The perceptions of nurses on the factors that influence patient safety culture in a Namibian private healthcare setting

dc.contributor.advisorLourens, Guinen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorErastus, Aina Ndilimekeen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Nursing & Midwifery.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Background and aim: The foundation of healthcare delivery is based on patient safety culture. Nurses are the gatekeepers of patient safety due to their roles in coordinating patient care and interdisciplinary team tasks as well as constant alertness to prevent potential patient harm. The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of nurses on the factors that influence patient safety culture in the Namibian private healthcare sector. Methods: A quantitative descriptive case study design was conducted to explore factors that influence patient safety as perceived by nurses in a Namibian private healthcare setting. The sample size (n=112) that was used comprised of registered nurses (n=66), enrolled nurses (n=42) and enrolled nursing auxiliaries (n=4). The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire was used to collect data. Research data was analysed using descriptive with SPSS software, Version 23. Results: The study provided in-depth knowledge on the perceptions of nurses regarding the factors that influence patient safety culture. Findings identified perceived areas of strength in AZ Private Hospital to be 1) management support, 2) organisational learning and 3) teamwork within units. The perceived areas of weakness identified were 1) staffing, 2) communication openness, and 3) frequency of adverse events reporting. The study findings revealed that although management support for the patient safety dimension was perceived to be an area of strength, low reporting frequency of adverse events indicated the need to explore further the factors that influence the frequency of event reporting. Conclusion: The study findings indicate that improving patient safety culture requires strengthening communication in all aspects of care. Hospital management should consider improving communication at all levels of the hierarchy in the hospital by standardising processes to communicate safety issues and creating platforms for nurses to contribute towards preventive measures. Cross-team collaborative care promotes patient safety and thus healthcare administrators should invest in promoting working relationships. Improving patient safety culture requires the involvement of nurses in strategizing and implementing patient safety measures to reduce harm.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond en doel: Gesondheidsorglewering is op ʼn kultuur van pasiëntveiligheid gegrond. Verpleërs is die poortwagters van pasiëntveiligheid weens hul rolle in die koördinering van pasiëntesorg en die take van interdissiplinêre spanne, asook deurlopende waaksaamheid ter voorkoming van moontlike pasiënt skade. Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die persepsies van verpleërs van faktore wat die kultuur van pasiëntveiligheid in die Namibiese privaat gesondheidsorgsektor beïnvloed. Metodes: ʼn Kwantitatiewe beskrywende gevallestudie-ontwerp is gebruik om faktore te ondersoek wat pasiëntveiligheid beïnvloed soos waargeneem deur verpleërs in ʼn privaat gesondheidsorg-omgewing in Namibië. Die totale steekproefgrootte (n=112) het geregistreerde verpleërs (n=66), ingeskrewe verpleërs (n=42) en ingeskrewe verpleegassistente (n=4) ingesluit. Die vraelys “Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture” is gebruik om data in te samel. Die navorsingsdata is met behulp van beskrywende met die SPSS sagteware, Weergawe 23 ontleed. Resultate: Die studie bied diepte-kennis rakende verpleërs se persepsies van die faktore wat ʼn kultuur van pasiëntveiligheid beïnvloed. Die bevindinge rakende die waargenome sterk gebiede in AZ Privaat Hospitaal is 1) bestuursondersteuning, 2) organisasieleer en 3) spanwerk in eenhede. Die waargenome swak gebiede is 1) personeelvoorsiening, 2) oop kommunikasie en 3) gereeldheid van rapportering van negatiewe gebeure. Die studiebevindinge het getoon dat alhoewel bestuursondersteuning van die pasiëntveiligheid-dimensie as ʼn sterk gebied waargeneem is, lae gereeldheid van rapportering van negatiewe gebeure dui op ʼn behoefte aan verdere ondersoek na die invloed van die gereeldheid van rapportering van gebeure. Gevolgtrekking: Die studiebevindinge toon dat die verbetering van ʼn kultuur van pasiëntveiligheid die versterking van kommunikasie in alle aspekte van sorg vereis. Die hospitaalbestuur moet verbetering van kommunikasie op alle vlakke van die hospitaal se hiërargie oorweeg deur prosesse waarvolgens veiligheidskwessies gekommunikeer word, te standaardiseer en deur platforms vir verpleërs te skep om tot voorkomingsmaatreëls by te dra. Samewerkende sorg oor spanne heen bevorder pasiëntveiligheid en daarom moet gesondheidsorgadministrateurs in die bevordering van werkverhoudings belê. Die verbetering van die kultuur van pasiëntveiligheid verg die betrokkenheid van verpleërs in strategiebeplanning en die implementering van pasiëntveiligheidsmaatreëls om skade te verminder.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 91 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPatients -- Safety measuresen_ZA
dc.subjectNursing assessmenten_ZA
dc.subjectTeam nursingen_ZA
dc.subjectMedical personnel and patienten_ZA
dc.subjectPatient monitoringen_ZA
dc.subjectHospitals -- Communication systems -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.titleThe perceptions of nurses on the factors that influence patient safety culture in a Namibian private healthcare settingen_ZA
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