Investigating the performance of thermal spray coatings on agriculture equipment

dc.contributor.advisorOosthuizen, G. A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLinde, George Fredericken_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the agricultural industry there are different wear problems that need to be managed in order to extend the operating life of equipment. The agricultural industry is a great asset to all South Africans in terms of food production and employment. Purchasing and maintaining agricultural machines and equipment are major cost items for agri businesses. There are many problem areas in this industry and the people carrying the consequences include farm equipment manufacturers, farm contractors, farmers and organisations that process the harvested crops in agro-processing. Equipment used in various applications is subject to different kinds of wear caused by different materials in different operating conditions. The focus of this research is limiting wear, mainly caused by grain (maize and wheat), during agro-processing and transformation in storages, such as silos. Wear problems occur in mills and silos where grain is stored in large quantities and moved through the process of agroprocessing. There are different ways and methods of limiting wear and increasing the performance of the equipment used in the agricultural industry. Different thermal spray coatings were tested to evaluate their ability to limit the wear that may causes a decrease in the performance of the equipment in agro-processing. Different coatings of tungsten carbides and chrome oxides and carbides were sprayed onto five specimens using different thermal coating processes. The behaviour of these different coatings was tested by objecting them to constant wear. The constant wear was applied using silicon carbide grinding stone that was mounted to a Dremel tool. The Dremel tool was mounted to a CNC machine to control the grinding parameters. The experiment tested the coatings under constant conditions before they were installed into a silo, to test the coatings in a real world application. The objective of the research was to find the balance between the cost and performance of the different coatings.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die landboubedryf is daar ‘n groot behoefte om wrywingsprobleme te beperk en sodoende die lewensduur van die toerusting te verleng. Die landboubedryf is ‘n groot aanwins vir Suid- Afrika in term van voedsel produksie werkskepping wat van die mees algemene probleme in die land is. Aankoop en onderhoudskostes van masjiene en toerusting wat gebruik word is van die duurste kostes in die landboubedryf. Daar is verskeie probleem areas in die bedryf en sluit die vervaardigers van landbou toerusting, plaas kontrakteurs, boere en organisasies wat graan verwerk na dit geoes word in. Toerusting wat gebruik word in verskillende toepassings, ervaar verskillende tipes wrywing wat veroorsaak word deur verskillende faktore in verskillende werksomstandighede. Die studie het hoofsaaklik gefokus om die problem, wat ondervind word by graansilo’s en meulens waar graan in groot hoeveelhede gestoor en vervoer word, te beperk. Daar is menigte plekke, soos die graan vanaf die aflaai punt tot binnekant die silo beweeg, waar wrywing voorkom tussen metaal en die bewegende graan. Daar is veskillende maniere en metodes om wrywing te beperk en die werksverrigting, van die toerusting gebruik in die landboubedryf, te optimiseer. Verskillende termiese sproei bedekkings is getoets om die wrywing, wat die werksverrigting van die toerusting verminder en verkort tydens die verwerking van graan, te beperk. Verskillende bedekkings van wolfram- en chroom oksied en karbiedes is deur termiese sproei prosesse toegepas om vyf toetsplate. Die gedrag van die bedekkings is geoets teen konstante weerstand. ‘n Silikon karbied slypsteun was monteer aan die onderkant van ‘n Dremel gereedskap om wrywing toe te pas op die bedekkings. Die Dremel gereedskap met die slypsteun gemonteer was installeer op ‘n CNC masjien om die wrywingsproses toegas deur die slypsteun te beheer. Die eksperiment was gebruik om die bedekkings te toets in konstante toestande voordat dit installeer was by ‘n silo waar wrywing en onderhoudskostes ‘n groot probleem is, om die bedekkings te toets in ‘n regte-wereld toepassing. Die doelstelling van die studie was om die middelpunt te kry tussen die koste en weerstand teen wrywing van die verskillende bedekkingaf_ZA
dc.format.extent62 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAgricultural machinery -- Maintanance and repairen_ZA
dc.subjectMetal coatingen_ZA
dc.subjectThermal sprayingen_ZA
dc.subjectAgricultural engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleInvestigating the performance of thermal spray coatings on agriculture equipmenten_ZA
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