Perceived contributing factors impeding job satisfaction of social workers in non-government organisations

dc.contributor.advisorEngelbrecht, Lamberten_ZA
dc.contributor.authorJoseph, Debbieen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite repeated attempts by the South African government to increase retention of social workers, it is apparent there is seepage of attrition at various junctures, namely low output of graduates, emigration and exiting the profession for a career in the private sector. In order to successfully increase retention, it is essential to gain an understanding of the push and pull factors of retention and attrition within the profession, and specifically those that provide the essential service of working within the NGO sector. Thus, the overall objective of the study was to discover and unearth a detailed understanding of the perceived factors impeding job satisfaction among social workers, specifically pertaining to those working within the NGO sector. The research approach was qualitative, positioned largely within the domain of an exploratory, phenomenological paradigm. An exploratory, descriptive design was utilised, as the variables of job satisfaction have been largely unexplored within the milieu of the South African social work setting. A purposive, sampling technique was utilised and a total 20 participants were included in the study. A pilot study, which included 2 participants, was conducted. Data was collected through a semi-structured interview, audio recorded and transcribed. The sample was sourced from 5 organisations within the Roodepoort, Tshwane, Sasolburg and Kagiso areas. Two literature chapters are presented, focusing on the generic theories of job satisfaction and subsequently placing these theories within the ambit of contributing factors to job satisfaction of social workers in South Africa, specifically those working primarily in the NGO child and family protection arena. Chapter four included the presentation of the empirical study. Data was collated and analysed into themes, sub-themes and categories that followed on from the findings of the literature study. Participant narratives were used to corroborate the main findings. The findings showed that ultimately the concept of job satisfaction is a complex symbiotic relationship between situational, dispositional and social information processing factors. There is a significant interplay of positive and negative factors that play out against each other but often feed off each other. It was clear that a myriad of negative influences such as poor working conditions, large caseloads, poor remuneration, erratic and irregular supervision, lowly image of social workers play a significant role in antecedent factors to dissatisfaction within the workplace. However, despite the fact that South African social workers face the direst circumstances, many still obtain a level of satisfaction from helping others; profound satisfaction is obtained from a dispositional predilection towards a desire to help others. Compassion satisfaction remains a powerful and overarching contributor towards satisfaction within the workplace, but this can only be achieved if key role players make every effort to decrease the negative influences as much as possible. Chapter five included the main conclusions and recommendations. The recommendations were varied but often highlighted the fact that often small, seemingly inconsequential actions could go a long way to increase job satisfaction levels among social workers and ultimately increase retention.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van herhaaldelike pogings deur die Suid Afrikaanse regering om retensie van maatskaplike werkers te verhoog, is dit duidelik dat daar steeds ʼn uitvloei van werkkragte op verskeie vlakke plaasvind, naamlik deur middel van lae getalle graduandi, emigrasie en verlating van die professie vir ʼn beroep in die privaatsektor. Ten einde retensie te verhoog, is dit noodsaaklik om te verstaan wat die suksesfaktore vir retensie (behoud) en die oorsake van die uitvloei van werkkragte in die beroep is, en spesifiek vir diegene wat noodsaaklike dienste lewer in nie-regeringsektore. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus daarop gemik om die faktore wat die grootste impak het op werksbevrediging van maatskaplike werkers, spesifiek diegene werksaam in nie-regeringsorganisasies, te verken en te beskyf. Die navorsingstudie is kwalitatief van aard, grootliks gebaseer op ‘n verkennende, fenomenologiese paradigma. ʼn Verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is gebruik, aangesien die veranderlikes van werksbevrediging hoofsaaklik onbekend is binne die milieu van Suid Afrikaanse maatskaplike werk. ʼn Doelbewuste steekproefneming is gebruik en 20 deelnemers is ingesluit in die studie. ʼn Loodsstudie, wat twee deelnemers ingesluit het, is gedoen. Inligting is ingewin deur middel van ʼn semi-gestrukureerde onderhoud wat met band opgeneem is, en daarna neergeskryf is. Die steekproef is verkry vanuit vyf nie-regeringsorganisasies in Roodepoort, Tswane, Sasolburg en Kagiso. Twee literatuurhoofstukke het gefokus op generiese teorieë van werksbevrediging, waarna hierdie teorieë bespreek is binne die raamwerk van die bydraende faktore tot werksbevrediging vir maatskaplike werkers in Suid Afrika, spesifiek vir diegene werksaam in nie-regeringsorganisasies wat met kinder- en gesinsorg gemoeid is. Hoofstuk vier fokus op die empiriese studie. Data is geanaliseer en in temas, sub-temas en kategorieë georganiseer, wat op die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie gebaseer is. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die konsep van werksbevrediging ʼn komplekse, simbiotiese verhouding is tussen omstandighede, disposisionele en sosiale faktore. Daar is ʼn beduidende interaksie tussen positiewe en negatiewe faktore wat in interaksie met mekaar is, maar wat ook van mekaar afhanklik is. Dit is duidelik dat talle negatiewe invloede soos swak werksomstandighede, groot gevalleladings, swak salarisse, ongereelde en ongestruktureerde supervisie, en die swak openbare beeld van maatskaplike werkers ʼn beduidende rol speel in die aanleidende faktore tot lae werksbevrediging. Ten spyte van die feit dat Suid Afrikaanse maatskaplike werkers hulself in uiters moeilike omstandighede bevind, is daar talle maatskaplike werkers wat weens hul ontfermende karakterseienskappe, steeds bevrediging vind daarin om ander te help. Empatiese bevrediging lewer steeds ʼn belangrike en beduidende bydrae tot werksbevrediging, maar dit kan slegs bereik word wanneer sleutelrolspelers doelgerigte pogings aanwend om negatiewe werksfaktore sover moontlik te verminder. Hoofstuk vyf fokus op die hoofgevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings. Die aanbevelings varieer, maar wys daarop dat klein aksies wat dikwels as onbelangrik beskou word, ʼn groot bydrae kan lewer om werksbevrediging en uiteindelik retensie te verhoog.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 201 pages ; illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial workers -- Job satisfactionen_ZA
dc.subjectNon-governmental organisations -- Social servicesen_ZA
dc.subjectNGO sector -- Social servicesen_ZA
dc.subjectEmployee retentionen_ZA
dc.titlePerceived contributing factors impeding job satisfaction of social workers in non-government organisationsen_ZA
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