A case study on maximising the profitability of a form fill and seal machine by optimising interruption intervals

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The practice of delivering consumer liquids in sachets, as opposed to alternative disposable packaging, has gained significant ground in the market in recent years because of environmental considerations, the cost benefit of sachets, and the relatively simple machinery required to produce sachets. In this paper, data obtained from a form, fill and seal (FFS) sachet producing machine is analysed for financial feasibility. A statistical model is fitted to the data to optimise production interruptions, and the model’s relevance and value is confirmed on a second data set obtained from the same machine.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik om verbruikersvloeistowwe in sakkies eerder as alternatiewe weggooibare verpakkingsmateriaal af te lewer het beduidende vooruitgang gemaak in die mark in die onlangse verlede as gevolg van omgewingsvriendelikheid, die koste-voordeel van sakkies, en die relatief eenvoudige toerusting wat benodig word vir die produksie van sakkies. In hierdie artikel word data wat verkry is van ’n Vorm, Vul en Seël (VVS) sakkie vervaardigingsmasjien geanaliseer vir ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid. ’n Statistiese model word gepas oor die data om die produksie-onderbrekings te optimeer, en die model se toepaslikheid en waarde word bevestig met ’n tweede data-stel verkry van dieselfde masjien.
CITATION: Vlok, P. J. & Fourie, C. J. 2010. A case study on maximising the profitability of a form fill and seal machine by optimising interruption intervals. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 21(1): 179-191, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7166/21-1-76.
The original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
Consumer liquids -- Containers, Package goods industry, Packaging machinery, Sachets
Vlok, P. J. & Fourie, C. J. 2010. A case study on maximising the profitability of a form fill and seal machine by optimising interruption intervals. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 21(1): 179-191, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7166/21-1-76