Music in the community : a study of community music projects in the Western Cape, with specific reference to the Redefine Music Education Project, in Kuils River.

dc.contributor.advisorMuller, Stephanusen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLe Roux, Babetteen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.
dc.descriptionThesis (MMus (Music))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractThe initiation and establishment of community music projects have been increasing in number in South Africa in the last decade due to the growing interest in these projects’ beneficial outcomes. Music education, music activities and a myriad of opportunities through music are provided to under-privileged communities who would otherwise be deprived thereof. The Redefine Music Education Project is a community music project situated in Kuils River and which draws learners from local impoverished communities and townships. The efficient management of project, staff and learner commitment, and community involvement has resulted in various project and learner achievements. However, it has also undergone several setbacks and faces frequent challenges. Due to the Redefine Music Education Project’s success rate and sustained years of operation, it is considered as one of the Western Cape’s reputable community music projects. This research study sets out by evaluating the need and role of a community music project in disadvantaged communities as well as describing the qualities that make a community music project successful. The research uncovered the impact that such a project has on the individual and on local communities in the Western Cape. A noteworthy result of the study is the fact that it serves as guidance and motivation to other operating and upcoming community music projects. It also provides and opens further opportunities of study and research regarding music in the community.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractDie inisiëring en vestiging van gemeenskaps-musiekprojekte het in die laaste dekade in Suid-Afrika toegeneem vanweë die groeiende belangstelling in die voordelige uitkomste van hierdie projekte. Hierdie projekte bied musiekopvoeding, musiekaktiwiteite en ontsluit geleenthede deur musiek aan minder bevoorregde gemeenskappe wat andersins nie daarmee in aanraking sou kom nie. Die Redefine Music Education Project is 'n gemeenskaps-musiekprojek geleë in Kuilsrivier. Die projek staan grootliks in diens van leerders uit plaaslike verarmde gemeenskappe en townships. Die doeltreffende bestuur van die projek, personeel en leerder-toewyding, en gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid het verskeie projek- en leerderprestasies tot gevolg gehad. Die projek het egter ook verskeie terugslae ervaar en staar voortdurende uitdagings in die gesig. As gevolg van die Redefine Music Education Project se suksesse en die hoeveelheid jare wat dit reeds bestaan, word dit gereken as een van die Wes-Kaap se maatgewende gemeenskaps-musiekprojekte. Hierdie navorsing evalueer die behoefte aan en rol van 'n gemeenskaps-musiekprojek in minder bevoorregde gemeenskape. Dit ondersoek ook die kwaliteite wat so 'n projek help om suksesvol te wees. Die navorsing toon uiteindelik ook die impak wat so 'n projek op individue en op plaaslike gemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap het. 'n Betekenisvolle resultaat van die studie is dat dit as gids en motivering dien vir ander huidige en toekomstige gemeenskaps-musiekprojekte. Dit beskryf ook verdere geleenthede vir studie en navorsing ten opsigte van musiek in die gemeenskap.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectCommunity musicen_ZA
dc.subjectMusic projecten_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Musicen
dc.subjectTheses -- Musicen
dc.subject.corpRedefine Music Education Projecten_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMusic -- South Africa -- Kuils Riveren_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMusic -- Social asectsen_ZA
dc.titleMusic in the community : a study of community music projects in the Western Cape, with specific reference to the Redefine Music Education Project, in Kuils River.en_ZA
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