The development of participatory management in supervision : an evaluative study

Booley, M. Sharhidd (Mogommad Sharhidd)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study is focussed on the evaluation of the development of participatory management in supervision. The motivation for the study was, firstly, the increasing transformation of supervision to a more managerial form whereby social workers are guided in the fulfilment of their professional obligations; secondly, that social workers and supervisors expressed an increasing desire and wi 11 ingness to share the responsibi 1 i ty of managing direct practice through participation. The research was conducted within the conceptual framework of developmental research. The investigation of the existing state of supervision was undertaken by means of a literature study, as well as a quantitative-and qualitative survey among supervisors and their supervisees. This survey was also used to evaluate how developments in the theory and practice of participatory management was being brought into supervision. The probability that participatory management would continue to be implemented and developed in practice is high, since it is bedded in a scientifically-sound conceptual basis derived from authoritative literature and empirical support. Practising supervisors and supervisees can continue to apply participatory management in the ongoing reformation and restructuring of their management of direct practice. It could also contribute towards the improved quality of direct practice. The implementation of participatory management should go'beyond organisational limits. It should extend to the profession's accountability to the wider client system, which should be made aware of changes in the approach to direct practice management in the form of greater participation between seniors and subordinates. It is regarded as essential that participatory management approaches be subjected to tests to determine their efficacy, validity, and reliability as practice methods in supervision. Follow-up evaluation would help in the further development of participatory management in supervision. Further research with regard to participatory management is necessary with the view to maintaining its features in conformity with contemporary trends in the continuous reconceptualisation of management theory and practices.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is 'n evaluering van die ontwikkeling van deelnemende bestuur in supervisie. Die motivering vir die studie was eerstens die toEmemende ontwikkeling van supervisie tot 'n meer bestuursgerigte vorm wat maatskapl ike werkers in die ui tvoer van hulle professionele pligte rig; tweedens, dat maatskaplike werkers en supervisors 'n toenemende behoefte en bereidwilligheid te kenne gegee het om die verantwoordelikheid van praktykbestuur te deel. Die navorsing is binne die konsepsuele raamwerk van ontwikkelingsnavorsing onderneem. Die huidige stand van supervisie is deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie ondersoek, asook deur 'n kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe opname ender supervisors en maatskapl ike werkers. Hierdie opname is ook gebruik om te eval ueer hoe ontwikkel inge in die teorie en praktyk van deelnemende bestuur by supervisie ingesluit word. Deelnemende bestuur sal hoogs waarskynlik voortgaan om in die praktyk ge'implementeer en ontwikkel te word, aangesien di t op 'n wetenskaplik gesonde konsepsuele grondslag berus wat deur gesaghebbende literatuur en empiriese gegewens gerugsteun word. Supervisors en maatskaplike werkers kan voortgaan om deelnemende bestuur te gebruik in die voortdurende verbetering en herstrukturering van die bestuur van hul praktyke. Deelnemende bestuur kan ook die gehalte van direkte dienslewering verbeter. Die implementering van deelnemende bestuur behoort nie deur organisatoriese grense ingeperk te word nie, maar behoort uitgebrei te word tot die beroep se aanspreeklikheid teenoor die bre~r kli~ntestelsel deur bewusmaking van veranderinge in die benadering tot praktykbestuur in die vorm van groter deelname tussen seniors en ondergeskiktes. Di t is noodsaakl ik om benaderings tot deelnemende bestuur te toets om hul doeltreffendheid, geldigheid en betroubaarheid as praktykmetodes in supervisie te bepaal. Opvolg-evaluering sou 'n verdere hydrae tot die ontwikkeling van deelnemende bestuur in supervisie maak. Meer navorsing oor deelnemende bestuur is ook nodig om tred te hou met huidige tendense in die volgehoue herkonsepsualisering van bestuursteorie en -praktyke.
Thesis(PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1996.
Social workers -- Supervision of, Dissertations -- Social work, Theses -- Social work