The implimantation [i.e. Implementation] of inclusive education : a support program for teachers

dc.contributor.advisorNewmark, R.en
dc.contributor.authorMakhavhu, Thanyani Selinahen
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.en
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.en
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South African schools teachers are currently being expected to make major changes in the way they understand teaching and learning in the process of adapting to an entirely new curriculum like Curriculum 2005 or Outcomes Based Education (Engelbrecht, Green, Naicker & Engelbrecht, 1999:70). Research asked the question about what the needs of teachers are towards support to facilitate the implementation of inclusive education in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. A case study was conducted, the purpose being to inform support programmes for teachers. The target population included a selected primary school, the Mutondo Primary School in the Vuwani Area of the Limpopo Province. Participants included 20 voluntary teachers. A literature review was undertaken on the implementation of inclusive education in South Africa. It indicated that teachers showed negative and positive attitudes towards inclusive education in schools. It also showed that that teachers needed support to facilitate positive change in their attitudes toward inclusion in South Africa. Engelbrecht, Green, Naicker and Engelbrecht (1999:157) also emphasised that support was crucial for teachers as they felt that they did not have enough training in order to meet many challenges they come across. The aims of the study was to identify the need for a support programme towards inclusive education for teachers in the Vuwani Area of the Limpopo Province, to provide information to teachers on the implementation of inclusive education and to evaluate the needs for a support programme on the implementation of inclusive education in this area. Information was gathered at the hand of workshops with focus group interviews. The main themes that emerged from the data was the number of learners in a class, resources, the need for in-service training, a culture of respect and acceptance and a flexible curriculum. Findings suggested that a support programme could implement the policy of inclusive education more effectively when teachers' needs for training and support were being met.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid-Afrika word dit tans van onderwysers verwag om groot veranderinge aan te bring in die wyse waarop hulle onderrig en leer om sodoende te kan aanpas by 'n nuwe kurrikulum soos Kurrikulum 2005 of Uitkomsgebasseerde Onderwys (Engelbrecht, Green, Naicker & Engelbrecht, 1999:70). Hierdie stuk navorsing vra die vraag oor die behoeftes van onderwysers ten opsigte ondersteuning om die implimentering van inklusiewe onderwys binne die Limpopo Provinsie van Suid-Afrika te fasiliteer. 'n Gevallestudie is onderneem met as doelom inligting te verskaf ten opsigte van 'n ondersteuningsprogram vir onderwysers. Die teikenbevolking het ingesluit 'n geselekteerde primêre skool in die Vuwani gebied van die Limpopo Provinsie, naamlik die Mutondo Primêre Skool. Deelnemers het 20 vrywillige onderwysers ingesluit. 'n Literatuurstudie is onderneem oor die implimentering van inklusiewe onderwys binne Suid-Afrika. Dit het getoon dat onderwysers beide positiewe en negatiewe houdings openbaar teenoor inklusiewe onderwys binne skole. Dit het verder aangetoon dat onderwysers ondersteuning benodig ten opsigte van die fasilitering van positiewe veranderings in hul houdings jeens inklusiewe onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Engelbrecht, Green, Naicker en Engelbrecht (1999: 157) beklemtoon dat ondersteuning uiters belangrik is vir onderwysers aangesien hulle voel dat hulle nie genoegsame opleiding het om nuwe uitdagings aan te spreek nie. Doelwitte binne hierdie studie het ingesluit die identifisering van die behoefte aan 'n ondersteuningsprogram vir onderwysers binne die Vuwani area van die Limpopo Provinsie, die deurgee van inligting aan onderwysers rakende inklusiewe onderwys en die evaluering van behoeftes vir 'n ondersteuningsprogram rakende die implimentering van inklusiewe onderwys in hierdie gebied. Data is ingesamel aan die hand van werkswinkels met fokusgroeponderhoude. Die hooftemas wat uit die navorsing na vore getree het, was die aantalleerders binne klasse, hulpmiddele, die behoefte van indiensopleiding, 'n kultuur van respek en aanvaarding en laastens 'n buigsame kurrikulum. In kort is bevind dat 'n ondersteuningsprogram die implimentering van inklusiewe onderwys kan vergemaklik.af_ZA
dc.format.extent92 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen
dc.subjectInclusive educationen
dc.subjectTeaching teamsen
dc.subjectChildren with disabilities -- Educationen
dc.subjectTeachers of children with disabilities -- Training ofen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen
dc.titleThe implimantation [i.e. Implementation] of inclusive education : a support program for teachersen
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