The founding of the Unisa international piano competition

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The first textual reference to the founding of the Unisa International Piano Competition appeared in a letter from the Director (professional) of the Unisa Department of Music Examinations, Hennie Joubert, to Unisa’s rector, Theo van Wijk, dated March 9, 1979. This research presents a factual timeline for the conception, organisation and execution of the first Unisa International Piano Competition held in Pretoria between January 20 and February 2, 1982. The thesis introduces background information on the founder of the competition: Hennie Joubert, his subsequent influence on the Unisa examination system and events leading up to the founding of the competition. Through primary archival research, subsequent chapters detail for the first time the work of the competition's planning committees, down to the details of practical organisational considerations, culminating in the presentation of the first competition. The scope of the study is limited to the founding of the competition, and opens rich new avenues for follow-up research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die eerste skriftelike verwysing na die stigting van die Unisa Internasionale Klavierkompetisie vesrkyn in 'n brief op 9 Maart 1979 aan Theo van Wijk (rektor van Unisa) vanaf die Direkteur (professioneel) van Unisa se Departement van Musiek Eksaminering, Hennie Joubert. Hierdie navorsing skep 'n feitelike tydslyn vir die konsepsie, organisering, en aanbieding van die eerste Unisa Internasionale Klavierkompetisie, wat in Pretoria gehou is vanaf 20 Januarie tot 2 Februarie 1982. Die tesis skets 'n agtergrond van die stigterslid, Hennie Joubert, sy gevolglike invloed op die Unisa eksaminerings sisteem, en gebeure wat tot die stigting van die kompetisie gelei het. Primêre argief navorsing maak dit vir die eerste keer moontlik om in die opvolgende hoofstukke die beplanningskomitees se werk in detail te skets. Dit sluit organisatoriese oorwegings in wat uiteindelik in die aanbieding van die eerste kompetisie kulmineer. Die omvang van die studie is beperk tot die stigting van die kompetisie, en open ryk velde vir opvolg navorsing.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.