Physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying shoot manipulation strategies with the plant growth regulator ethephon for the improvement of flowering in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) cv. ‘Mauritius’

dc.contributor.advisorHoffman, E. W. en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorTheron, K. I.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorHuang, X. M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorCronje, Regina Barbaraen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Agrisciences. Dept. of Horticulture.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhDAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2023. en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Erratic flowering is a major challenge in most litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) producing countries, including South Africa. In recent decades, above-average temperatures in autumn and early winter have increased the incidence of vegetative shoot growth prior to floral induction, further exacerbating irregular flowering and rendering the conventional ethephon shoot control measures less effective. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of ethephon applied to mature terminal shoots for its potential to prevent shoot growth prior to floral induction, to delay panicle emergence to a period with consistently low temperature and to promote carbohydrate accumulation for improved flowering and yield compared with conventional spot spray applications to emerging, immature vegetative shoots. In a four-year orchard-based study, ethephon was applied to ‘Mauritius’ trees, either as single or double whole-canopy spray at 500, 750 and 1000 mg⋅L⁻¹, each at three different dates between autumn and early winter, or as a combination of whole-canopy spray at first signs of shoot growth and spot sprays on developing shoots, in two climatically different production areas of South Africa. All whole-canopy treatments were compared with the conventional spot spray applications at 1000 mg⋅L⁻¹ and untreated trees. Results revealed that whole-canopy ethephon applications to mature terminal shoots successfully inhibited pre-induction vegetative shoot growth in a dose-dependent manner, subsequently delaying panicle emergence to a cooler period, which promoted carbohydrate accumulation, improved inflorescence quality, flowering rate and yield without delaying fruit maturity, compared with spot-sprayed and untreated trees. The date of application played an important role in the efficacy of ethephon applications, with higher ethephon concentrations being more beneficial under warmer conditions, such as in early autumn or generally in warm areas, while lower concentrations were sufficient for applications later in autumn and early winter. In a second study, ethylene evolution as well as phenological, physiological and molecular changes underlying ethephon application and its associations with bud dormancy and flowering were investigated, by comparing a single whole-canopy ethephon application at 1000 mg⋅L⁻¹ to mature terminal shoots with untreated trees. Ethylene evolution peaked in leaves on the day of application with a rapid decline thereafter, but persisted in buds for seven days before gradually declining. Ethephon application significantly increased relative expression of LcEIN3 and LcFLC in terminal buds one day after application, while LcFT2 expression in leaves and LcAP1 expression in terminal buds were significantly increased at the bud break stage. The ethephon treatment also significantly increased soluble sugar concentrations in leaves and shoots at the bud break or floral initiation stage. The current study provided evidence that ethephon application plays an important role in the physiological and molecular regulation of bud dormancy and subsequent floral regulation of litchi. By preventing pre-flowering shoot growth and influencing the time of bud break, ethephon application to mature terminal shoots proved to be a more effective than conventional spot spray applications and can be a powerful tool to manage panicle emergence under less inductive conditions. Moreover, the modified use of ethephon contributes to the sustainability and expansion of the South African litchi industry. en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wisselvallige blom is 'n groot uitdaging in die meeste lietsjie (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) produserende lande, insluitend Suid-Afrika. In die afgelope dekades het bogemiddelde temperature in die herfs en vroeë winter die voorkoms van vegetatiewe lootgroei voor blominduksie verhoog, wat onreëlmatige blom vererger het en die konvensionele lootbeheermaatreëls met etefon minder doeltreffend gemaak het. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die effek van etefon wat op volwasse terminale lote toegedien word, te ondersoek vir die potensiaal om lootgroei voor blominduksie te voorkom, om die opkoms van bloeiwyses tot 'n tydperk met konstante lae temperatuur te vertraag, en om koolhidraatakkumulasie te bevorder vir verbeterde blom en opbrengs in vergelyking met die onvensionele kolbespuitings op ontwikkelende, onvolwasse vegetatiewe lote. In hierdie vier-jaar boord-gebaseerde studie, is etefon op 'Mauritius' bome toegedien in twee klimaatverskillende produksiegebiede van Suid-Afrika, hetsy as enkel- of dubbel heelboom bespuiting teen 500, 750 en 1000 mg⋅L⁻¹, elk op drie verskillende datums tussen herfs en vroeë winter, of as 'n kombinasie van heelboom bespuiting by eerste tekens van lootgroei en kolbespuitings op ontwikkelende lote,. Alle heelboom behandelings is vergelyk met konvensionele kolbespuitings teen 1000 mg⋅L⁻¹ asook onbehandelde bome. Resultate het getoon dat heelboom toedienings op volwasse terminale lote voor blominduksie die vegetatiewe lootgroei suksesvol geïnhibeer het, wat die opkoms van blompluime na 'n koeler tydperk vertraag het, koolhidraatakkumulasie bevorder het, kwaliteit van bloeiwyses, blompersentasie en opbrengs verbeter het sonder om rugrypheid te vertraag, in vergelyking met kolbespuiting en onbehandelde bome. Die datum van toediening het 'n belangrike rol gespeel in die doeltreffendheid van etefontoedienings. Hoër etefonkonsentrasies was meer voordelig onder warmer toestande, soos in die vroeë herfs of algemeen in warm gebiede, terwyl laer konsentrasies voldoende was vir toedienings later in die herfs en vroeë winter. In 'n tweede studie is etileen evolusie sowel as fenologiese, fisiologiese en molekulêre veranderinge onderliggend aan etefontoediening en in assosiasies met dormansie van ogies en lomvorming ondersoek, deur 'n enkele heelboom etefontoediening teen 1000 mg⋅L⁻¹ met volwasse terminale lote te vergelyk met onbehandelde bome. Etileen evolusie het 'n hoogtepunt bereik in blare op die dag van toediening met 'n vinnige afname daarna, maar het vir sewe dae in ogies voortgeduur voordat dit geleidelik afgeneem het. Etefon toediening het die relatiewe uitdrukking van LcEIN3 en LcFLC in terminale ogies een dag na toediening aansienlik verhoog, terwyl LcFT2 uitdrukking in blare en LcAP1 uitdrukking in terminale ogies aansienlik toegeneem het tydens die knopbreekstadium. Die etefon behandeling het ook die oplosbare uikerkonsentrasies in blare en lote aansienlik verhoog tydens die knopbreek- of blominisiasiestadium. Die huidige studie het bewys dat etefontoediening 'n belangrike rol speel in die fisiologiese en molekulêre regulering van knopdormansie en daaropvolgende blomregulering van lietsjie. Deur lootgroei te voorkom en die tyd van knopbreek te beïnvloed, het tefontoediening op volwasse eindlote bewys dat dit meer effektief is as konvensionele kolbespuitings en dat dit 'n kragtige hulpmiddel kan wees om die tyd van blomontwikkeling onder minder induktiewe toestande te bestuur. Verder dra die gewysigde gebruik van etefon by tot die volhoubaarheid en uitbreiding van die Suid-Afrikaanse lietsjiebedryf.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshLitchi chinensis Sonn -- Growthen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPlant growth regulatorsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPlant regulators -- Environmental aspectsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshLitchi -- Floweringen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPlants -- Effect of ethephon onen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEthephon -- Physiological effecten_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPlant gene expressionen_ZA
dc.titlePhysiological and molecular mechanisms underlying shoot manipulation strategies with the plant growth regulator ethephon for the improvement of flowering in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) cv. ‘Mauritius’en_ZA
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