Philip McLachlan en die Universiteitskoor Stellenbosch

dc.contributor.advisorOttermann, R. E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorJankowitz, Hendrika Johannaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.en_ZA
dc.descriptionProefskrif (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1991.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken firstly, to introduce Philip McLachlan as a person and acknowledge his achievements as conductor of the Stellenbosch University Choir. Secondly his methods and techniques are made available to those who want to benefit from them. Thirdly, the development of the University Choir, from an amateur standard to the high standard that they have reached, was followed. The characteristic qualities of the Choir, which also played an important role in achieving a high standard of performance, are named and looked into. Fourthly the influence of Philip McLachlan and the Stellenbosch University Choir on choral singing in South Africa, is broadly outlined. Philip McLachlan's biography is dealt with. Priority is given to incidents which have proven to be important to his general musical development and specifically to his career as choirmaster. His characteristics, and especially those which have made him an above-average choirleader, are discussed. The talents which enabled him to attain success as a performing musician are mentioned. His development as conductor is described and special attention is given to his continuous striving to reach the best possible quality of choir tone. His norms and conduct as stage performer are looked into, his conducting techniques are determined and those methods which contributed to reaching a high quality of performance, are discussed. A cursory view of the history of the Stellenbosch University Choir is given. Research into the developments which led the Choir to the high standard that they reached, was undertaken. The characteristic qualities of the Choir, especially those essential to its success, are described. The reasons for the leading role of the Stellenbosch University Choir amongst South African choirs at that time and for the spreading of its influence, are given. The impact the choir had on overseas audiences is given as reason why it could compete with other good choirs in the world at that time. Philip McLachlan's continuous influence on choral work in South Africa is motivated and given as reason why he has been repeatedly called "the father of choir singing in South Africa".en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is onderneem eerstens om Philip McLachlan, die mens, en sy werk met die Universiteitskoor Stellenbosch bekend te stel. Tweedens is sy metodes, tegnieke en werkswyses beskikbaar gestel aan die wat daarby wil baat. Derdens is gepoog om die ontwikkeling na die hoë standaard, wat hy met die Universiteitskoor Stellenbosch bereik het, te volg. Die kenmerkende eienskappe van die Universiteitskoor wat ook 'n belangrike rol gespeel het in die bereiking van 'n hoë standaard van uitvoering word genoem. Vierdens is die invloed wat Philip McLachlan en die Universiteitskoor Stellenbosch op koorsang in Suid-Afrika uitgeoefen het in bree trekke bepaal. Philip McLachlan se biografie word behandel. Die klem val hier op dit wat belangrik was vir sy algemeen musicale ontwikkeling en spesifiek vir sy loopbaan as koordirigent. Sy karaktereienskappe, veral dié wat van hom 'n bogemiddelde koorleier kon maak, word bespreek. Sy talente, met beklemtoning van die bydra wat hulle gelewer het tot sy sukses as vertolkende musikus, word behandel. Sy ontwikkeling as dirigent word beskryf. Spesiale aandag word aan sy voortdurende strewe na die,mees ideale koorklank gegee. Sy norme en handelswyse as verhoogkunstenaar word ondersoek. Sy dirigeertegnieke word beskryf en die metodes wat hy aangewend het om die Universiteitskoor tot 'n hoë standaard van afronding te lei, word behandel. 'n Oorsigtelike geskiedkundige ontwikkeling van die Universiteitskoor Stellenbosch word gegee. Ontwikkelinge wat die Koor tot 'n destyds besonder hoë standaard gelei het, is nagespeur. Die kenmerkende eienskappe van die Universiteitskoor Stellenbosch en veral die wat essensieel was vir hulle sukses, word bespreek. Die redes waarom hulle 'n leidende rol onder kore in Suid-Afrika gespeel het en hulle invloed steeds wyer uitgebrei het, word aangegee. Die reaksie wat hulle by oorsese gehore ontlok het, word aangevoer as rede waarom hulle op internasionale gebied teen ander goeie kore kon opweeg. Die voortgesette invloed van Philip McLachlan op koorsang in Suid Afrika word gemotiveer waardeur hy met reg by verskeie geleenthede "die vader van koorsang in Suid-Afrika" genoem is.af_ZA
dc.format.extent288 pages : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMcLachlan, Philip, -- 1916-1983en_ZA
dc.subjectChoral conductingen_ZA
dc.subjectChoirs (Music)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Musicen_ZA
dc.titlePhilip McLachlan en die Universiteitskoor Stellenboschaf_ZA
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