a significant difference in the climate and effectiveness of teams after MBTI team development, were investigated. With the teams in the public sector an effort was made to measure the climate and effectiveness of three experimental groups and a control group before and after the experimental treatment. The same procedure was planned for the management teams. The data of the control group of the teams in the public service sector could not be obtained at the second measurement. The analysis of the data of the experimental teams indicated no significant support for the hypothesis. With further analysis a significant correlation between team climate and team effectiveness was found. The composition of personality types in the teams and the implications thereof are discussed. It came to light that the management teams were not actual work teams, therefore the second measurement was not carried out with these groups. The composition of types within these teams were analysed, discussed and compared to similar research. A number of conclusions and suggestions for further research are made.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die dae dat 'n entrepreneur alleen 'n hele organisasie kan opbou is verby. Vandag se besigheidsomgewing is so kompleks en gedurig aan die verander, dat sukses dikwels afhang van die uitsette van spanne of werkgroepe, eerder as die pogings van een enkele persoon. Môre se bestuurders sal die leiers van spanne wees en daarom is dit noodsaaklik dat hulle spandinamika moet verstaan, asook hoe om spanne suksesvol te bestuur. Die nodigheid vir mense om al meer in spanverband saam te werk, het aanleiding gegee tot die ontwikkeling van die veld van spanbou en spanontwikkeling. 'n Instrument wat dikwels hiervoor gebruik word, is die Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Hierdie sielkundige instrument is gebaseer op Carl Jung se teorie van persoonlikheidstipes en dui persone se voorkeure en interaksiestyle aan. In die literatuur is daar baie skrywers wat die bruikbaarheid van die MBTI as spanontwikkelingsinstrument beskryf, maar die empiriese getuienis hievoor blyk baie min te wees. Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na die bruikbaarheid van die MBTI as spanontwikkelinginstrument om die klimaat en effektiwiteit van 'n span te verbeter. Spanne wat werksaam is in 'n openbare dienssektor, asook bestuurspanne van verskillende ondernemings, het deelgeneem aan MBTI-spanontwikkelingsessies. Die hipotese(s) is ondersoek of daar 'n beduidende verandering plaasvind in die klimaat en effektiwiteit van spanne nadat hulle deelgeneem het aan MBTI-spanontwikkeling. By die openbare dienssektor is daar gepoog om die klimaat en effektiwiteit van drie eksperimentele spanne en 'n kontrole groep te meet voor en na die eksperimentele behandeling. Dieselfde prosedure is beplan vir die bestuurspanne. By die eersgenoemde spanne kon die data van die kontrolegroep by die nameting egter nie verkry word nie. By die ontleding van die eksperimentele spanne se data, kon daar geen beduidende ondersteuning vir die gestelde hipoteses gevind word nie. Met verdere ontledings is daar egter bevind dat daar wel 'n beduidende verband tussen die spanklimaat en spaneffektiwiteit was. Die tipe-samestelling van die spanne en die implikasies daarvan word ook bespreek. By die bestuurspanne is daar nie voortgegaan met die nameting nie, aangesien dit aan die lig gekom het dat hierdie groepe nie werklike spanne was nie. Die tipe-samestelling van hierdie groepe bestuurders is wel ontleed, bespreek en vergelyk met soortgelyke navorsing. 'n Aantal gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings vir verder navorsing word gemaak.af_ZA
dc.format.extent238 pages : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMyers-Briggs Type Indicatoren_ZA
dc.subjectTeams in the workplaceen_ZA
dc.subjectPersonality testsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.title'n Bedryfsielkundige ondersoek na die bruikbaarheid van die Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as spanontwikkelingsinstrumentaf_ZA
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