Overcoming the logistical challenges faced by the South African table grape phytosanitary cold treatment markets: A case study focusing on the Hex River and Berg River production areas

dc.contributor.advisorGoedhals-Gerber, Leila Louiseen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorPienaar, Marthinus Christiaanen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Logistics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : New phytosanitary cold treatment markets are opening and established markets are transforming to cold treatment markets. This poses a risk to the South African table grape industry, which is losing excessive amounts of money each year because of not complying with each market protocol. With the risks of markets closing, demand not being supplied on time and the preferred fruit quality not being achieved, it is crucial to research and propose potential solutions regarding the supply chain of the special cold treatment markets to preserve current and future markets. A standardised method must be implemented for the producers and exporters from the Hex River and Berg River production areas. This method must be more cost-effective, have shorter lead times from harvesting to supplying the customer and optimum cold chain management must be applied to eliminate temperature breaks. A mixed method approach was used to conduct the research. Secondary qualitative data was the first form of data gathered for the research through a review of current literature. Primary qualitative data in the form of interviews and observations were used to aid the understanding of the quantitative data and answer the research questions. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 31 role players in the table grape special cold treatment markets to determine the knowledge of the industry regarding exporting to these markets. The quantitative data source used was the insertion of 98 temperature monitoring devices into 24 pallets, divided into three concepts and eight trials. The research identified methods that could be used to limit the logistical challenges faced in the Hex River and Berg River production areas, achieve shorter lead times and ensure optimum cold chain management. The results showed that temperature breaks do occur from the packing stage until the fruit is loaded into the containers. The temperature breaks measured from the packing stage until the forced-air cooling stage are normal as the fruit is cooled down from packing. The temperature breaks measured from the last part of the forced-air cooling stage until the shipping stage were caused by mismanagement of the cold chain. Pallets were removed from forced-air cooling when the fruit was not cooled to the desired temperatures throughout the palletised pallet and in some cases the fruit was exposed to low temperatures of -1.5 °C for too long, causing fruit pulp temperatures of -1.5 °C and below. This research benefits the South African table grape industry by identifying the logistical challenges faced in the Hex River and Berg River production areas, identifying methods to reduce these challenges and ensuring that sound logistical practices are implemented. Delivering the product from the farm to the consumer in the shortest time, at the lowest cost, in the best possible condition and maintaining cold chain integrity intact at all times.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : fitosanitêre kouebehandeling markte word geskep en bestaande markte word omskep in kouebehandeling markte. Dit skep ‘n risiko vir die Suid Afrikaanse tafeldruiwe bedryf, wat jaarliks buitensporige bedrae geld verloor omdat daar nie voldoen word aan die vereiste protokol vir elke mark nie. Met die risikos van; markte wat toegang beperk of weier, aanvraag wat nie betyds gelewer word nie en vrugte wat nie aan die verkose kwaliteit voldoen nie, word dit deurslaggewend om oor die spesiale kouebehandeling markte navorsing te doen en potensiele oplossings voor te stel, wat huidige en toekomstige markte behoue sal laat bly. Die navorsing is gedoen deur van ‘n gemengde metode benadering gebruik te maak. Sekondêre kwalitatiewe data was die eerste vorm van data wat verkry was vir die navorsing, deur ‘n bestudering van huidige literatuur beskikbaar in die betrokke veld. Primêre kwalitatiewe data in die vorm van onderhoude en observasies was gebruik om te help om die kwantitatiewe data te verstaan en vrae in die navorsing te beantwoord. ‘n Self- geadministrateerde vraelys na 31 rolspelers in die spesiale kouebehandeling markte vir tafeldruiwe gestuur, om hul vlak van kennis aangaande die markte waarna hul uitvoer,vas te stel. Die kwantitatiewe data bron wat gebruik is, was die plasing van 98 temperatuur-moniterings toestelle in 24 palette, wat verdeel was in agt proewe, met elke proef onderworpe aan drie metings konsepte. Die navorsing het metodes geïndentifiseer wat gebruik kan word om; die logistieke uitdagings in die Hex Rivier produksie area te beperk, aflewerings-tydlyne te verkort en koueketting bestuur te optimaliseer. Die navorsing resultate het aangetoon dat daar verbrekings in die produk se temperatuur voorkom vanaf die verpakkings stadium totdat dit in die houers gelaai word. Die verbrekings in temperatuur wat gemeet word vanaf die verpakking stadium tot die geforseerde lugverkoeling fase is normaal omdat die vrugte verkoel word nadat die verpakking gedoen is. Die verbreking in temperatuur wat gemeet is vanaf die laaste fase van die geforseerde lugverkoeling proses tot die verskeepings fase was as gevolg van wanbestuur van die koueketting proses. Palette is verwyder uit die geforseerde lugverkoeling fasiliteit voordat dit volledig en dwarsdeur verkoel was tot die vereiste temperatuur. Gevalle is gevind waar die produk vir te ‘n lang periode bloot gestel was aan lae temperature van minus 1,5 °C, wat temperature van minus 1,5 °C en laer in die vlees van die vrugte veroorsaak het. Die navorsing hou voordele in vir die Suid Afrkaanse tafeldruiwe bedryf wat onder andere; die logistieke uitdagings in die Hex Rivier en Berg Rivier produksie areas indentifiseer, metodes indentifiseer wat die uitdagings kan verminder en so verseker dat gesonde en optimale logistieke praktyke geïmplementeer word. Dit sal gevolglik die voordele inhou van; lewering van die produk vanaf die plaas to by die verbruiker in die kortste moontlike tyd, teen die laagste koste, in die beste moontlike toestand en dat die intergiteit van die koueketting ten alle tye behoue bly.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxii, 229 pages ; illustrations, maps, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectCold storage industry -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectGrapes -- Precoolingen_ZA
dc.subjectTemperature control -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness logistics -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectGrape industry -- Hex River Formation (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectGrape industry -- Berg Estuary (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleOvercoming the logistical challenges faced by the South African table grape phytosanitary cold treatment markets: A case study focusing on the Hex River and Berg River production areasen_ZA
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