Stress in a college workplace and its relationship with certain correlates and predictive variables

dc.contributor.advisorLe Roux, Marieanna C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorJonker, Lorraine Cathrineen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT : Educational reform in South Africa has been a major part of the country’s reconstruction and development projects since the 1994 democratic elections. The previous racially based education had to be replaced by an education system that emphasized human dignity, equality and social justice. Unfortunately this transformation had to take place with limited funding and resources. In a study of educators, 94% of teachers reported that teaching was more stressful now than in previous years. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges (previously FET Colleges) in South Africa have been transformed intensively, according to a Western Cape Education Study (WCES). Lecturers have been re-trained to accommodate the new curriculum and there has been a shift to outcomes based teaching and a specific assessment and moderation regime. Excessive overload caused by long syllabuses and assessment requirements is a problem, as well as administration overload associated with assessments. The aim of the study was to identify levels of stress overload and to investigate its relationship with specific correlates and predictive variables among lecturers. A convenience sample of 145 lecturers was recruited from a public TVET college in Gauteng. Data collection was done with self-administered questionnaires. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis indicated that organizational constraints, interpersonal conflict at work, and distress tolerance were significant predictors of stress overload (PV). Organizational constraints, quantitative workload and distress tolerance were significant predictors of stress overload (EL) and organizational constraints, distress tolerance, gender and quantitative workload were significant predictors of stress overload (TS). It is recommended that future research use this study as a basis for comparison as very little college stress-related research is available and it may also be helpful in the development of interventions to alleviate stress overload among college lecturers.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Opvoedkundige transformasie in Suid-Afrika was na die 1994 demokratiese verkiesing ‘n prioriteit in die land se rekonstruksie en ontwikkeling. Die vorige ras gebasseerde onderwysstelsel moes vervang word met ‘n onderwysstelsel wat menswaardigheid, gelykheid en reg laat geskied. Ongelukkig moes die transformasie plaasvind met beperkte fondse en bronne. In ‘n opvoeder studie het 94% van die onderwysers gerapporteer dat onderwys nou meer stresvol is as in vorige jare. Volgens ‘n Wes-Kaap Onderwys Departement Studie (WKODS), is voortgesette Onderwys en Ontwikkeling (VOO) kolleges in Suid-Afrika intensief getransformeer. Personeel moes opgelei word om die nuwe kurrikulum te akkommodeer en daar was ‘n beweging na uitkoms gebasseerde onderwys en ‘n spesifieke assesserings en moderasie proses. Oorlading as gevolg van lang sillabusse en asseseringsvereistes is ‘n probleem, tesame met administratiewe oorlading geassosieer met assesserings. Die doel van die studie was om vlakke van stres oorlading te identifiseer en ook om ondersoek in te stel na die verhouding wat dit het tot spesifieke korrelate en voorspellende veranderlikes by lektore. ‘n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 145 lektore in Gauteng is gewerf. Data invordering is gedoen deur self-geadministreerde vraelyste. Die resultate van die liniêre meervoudige regressie analiese toon dat organisatoriese beperking, interpersoonlike konflik by die werk en benoudheid verdraagsaamheid beduidende voorspellers van stres oorlading (Persoonlike kwesbaarheid) was. Organisatoriese beperkinge, kwalitatiewe werkslading en benoudheid verdraagsaamheid was beduidende voorspellers van stress oorlading (Gebeurtenisvrag). Wat die totaaltelling aanbetref was organisatoriese beperkinge, benoudheid verdraagsaamheid, geslag en kwantitatiewe werkslading beduidende voorspellers van stres. Dit word aanbeveel dat toekomstige navorsing die huidige studie as ‘n basis van vergelyking kan gebruik omdat daar min navorsing oor stres onder kollege lektore gedoen is. Dit kan ook behulpsaam wees in die ontwikkeling van intervensies om stres oorlading in kollege lektore te verminder.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 133 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectJob stress -- Gauteng -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectTechnical Vocational Education and Training Colleges (TVET) -- Gauteng -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectCollege teachers -- Workload -- Gauteng -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectOrganizational constraintsen_ZA
dc.titleStress in a college workplace and its relationship with certain correlates and predictive variablesen_ZA
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