Analysis of the behaviour of flexibility parameters in intralogistics systems

dc.contributor.advisorVon Leipzig, Konraden_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorPalm, Danielen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorReinhart, Marvin Markusen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today's logistics systems are characterised by uncertainty and constantly changing requirements. Rising demand for customised products, short product lifecycles, and a large number of variants enormously increase the complexity of these systems. In particular, intralogistics material flow systems must be able to adapt to changing conditions at short notice, with little effort and at low cost. To fulfil these requirements, the material flow system must be flexible in three important dimensions, namely layout, throughput, and product. Whilst the scope of the flexibility parameters is described in literature, the respective effects on an intralogistics material flow system and the influencing factors are mostly unknown. In this context, this thesis aims to analyse the behaviour of the flexibility parameters with the help of a multimethod simulation. Therefore, the definitions of the parameters found in the literature are first analysed and specified with regard to their influencing factors. Subsequently, hypotheses regarding the characteristics of the flexibility parameters on the logistical throughput, the production output, and the degree of utilisation of the means of transport are formulated. To confirm the hypotheses, a simulation model based on the logistics learning factory Werk150 of the ESB Business School on the campus of Reutlingen University is developed. The intralogistics system consists of various flexible means of transport which have a defined source-sink relationship. Within the scope of the simulation, these static structures are incrementally transformed into more flexible ones and examined with regard to their behaviour. The model as well as the obtained results are ultimately verified and validated using common techniques in production and logistics systems simulation. The work shows that with an increasing flexibilization of the intralogistics material flow system, the performance can significantly increase. Furthermore, the analysis provides information on where the system-specific potentials of flexibility as well as the limits to changeability lie.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hedendaagse logistieke stelsels word gekenmerk deur onsekerheid en voortdurend veranderende vereistes. Die toenemende aanvraag na doelgemaakte produkte, produkte met kort lewensiklusse en 'n groot aantal variante verhoog die kompleksiteit van hierdie stelsels. Intralogistieke materiaalvloeistelsels moet veral op kort kennisgewing, met min moeite en teen lae koste kan aanpas by veranderende omstandighede. Om aan hierdie vereistes te voldoen moet die materiaalvloeistelsel buigsaam wees ten opsigte van drie belangrike dimensies, naamlik uitleg, deurvloei en produk. Alhoewel die omvang van die buigsaamheidsparameters in die literatuur beskryf word, is die onderskeie effekte daarvan op 'n intralogistieke materiaalvloeistelsel en die beïnvloedende faktore meestal onbekend. In hierdie konteks is hierdie tesis daarop gemik om die gedrag van die buigsaamheidsparameters met behulp van 'n multimetodesimulasie te analiseer. Daarom word die definisies van die parameters wat in die literatuur aangetref word, eers ontleed en gespesifiseer met betrekking tot die beïnvloedende faktore. Vervolgens word hipoteses aangaande die kenmerke van die buigsaamheidsparameters op die logistieke deurvloei, die produksie-uitset en die mate van benutting van die vervoermiddels geformuleer. Om die hipoteses te bevestig, word 'n simulasiemodel gebaseer op die logistiekleerskool Werk150 van die “ESB Business School” op die kampus van die Reutlingen Universiteit ontwikkel. Die intralogistieke stelsel bestaan uit verskillende buigsame vervoermiddels wat 'n gedefinieerde bron-sink-verhouding het. Hierdie statiese strukture word inkrementeel binne die omvang van die simulasie tot meer buigbare strukture uitgebrei en met betrekking tot hul gedrag ondersoek. Die model sowel as die behaalde resultate word uiteindelik deur middel van toepaslike verifikasie- en valideringstegnieke getoets om die geloofwaardigheid van die stelsel te bevestig. Die studie toon dat die algehele prestasie deur die toenemende buigsaamheid van die intralogistieke materiaalvloeistelsel aansienlik verbeter kan word. Verder verskaf die analise inligting oor waar die stelselspesifieke potensiaal van buigsaamheid sowel as die limiete vir veranderlikheid lê.en_ZA
dc.format.extent120 pagesen_ZA
dc.subjectIntralogistics Systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectProduct life cycleen_ZA
dc.subjectLearning factory -- Logisticsen_ZA
dc.titleAnalysis of the behaviour of flexibility parameters in intralogistics systemsen_ZA
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