The effects of paint-based protective films on the actual temporal water-side performance characteristics of steam surface condenser tubes.

dc.contributor.advisorReuter, H. C. R.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorOwen, Michael en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGoodenough, J. L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Paint-based protective films (PPFs) are applied to the internal surface of steam surface condenser tubes to mitigate corrosion and erosion. The performance impact resulting from fresh-water fouling on these PPFs is experimentally investigated using actual cooling water from a thermal coal-fired power station. Four different paint types are tested alongside unmodified stainless steel, titanium, and brass tubes for direct comparison, using a purpose-built test apparatus featuring six co-current flow double-pipe heat exchangers arranged in parallel. Exposure times vary between 85 days and 280 days providing novel information pertaining to these PPFs in terms of their performance over time. Cooling water exiting the condenser is drawn from a take-off valve fitted before the cooling duct enters thewet-cooled cooling tower, and passes through the test apparatus at 4 L/s. The cooling water passes once through each test tube at the condenser design velocity before being returned to the cooling tower pond. Each tube is heated using water instead of steam, to provide consistent and repeatable outer convection conditions. By measuring a total of 24 bulk fluid temperatures and 12 volumetric flow rates, the heat transfer, and hence fouling factor, for each tube is determined during tests. In order of decreasing predominance: biological fouling, precipitation fouling (scaling), and particulate fouling (deposition) are identified on all the test tubes. The unmodified admiralty brass tube provides the best overall performance because its copper ions retard the biological fouling rate. The non-biocidal PPFs experience similar fouling to all the non-copper alloy tubes tested, where their asymptotic fouling factors are almost five times greater than the copperbearing alloy tested. The data gained using the testing techniques described herein allows the dominant fouling mechanism to be identified and can be used to better design water treatment management, as well as direct further PPF development towards reducing biological fouling tendencies. One of the biocidal PPFs that is tested reaches a lower fouling factor than an unmodified stainless steel tube after 85 days of exposure under the same conditions. These results are compared to the plant’s condenser fouling factor, calculated using a one dimensional condenser model. The agreement between the fouling factor measured on single tubes compared to the fouling factor of the condenser validates the testing and further means that the fouling data can be used to enhance condenser design and management using PPFs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verf-gebaseerde beskermende film (VBF) word toegepas aan interne oppervlaktes van stoom oppervlakte kondenser buise om roes te versag. Die prestasie impak gevolg van vars-water aangroei op die VBF is eksperimenteel ondersoek deur gebruik van werklike verkoelings water van termiese steenkool krag stasie. Vier verkillende verf tiepes word getoets langs onveranderde vlekvrye staal, titanium en koper buise vir direkte vergelyking, deur gebruik van doel-geboude toets aparatus wat ses mede-huidige vloei dubbel pyp hitte uitruilers uitgele in parallel. Blootstelling tye kan verskil tussen 85 dae en 280 dae verskaf unieke informasie met betrekking tot die VBF in terme van die prestasie oor tyd terwyl die onderwerp van die indentiese water wat in diens ervaar word. Verkoelings water wat die kondenser verlaat, word vertrek van ’n uitlaat klep wat toegerus is voor die verkoelings uitlaat pyp die nat-verkoelde verkoelings toring in loop, en loop deur die toets aparatus teen 4 L/s. Die verkoelings water loop een keer deur elke toets buis van die kondenser ontwerpde snelheid voor dit teruggekeer word na die verkoelings toring dam. Elke buis is verhit deur water inplaas van stoom, om ’n konstante en vertroubare buite konveksie toestand te voorsien. Deur ’n totaal van 24 grootmaat vloeistof temperature en 12 volumetriese floei koers, die hitte oordrag, en van daar die aangroei faktor van elke buis word bepaal geduirende die toets. Biologiese aangroei, skalering, en deeljies (ingesteldheid) word geidentifiseer as die oorheersende meganisme op al die toets buise, hoewel die onveranderde Admiralty braas buise voer die beste algehele prestasie want die koper ione bewoon bakterele sellulere asemhaling. Die nie-biociden VBF ervaring het soortgelyk aangroei vir al die nie-koper allooi buise wat getoets was, waar hulle asimptotiese aangroei faktore in orde was vyf keer groter as die koper-draende allooi wat getoets was. Die data laat toe dat die dominante aangroei meganisme geidentifiseer word en dan beter gebruik kan word vir beter ontwerpde water behandeling beheer, so wel as direk verdere VBF ontwikkeling vir die vermindering van biologiese aangroei neigings. Een van die biociden VBF wat getoets was, het ’n laer biologiesie aangroei bereik as ’n nie geverfde stainless steel buise na 85 dae onder dieselfde blootstelling. Hierdie resultate is vergelyk met die kragstasie se kondenser aangroei faktor, wat bepaal is deur ’n een dimensionelle kondenser model. Die ooreenkoms tussen die aangroei faktor wat gemeet is op enkle buise in vergelyking van die aangroei faktor van die kondenser bevestig die toets, en die data kan dus gebruik word vir die verbetering van kondenser ontwerp en bestuur deur die gebruik van VBF.af_ZA
dc.format.extent187 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.subjectCondensers (Steam)en_ZA
dc.subjectSurface coatingsen_ZA
dc.subjectCorrosion and anti-corrosivesen_ZA
dc.subjectWater -- Analysisen_ZA
dc.subjectProtective coatingsen_ZA
dc.titleThe effects of paint-based protective films on the actual temporal water-side performance characteristics of steam surface condenser tubes.en_ZA
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