Pastorale berading as deel van die multidissiplinêre voortgesette behandeling van middelafhanklike persone

dc.contributor.advisorThesnaar, C. H.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Wyk, Danielen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research investigates the current contribution of pastoral counseling to the continuous care of persons recovering from substance abuse in the Western Cape from the viewpoint of increasing the involvement of pastoral counselors in this regard. Although the treatment of substance abuse can be discussed from a variety of research fields, it is the belief of the researcher that pastoral counseling, within the research field of practical theology, can contribute to the continuous care of persons recovering from substance abuse. People recovering from substance abuse report a negative affect of the disease on their spiritual lives, which often requires them to seek treatment for problems involving themes like forgiveness or a search for meaning and identity. Current literature, as well as empirical findings, suggest that there is a lack of pastoral counseling being provided to persons recovering from substance abuse in the Western Cape, specifically during the phase of continuous treatment. Findings also suggest the need for cooperation between pastoral counselors and other treatment providers like the CAD (Christian Action for Dependence). The researcher does not portray the lack of pastoral counseling as the only reason for a lack of continuous care services in the Western Cape, but views the lack of pastoral counseling as a contributing factor in this regard. The overall aim of this study is to present a practical model that could be used by pastoral counselors within their faith communities to increase the support and treatment provided to persons in the continuous phase of the recovery process of substance abuse. A sample was taken to determine the current climate of continuous care treatment in the Western Cape. Individual interviews were conducted with the directors of four treatment institutions responsible for a wide variety of treatment options available in the Western Cape. This study proved that there is a lack of informed and trained therapists that are able to provide continuous treatment for persons recovering from substance abuse. The study also proved the lack of pastoral counselors that can provide this treatment, even though pastoral counselors are in a good position to do so. Feedback received from the directors of four treatment institutions in the Western Cape would suggest that there is a lack of awareness amongst pastoral counselors as to the true nature of substance abuse as a chronic illness and the needs of the person in recovery. The research also found that pastoral counselors should be made aware of the way in which pastoral counseling can contribute to the continuous treatment of substance abuse, the current needs of persons in recovery that are not being met and the way in which pastoral counselors can work to effect change within their faith communities.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die rol wat pastorale berading tans speel tydens die voortgesette behandeling van middelafhanklikheid in die Wes-Kaap, met die oog daarop om die betrokkenheid van pastorale beraders in hierdie verband te verbeter. Hoewel middelafhanklikheid uit meer as een studieveld benader kan word, is dit die navorser se oortuiging dat pastorale berading in die studieveld van die praktiese teologie ’n rol kan speel in die voortgesette behandeling van die middelafhanklike persoon. Aangesien ook ’n persoon se geloofslewe geraak word deur middelafhanklikheid, is daar dikwels die behoefte by pasiënte om pastorale berading te ontvang vir spirituele probleme soos onvergewensgesindheid of ’n soeke na identiteit en betekenis. Die beskikbare literatuur sowel as die praktyk dui ’n gaping aan in die rol wat pastorale berading kan speel tydens die voortgesette behandeling van ’n middelafhanklike persoon, spesifiek in die konteks van die Wes-Kaap, asook in die samewerking tussen pastorale beraders en ander aktiewe rolspelers soos die CAD (Christelike Afhanklikheidsdiens). Die navorser stel dit egter nie as feit dat pastorale beraders se betrokkenheid die enigste oorsaak van ’n tekort aan voortgesette behandeling is nie, maar wel dat dit een van die bydraende faktore is. Die oorkoepelende doelstelling van hierdie navorsing is om ’n model voor te stel wat deur pastorale beraders, as leiers in hulle afsonderlike geloofsgemeenskappe, gebruik kan word om meer betrokke te raak by voortgesette behandeling. ’n Steekproef is gedoen om te bepaal hoe voortgesette behandeling tans in die Wes-Kaap benader word. Individuele onderhoude is gevoer met die bestuurders van vier verskillende behandelingsinstansies. Alhoewel slegs vier rolspelers by die navorsing betrek is, dek hulle werksaamhede ’n wye spektrum van behandeling in die Wes-Kaap. In hierdie navorsing is bewys dat daar tans ’n gebrek is aan voortgesette behandeling wat aan pasiënte in die Wes-Kaap gebied word deurdat daar nie genoeg opgeleide/ingeligte terapeute is wat hierdie diens lewer nie. Daar is ook ’n beperkte betrokkenheid van pastorale beraders in hierdie verband, alhoewel hulle dikwels in ’n goeie posisie is om voortgesette behandeling aan middelafhanklike persone en hul gesinne te bied. Die terugvoering van diensverskaffers in die veld van middelafhanklikheid het aangedui dat pastorale beraders dikwels onbewus is van die werklike aard van middelafhanklikheid as ’n chroniese siekte en die behoeftes van die middelafhanklike persoon. Laastens het die navorsing bevind dat pastorale beraders bewus moet word van die rol wat hulle kan speel tydens voortgesette behandeling, die behoeftes waaraan tans nie voldoen word nie en die manier hoe hulle te werk kan gaan om verandering in hul geloofsgemeenskappe te bewerkstellig.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 127 pages : illustrations (color)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZAa
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPastoral counselingen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstance abuseen_ZA
dc.subjectRehabilitation counselingen_ZA
dc.titlePastorale berading as deel van die multidissiplinêre voortgesette behandeling van middelafhanklike personeen_ZA
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