Basic needs development and democracy : a political economic model and application to the South African situation

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented wave of democratisation with democratic elections being called for in countries across the globe. Although this trend had its origins in the more developed countries of Asia and eastern Europe during the late 1980s, it has in the 1990s also spread towards the developing world. Countries such Peru, Malawi, Zambia South Africa and the Philippines are but a few examples of developing countries which in recent years have reached out to embrace democracy. Despite this process of poilitical revival, however, poverty and destitution remain a reality in most of these developing countries. The challenge for these and other developing countries which may in the near future democratise is to succeed in establishing a democratic political economy within which democratic development will become a reality.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope dekade is gekenmerk deur 'n ongekende groei van demokrasie en verskeie nasies dwarsoor die wêreld heen het in die afgelope tyd demokratiese verkiesings uitgeroep. Alhoewel hierdie tendens sy oorsprong in die meer ontwikkelde lande van Asië en Oos-Europa gehad het in die laat tagtigerjare, het demokrasie ook in die negentigjare baie veld gewen in ontwikkelende lande. Peru, Malawi, Zambië, Suid-Afrika en die Phillipyne is maar 'n paar voorbeelde van ontwikkelende nasies wat onlangs na demokrasie uitgereik het. Ondanks hierdie proses van politieke vernuwing is armoede en ontbering steeds 'n algemene gesig in die meeste van hierdie ontwikkelende lande. Die uitdaging vir hierdie en ander ontwikkelnde lande wat in die nabye toekoms sal demokratiseer, is om 'n demokratiese politieke ekonomie tot stand te bring waarbinne demokratiese ontwikkeling 'n realiteit sal word.
Thesis (M. Com.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1996.
Basic needs -- South Africa, Basic needs -- Government policy -- South Africa, Economic development, South Africa -- Economic policy, Dissertations -- Economics