Design for sustainable communities : an integral perspective

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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Given the complexities facing humanity in the light of impending social and environmental collapse, it is the design of sustainable communities at all levels of our society that must be achieved to limit this potential outcome. Attaining such a goal, it is known, requires that humanity ‘consciously evolve’. Furthermore I suggest that Integral Theory, because it is grounded in the evolution of consciousness, provides an important map to help navigate this tremendous journey. In this thesis I use Integral Theory as a lens through which to understand and reflect on my experiences over the past eighteen years of the design and development of the Tlholego Village, one of the early experimental Permaculture and Ecovillage communities developed in South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gegewe die kompleksiteite wat die samelewing in die gesig staar as gevolg van die dreigende sosiale en omgewings verval, is die ontwikkeling van volhoubare gemeenskappe op alle vlakke van ons samelewing noodsaaklik om so ‘n uitkoms te verhoed. Om hierdie doel te bereik word dit voorgestel dat die samelewing bewustelik moet ontwikkel (‘consciously evolve’). Verder stel ek voor dat Integraal Teorie (‘Integral Theory’), gegrond in die evolusie van bewustheid, ‘n belangrike roetekaart verskaf om die geweldige reis te navigeer. In hierdie tesis gebruik ek Integraal Teorie as ‘n lens waardeur my ervarings tydens die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van die Tlholego Village (een van die vroee eksperimentele Permakultuur en Eko-dorp gemeenskappe wat ontwikkel is in Suid Afrika oor die afgelope agtien jaar) verstaan en nabetrag kan word.
Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Sustainable development, Community development -- Environmental aspects, Integral theory, Tlholego Village, Permaculture, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning