Monitoring stress and recovery among u/20 rugby union players over a training season

dc.contributor.advisorVenter, R. E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNel, Trudineen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stress and recovery plays an important role in the performance of semi-professional rugby players. Physiological and psychological markers have been established as reliable indicators of the recovery-stress state in athletes. Monitoring changes in the recovery-stress state enables the coaching staff to adapt training sessions to enhance performance. The aim of this study was to monitor changes in stress and recovery states among U-20 rugby union players during a training year. Relationships regarding monitoring variables and differences in stress and recovery between playing positions were examined. 55 Players between the ages of 18 and 20 were monitored for 27 weeks, over a training year. The training year was divided into 5 training phases: Developing phase (week 1 – 7), Transitional phase (week 8 - 11), Early Competition phase (week 12 - 17), Performance phase (week 18 – 24), and High Performance phase (week 25 - 27). Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) for sessions were reported on a daily basis. The Heart-rate Interval Monitoring System (HIMS) test was run every week. The Stellenbosch Mood Scale (STEMS) and Self-Report questionnaires were completed on a weekly basis, and the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire (RESTQ-76-Sport) was completed once a month. Backline players physically recovered better and faster than the forwards throughout the training year, while the forwards exhibited better psychological coping methods. The backline players had significant higher scores for the Depression (p = 0.03), Anger (p = 0.009), and Confusion (p = 0.01) scales of the STEMS. The Total Mood Disturbance scores were also significantly higher (p = 0.03) for the backline players than the forwards during the Performance phase. The backline players experienced increased stress and decreased feelings of well-being during the competitive phases when compared to the forwards. The backline players had better physical recovery than the forwards after the high intensity and high volume Developing phase. Correlations were evident between the HIMS test and the RESTQ-76-Sport questionnaire. Additional correlations were found between training load, as well as training monotony and training strain, and scales of the RESTQ-76-Sport and STEMS questionnaires. Lack of psychological skills-training might also have resulted in the players not knowing how to properly handle stressful situations and how to regulate their stress and recovery states. The lack of an educational system regarding recovery strategies, and the reinforcement thereof, especially during the Developing phases might play a role in the later increased fatigue and injury rates among the players.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stres en herstel speel 'n groot rol in die prestasie van semi-professionele rugby spelers. Fisiologiese en sielkundige merkers is vasgestel as betroubare aanwysers ten opsigte van die stress-herstel toestand van atlete. Die monitoring van veranderinge in hierdie toestand kan die afrigtings-personeel help om die oefensessies aan te pas om optimale prestasie te verseker. Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om veranderinge in stres en herstel toestande in O/20 rugby unie spelers, oor 'n oefenjaar, te moniteer. Verhoudinge in monitering veranderlikes en moontlike verskille in die stress en herstel toestand tussen die voorspelers en agterspelers is ondersoek. 55 Spelers tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 20 is vir 27 weke, oor 'n oefenjaar, gemonitor. Die oefenjaar was onderverdeel in vyf oefenfases nl. die Ontwikkelingsfase (week 1 – 7), die Oorskakelingsfase (week 8 – 11), die Vroeë Kompetisiefase (week 12 – 17), die Prestasiefase (week 18 – 25), en laastens die Hoë Prestasiefase (week 25 – 27). Spelers het daagliks hul “Rate of Perceived Exertion‟s” aangedui vir elke oefensessie. Die “Heart-rate Interval System” toets (HIMS) was een keer 'n week gehardloop. Die “Stellenbosch Mood States” (STEMS) en Selfrapporteringsvraelyste was op 'n weeklikse basis ingevul en die “Recovery-Stress Questionnaire-Sport” (RESTQ-76-Sport) was een keer 'n maand ingevul. Agterspelers het deur die jaar fisies beter en vinniger as die voorspeler herstel, terwyl die voorspelers beter sielkundige beheer getoon het. Die agterlyn se tellings vir die Depressie (p = 0.03), Woede (p = 0.009), en Vervanging (p = 0.01) skale van die STEMS was betekenisvol hoër as die telling van die voorspelers. Die Totale Gemoedsversteuringstellings was ook betekenisvol hoër vir die agterlyn as die voorspelers tydens die Prestasiefase (p = 0.03). Die agterspelers het toenemende stres tydens die kompetitisie fases ervaar, sowel as 'n afname in die gevoel van Welsyn. Die agterlyn het beter fisiese herstel na die hoë intensiteit en hoë volume Ontwikkelingsfase as die voorspelers getoon. Korrelasies is gevind tussen die HIMS en die RESTQ-76-Sport. Verdere korrelasies is ook tussen “training load”, sowel as “training monotony” en “training strain”, en sekere skale van die RESTQ-76-Sport en STEMS vraelyste gevind. Die tekort aan sielkundige tegniek-ontwikkeling kon bydrae tot die spelers se verwardheid rondom die hantering van stresvolle situasies en hoe om hul stres en herstel toestande te reguleer. Die afwesigheid van „n opvoedkundige sisteem rondom herstel strategieë, en die toepassing daarvan, veral tydens die Ontwikkelingsfases, mag moontlik 'n rol speel in latere toenames in vermoeienis en getal beserings onder die spelers.af_ZA
dc.format.extent283 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectFRugby Union football players -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football injuries -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Sport scienceen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Sport scienceen_ZA
dc.subjectStress (Psycology)en_ZA
dc.titleMonitoring stress and recovery among u/20 rugby union players over a training seasonen_ZA
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