Investigation of a command and data handling architecture for the SUNSAT-2 micro satellite

dc.contributor.advisorBakkes, P. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKoekemoer, Jan-Alberten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
dc.descriptionThesis (M.Ing.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: This thesis investigates the design of a Command and Data Handling (C&DH) system for possible use on future SUNSAT satellites. The investigation begins with a description of the underlying components of a general C&DH system, namely telemetry (TLM) and telecommand (TCMD). From the subsequent evaluation of these subsystems on SUNSAT-1, several recommendations to improve their functionality on the proposed C&DH design are made. Preliminary design specifications and requirements are then set up for the new design. The main requirements are flexibility and reliability. A logical improvement from the centralised TLM and TCMD designs used on SUNSAT-1, is identified, namely a bus architecture for the proposed C&DH system. Several bus technologies are subsequently evaluated and from this, Controller Area Network (CAN) technology is chosen as a suitable, relatively high speed serial bus. Several system architectures to implement CAN with on the C&DH system are then evaluated. The concept of CAN nodes within the C&DH system is explained, and from this, the detail of such a node is presented, designed, and implemented in the form of a prototype hardware system. The performance of the prototype is then evaluated against the set specifications and requirements. Other work related to the design of a C&DH system covered in this document, includes the evaluation of several international TLM and TCMD standards. From these, the recommendations ofthe Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) are identified as a possible down- and uplink protocol on future satellites.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die ontwerp van 'n bevel en dataverwerkingstelsel (Eng.: Command and Data Handling, oftewel C&DH) vir moontlike gebruik op toekomstige SUNSAT-satelliete. Die ondersoek word ingelei deur 'n omskrywing van die onderliggende komponente van 'n C&DH-stelsel, naamlik telemetrie (TLM) en telebevel (TCMD). Uit die daaropvolgende evaluasie van hierdie substelsels op SUNSAT-1, word verskeie aanbevelings gemaak ten opsigte van die verbetering van die funksionaliteit daarvan op die voorgestelde nuwe C&DH-ontwerp. 'n Stel voorlopige spesifikasies en ontwerp-vereistes word daarna bepaal vir die nuwe ontwerp met as hoofvereistes buigbaarheid en betroubaarheid. 'n Logiese verbetering op die gesentraliseerde TLM- en TCMD-ontwerpe op SUNSAT-1 word voorgestel, naamlik 'n busargitektuur vir die nuwe C&DH-ontwerp. Daarna word verskeie bus-tegnologiee ondersoek. Die toepasbaarheid van die relatiewe hoespoed Controller Area Network (CAN) seriele bus word uitgewys. Verskeie stelsel argitekture word gevolglik geevalueerwaarmee CAN toegepas kan word op die nuwe C&DH-ontwerp. Ook word die konsep van CAN-nodusse binne die C&DH-stelsel uitgewys. Die detail van so 'n node word daarna behandel en die gevolglike ontwerp word dan ge·implementeer in die vorm van 'n hardeware prototipe. Die werkverrigting van die prototipe word geevalueer teenoor die gestelde tegniese spesifikasies en vereistes. Verder word daar ook in hierdie dokument gekyk na verskeie internasionale TLM- en TCMD-standaarde. Die aanbevelings van die Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) word ge·identifiseer as moontlik geskikte protokolle vir gebruik op toekomstige SUNSAT-satelliete.
dc.format.extent130pages : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectArtificial satellitesen_ZA
dc.subjectAerospace telemetryen_ZA
dc.subjectController Area Network (Computer network)en_ZA
dc.subjectCommand and Data Handling system (C&DH)en_ZA
dc.subjectConsultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Electronic engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleInvestigation of a command and data handling architecture for the SUNSAT-2 micro satelliteen_ZA
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