The impacts of the domestic energy transition process on the natural environment and on household welfare

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Berg, Servaasen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBarberton, Conrad Roy Mitforden_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economics. Dept. of Economics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1996.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of analysing the environmental welfare impacts of the domestic energy transition process together is to enhance our understanding of their integrated nature and, thereby, inform the choices that individuals, households and society as a whole make with regard to energy use. The literature presents different models of energy transition. In response to these, this study refines the definition and presents a new standard model of the domestic energy transition process, which describes how the share of different energy sources in household energy budgets change over time. It identifies a rural and an urban energy transition process and divides these into phases, each characterised by a differnt pattern of energy use. It also shows how the rural phases may be linked to the urban phases by urbanisation. The literaturehas focused on identifying the causes of energy transition. THis study reviews these causes, but goes one step further by examining the various impacts of the process. Since the ultimate aim is to seek ways of optimising the impacts of the domestic energy transition process, it is important to know what factors move the process forward and also the consequences of changing energy patterns. The type and amount of energy households have implications for both the welfare and the environmental impacts of energy use. The study standardises and summarises energy use data from various studies. It is presented in terms of nett energy and useful energy households derive from each energy source. Useful energy is regarded as the better indicator of welfare derived from energy use. The analysis shows an increasing trend in energy use across the entire domestic energy transition process as the energy sources households use become more affordable, versatile and convenient. The environmental impacts of the sources of domestic energy and of energy conservation are examined separately. It is shown that in the early phases the impacts are mainly of local significance, but they become more important as the energy transition process proceeds. the impacts also tend to affect households directly in the early phases, but more dispersed, though not less important, in the later phases. Terreblanche's (1986) description of welfare is used for discussing the welfare impacts of domestic energy use. Two energy poverty lines are used to assess if household energy use levels meet their basic energy needs. The data indicates energy poverty is widespread in South Africa. The study also shows that many aspects of energy use are relevant to the attainment of the intermediate welfare goals of growth and efficiency, stability, equity and civilisation, as well as to people's subjective sense of welfare. Examining the environmental and welfare impacts together emphasises that to change one set will also affect the other. This needs to guide the formulation of energy policies that aim to change the domestic energy transition process. Resommendations that do exactly that are presented in the conclusion. The main emphasis is on energy conservation, since it addresses both sets of impacts in a way that minimises trade-offs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die impak van die huishoudelike energietransisie op sowel die ongewing as op welvaart word saam geanaliseer om begrip omtrent hul verweefheid en daara=deur ingeligte besluitneming van individue, huishoudings en die gemeenskap as geheel omtrent die gebruik van energie te help bevorder. Die literatuur bevat verskillende modelle van energietransisie. In reaksie hierop gee die studie 'n nuwe definisie en ontwikkel 'n nuwe standaard model van die huishoudelike energietransisie. Dit beskryf hoe verskillende energiebronne se bydrae tot huishoudelike energiebegrotings oor tyd verander. Die model identifiseer 'n landelike en 'n stedelike energietransisie wat in fases opgedeel word volgens kenmerkende energieverbruikspatrone. Daar word ook gewys hoe verstedeliking die landelike fases aan die stedelike fases koppel. Tot op hede was die fokus van die literatuur op die identifisering van die oorsake van die energietransisie. Hierdie studie gee 'n oorsig van hierdie oorsake en gaan 'n stappie verder deur aandag aan die verskillende impakte van die proses te skenk. Aangesien die uiteindelik doel is om maniere te vind om die netto impakte van die huishoudelike energietransisie te optimaliseer, is dit belangrik om die onderliggende faktore en ook die gevolge van veranderings in energieverbruikspatrone te verstaan. Die tipe en hoeveelheid energie wat huishoudings gebruik, het implikasies vir die impak van energieverbruik op beide en welvaart en omgewing. Die studie standardiseer en som energieverbruiksdata van verskeie ander studies op en druk dit uit in terme van die totale energie en verbruikbare energie wat huishoudings van elke energiebron kry. Verbruikbare energie word as die beter aanwyser van welvaart uit energieverbruik beskou. Die analise toon 'n stygende tendens in energieverbruik deur loop van die hele huishoudelike energie-transisie-proses soos wat huishoudings se energiebronne bekostigbaarder, veelsydeiger en geriefliker word. Die impak van huishoudelike energiebronne en energiebesparing op die omgewing word afsonderlik bespreek. Daar word daarop gewys hoe die impak in die vroeer fases hoofsaaklik van plaaslike belang is, maar belangrik raak soos wat die energietransisie vorder. Die impak op huishoudings is ook in die vroeer fases meer direk, maar in die latere fases is dit meer verspreid, hoewel nie minder belangrik nie Terreblanche (1986) se omskrywing van welvaart word vir die bespreking van die welvaartsimpak van huishoudelike energieverbruik gebruik. Twee energie-armoede maatstawe word gebruik om te meet of huishoudelike energieverbruiksvlakke genoegsaam is om basiese energiebehoeftes te bevredig. Die data toon dat nergie-armoede in Suid-Afrika wyd verspreid is. Die studie toon ook hoe energieverbruik die beruiking van die intermediere welvaartsdoelwitte van groei en doeltreffendheid, stabiliteit, gelykberegtiging en beskawing, sowel as mense se subjektiewe welvaartservaring, beinvloed. Deur die impak op die omgewing en op welvaart saam te analiseer, word beklemtoon dat verandering in die een ook die ander sal affekteer. Hierdie verweefdheid moet die uigangspunt wees by die formulering van energiebeleid wat daarop gemik is om die huishoudelike energietransisie te verander. Voorstelle in hierdie verband word in die slot gemaak. Die klem isveral op energiebesparing, aangesien dit beide stelle impakte aanspreek op maniere wat afruilings beperk.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxii, 256 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEnergy consumption -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEnergy consumption -- Environmental aspects -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEnergy conservation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectHouseholds -- Energy consumption -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEnergy development -- Environmental aspects -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectHouseholds -- Economic aspects -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleThe impacts of the domestic energy transition process on the natural environment and on household welfareen_ZA
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