Plant parasitic organisms in the rizosphere of apple trees in the Western Cape, with special reference to woolly apple aphid

dc.contributor.advisorPringle, K. L.
dc.contributor.advisorGeertsema, H.
dc.contributor.authorVan Jaarsveld, Alwyn Jacobus
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Conservation Ecology and Entomology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various aspects of the biology and ecology of woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum, were investigated, including initial galling damage caused by E. lanigerum to the roots of apple trees, the possible relationship between E. lanigerum and Xiphinema and Pratylenchus nematodes and the effectiveness of Biostart 2000® and Furfural® as possible control agents of E. lanigerum in the orchard. Preliminary root damage by first instar E. lanigerum feeding was characterized by the mechanical injury of endodermis and parenchyma tissues. Damage by second, third and fourth instar E. lanigerum was similar, but the symptoms were more pronounced. Damage caused by adults included a pronounced swelling at infected areas of the root. Cell walls hardened until the root was radially strengthened with sclerenchyma tissue and nonconducting xylem vessels while the cuticle expanded greatly through the growth of corklike cambium tissue. There was no direct relationship between the population dynamics of E. lanigerum and those of Xiphinema and Pratylenchus nematodes. The occurrence of E. lanigerum appeared to be seasonal while P. penetrans and Xiphinema numbers fluctuated erratically. Undamaged root nitrogen levels seemed to correspond with the normal root growth cycle. Nitrogen levels from galled roots were significantly lower than those of undamaged roots, probably due to E. lanigerum feeding. Soils rich in fine sand and clay sustained higher populations of E. lanigerum and Xiphinema than sandy soils. The number of E. lanigerum found in soil samples correlated well with the damage index allocated to the samples. The numbers of Xiphinema found in soil samples also correlated well with the damage index allocated to the samples according to suspected Xiphinema damage symptoms. Both Biostart 2000® and Furfural® were effective as control agents of woolly apple aphid. Furfural'Ï, a chemical waste product of the sugarcane industry, was however not as effective as Biostart 2000®, a product that includes an activator and three bacterial species, Bacillus laterosporus, B. chitinosporus and B. licheniformis. The bacteria in the Biostart 2000® treated pots could replicate themselves under suitable conditions while Furfural® dilutes with each watering. Biostart 2000® is also easier to prepare than Furfural® since the components of Biostart 2000® readily mix to form a paste easily thinned by water, whereas Furfural® is an oily substance that does not easily disperse in water. Root damage was initiated soon after E. lanigerum started feeding, however there was no apparent relationship between E. lanigerum and the nematode species. The most promising, environmentally friendly control measure was Biostart 2000®.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie aspekte van biologie en die ekologie van die appel bloedluis, Eriosoma lanigerum, was ondersoek insluitende aanvanklike galvorming veroorsaak deur E. lanigerum op wortels van appelbome, die moontlike verwantskap tussen E. lanigerum en Xiphinema en Pratylenchus nematodes en die effektiwiteit van Biostart 2000® en Furfural® as moontlike beheeragente van E. lanigerum in die boord. Aanvanklike wortelskade deur eerste ins tar E. lanigerum voeding was gekenmerk deur die meganiese beskadiging van endodermale en parenchiem weefsel. Skade veroorsaak deur tweede, derde en vierde instar E. lanigerum was soortgelyk alhoewel die simptome meer beklemtoond was. Skade deur volwassenes het 'n meer duidelike swelsel by geïnfekteerde wortelareas ingesluit. Selwande het verhard totdat die wortel radiaalsgewys versterk was met skierenchiem weefsel en nie-geleidende xileemvate terwyl die kutikula grootliks toegeneem het deur die groei van kurkagtige kambiumweefsel. Daar was geen direkte verwantskap tussen die bevolkingsdinamika van E. lanigerum en dié van Xiphinema en Pratylenchus nematodes nie. Die voorkoms van E. lanigerum was seisoenaal terwyl P. penetrans en Xiphinema se getalle onvoorspelbaar gefluktueer het. Onbeskadigde wortel stikstofvlakke het ooreengestem met die normale wortel groeisiklus. Stikstof vlakke van galwortels was noemenswaardig laer as dié van onbeskadigde wortels, heel waarskynlik as gevolg van voeding deur E. lanigerum. Grond ryk aan fyn sand en klei het groter bevolkings van E. lanigerum en Xiphinema onderhou as sanderige gronde. Die aantal E. lanigerum in grondmonsters het goed ooreengestem met die skade indeks wat aan die monsters toegeken was. Die aantal Xiphinema in grondmonsters het ook goed ooreengestem met die beskadigingsindeks wat aan die monsters toegeken is weens vermoedelike Xiphinema skade simptome. Beide Biostart 2000® en Furfural® was effektief as beheeragente van die appelbloedluis. Furfural'", 'n afvalproduk van die suikerriet industrie, was egter minder effektief as Biostart 2000®, 'n produk bestaande uit 'n aktiveerder en drie bakterie spesies, Bacillus laterosporus, B. chitinosporus en B. licheniformis. Die bakterië in die Biostart 2000® behandelde potte kon vermeerder onder gunstige toestande terwyl Furfural® na elke besproeiing verdun het. Biostart 2000® is ook makliker om aan te maak as Furfural® aangesien die bestanddele van Biostart 2000® geredelik meng tot 'n wateroplosbare pasta, terwyl Furfural® 'n olierige vloeistofis wat moeilik 'n waterige suspensie vorm. Wortelskade het plaasgevind kort nadat E. lanigerum begin voed het, alhoewel daar geen duidelike verwantskap tussen E. lanigerum en nematode spesies voorgekom het nie. Die mees belowende omgewingsvriendelike beheermaatreël was Biostart 2000®.af_ZA
dc.format.extent75 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectWoolly apple aphid -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectApples -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectApples -- Roots -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.subjectPlant parasites -- South Africa -- Western Capeen_ZA
dc.titlePlant parasitic organisms in the rizosphere of apple trees in the Western Cape, with special reference to woolly apple aphiden_ZA
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