Towards a dialogue between a modern American narrative preaching and African American preaching : a critical comparative homiletical study

dc.contributor.advisorCilliers, Johanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorStoms, Jayen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This homiletical study is a dialogue between Modern American Narrative Preaching and African American Preaching. The study generates a mutually-beneficial conversation that can enrich each of these homiletical traditions by recognising the primary teachings of the principal proponents of each tradition and their core contributions to the homiletical dialogue. The intent is to learn and understand the other tradition and not to refute, discount or disregard, but rather to sincerely face each other to expand our horizons to become open to new possibilities and new perspectives with regard to narrative homiletics. It represents a move towards a more simplistic and holistic narrative preaching methodology that is informed by both the Narrative preaching tradition and that of the African American preaching tradition. A more holistic narrative homiletic tells the story of Jesus as found in the gospels as the central act in the redemptive biblical drama of the restoration of creation and the formation of a new humanity. This more holistic narrative homiletic is guided by seven holistic narrative principles that include the whole biblical drama, the whole story of Jesus, and the restoration of the whole of creation. It will promote preaching that addresses the whole people of God and the whole person with the whole Christian Scriptures in the midst of the whole assembled people of God. It holds the possibility of crossing racial, ethnic, cultural and denominational differences and to communicate in both a traditional oral storytelling culture or a secondary oral multimedia culture by focusing on the shared Christian narrative, the shared story of Jesus and our shared humanity.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie homiletiese studie is ʼn dialoog tussen Moderne Amerikaanse Narratiewe Prediking en Afro-Amerikaanse Prediking. Die studie genereer ʼn wedersyds voordelige gesprek wat albei hierdie homiletiese tradisies kan verryk deur die primêre leerstellings van die voorstanders van elke tradisie en hul kern-bydraes tot die homiletiese dialoog, te erken. Die bedoeling is om die ander tradisie aan te leer en te verstaan. Dit is nie om mekaar te weerlê, verontagsaam, of minder te maak nie, maar eerder om mekaar opreg in die oë te kyk, om ons horisonne te verruim, om oop te word vir nuwe moontlikhede en nuwe perspektiewe met betrekking tot narratiewe homiletiek. Dit beweeg na ʼn meer simplistiese en holistiese narratiewe preekmetodologie wat deur beide die Narratiewe en die Afro-Amerikaanse tradisies ingelig is. ʼn Meer holistiese narratiewe homiletiek vertel die verhaal van Jesus soos gevind in die verlossende Bybelse drama van die herstel van die skepping en die vorming van ʼn nuwe mensdom. Hierdie meer holistiese narratiewe homiletiek word gerig deur sewe beginsels wat die hele Bybelse drama, die hele verhaal van Jesus, en die herstel van die hele skepping, insluit. Dit sal prediking bevorder wat die hele mens en die hele volk van God aanspreek met die hele Christelike Skrif te midde van die vergaderde hele volk van God. Dit bied die moontlikheid om rasse-, etniese, kulturele en denominasie-verskille te oorkom; en om deur ʼn tradisionele mondelinge storie-vertel-kultuur of ʼn sekondêre mondelinge multimedia-kultuur te kommunikeer deur te fokus op die gedeelde Christelike narratief, die gedeelde verhaal van Jesus, en ons gedeelde menswees.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxviii, 340 pages
dc.language.isoen en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrican American preachingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPreaching -- United States -- Historyen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrican Americans -- Religionen_ZA
dc.titleTowards a dialogue between a modern American narrative preaching and African American preaching : a critical comparative homiletical studyen_ZA
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