Investigation into the participation of students with disabilites in HIV and AIDS programmes at the University of Johannesburg

dc.contributor.advisorLaas, Anjaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRamafola, Pearl Berlindaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management, Industrial Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to investigate the participation of students with disabilities on the HIV and AIDS programmes at the University of Johannesburg. METHOD: The researcher used the quantitative method, by administering questionnaires with mainly closed-ended questions and a limited number of open-ended questions to collect data from 40 participants of the University of Johannesburg’s four campuses. Students with disabilities have a support group called “DARE” (Demonstrating our Abilities and Recognizing Excellence) and the executive committee members of DARE distributed the questionnaires to some of the students, whilst other questionnaires were distributed at different campuses through the library and the primary health care facility. The study focused on knowledge about the existing policies and their applicability (HIV and AIDS policy, as well as the policy on people with disabilities), awareness and knowledge of existing HIV and AIDS programmes, participation on HIV programmes, barriers experienced by students in participation as well as ways to encourage students to participate in HIV initiatives. DATA ANALYSIS: Data was analyzed by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) programme, using descriptive statistics. RESULTS: The study indicated that most participants were aware of the existing HIV and AIDS programmes on campus, and it was easy for them to access HIV and AIDS information. Despite this finding, the conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the level of participation on HIV and AIDS programmes by students with disabilities at the University of Johannesburg is very low. CONCLUSION: The University of Johannesburg’s HIV and AIDS programmes have been well marketed on campus. However, involving students with disabilities in HIV committees, making HIV and AIDS policies fair and recruiting students with disabilities as peer educators, can help encourage participation of people with disabilities on HIV and AIDS programmes on campus.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DOEL: Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel oor die deelname van gestremde studente aan die MIV en VIGS-programme soos aangebied deur die Universiteit van Johannesburg. METODE: Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van ‘n kwantitatiewe metode van ondersoek. Daar is in totaal 40 deelnemers geidentifiseer en navorsingsvrae was hoofsaaklik ‘geslote-einde’ met n beperkte aantal ‘oop-einde’ vrae. Die ondersoek het gestrek oor die vier kampusse van die Universiteit van Johannesburg. Gestremde studente het ‘n ondersteuningsgroep, naamlik, ‘DARE’ (Demonstrating our Abilities and Recognizing Excellence). Die uitvoerenede lede van die ondersteuningsgroep het gehelp met die verspreiding van die navorsingsdokumentasie aan studente. Ander metodes van kommunikasie het plaasgevind via die studente biblioteek en die universiteit se primere gesondheidsfasiliteit. Die studie het gefokus op die kennis van studente met gestremdhede oor die universiteit se beleid en programme met betrekking tot MIV en VIGS. Daar is veral ondersoek ingestel oor hul kennis met betrekking tot die MIV-beleid asook die beleid oor mense met getremdhede. Verdere ondersoek het gehandel oor die vlak van bewustheid en kennis oor spesifieke programme van die universiteit, die deelname aan sulke programme, die weerstand of hindernisse wat ondervind word en studente se idees oor hoe om bewustheid en deelname te bevorder. DATA ANALISE: Data is geanaliseer by wyse van ‘n statistiese pakket spesifiek ontwerp vir die sosiale wetenskappe (SPSS). Die model maak gebruik van beskrywende statitiek wat relevant is vir die studie. RESULTATE: Die studie het getoon dat die meeste deelnemers bewus was van die huidige MIV en VIGS-programme. Die studie het verder getoon dat dit vir die groep studente maklik was om toegang tot relevante inligting te verkry. Ongeag die bostaande bevinding, blyk dit egter dat deelname aan programme steeds onvoldoende is. GEVOLTREKKING: Die ondersoek toon dat die bemarking van MIV en VIGS-programme effektief is. Wat egter nodig is, is om studente met getremdhede veel meer aktief te betrek in relevante kommitees en ander aktiwiteite soos om op te tree as opleiers vir mede studente. Dit sal bydra tot verhoogde deelname.af_ZA
dc.format.extent61 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- HIV/AIDS managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- HIV/AIDS managementen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectCollege students with disabilities -- South Africa -- Johannesburgen_ZA
dc.subjectUniversity and colleges -- Health promotion services -- South Africa -- Johannesburgen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV infections -- South Africa -- Johannesburg -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.titleInvestigation into the participation of students with disabilites in HIV and AIDS programmes at the University of Johannesburgen
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