Development and evaluation of a longitudinal dynamic needs-action model of employee well-being : a psychological perspective

dc.contributor.advisorGörgens, Ginaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMarsburg, Angelaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The importance of well-being cannot be denied. Psychological well-being is a prerequisite to physical health, and is fundamental to an employee’s effective cognitive functioning, maintaining successful interpersonal relations, earning a living, and living a good life. Building on a recently proposed model of well-being, namely the eudaimonic activities model, that emphasises ‘doing well’ within the process of ‘feeling well’, this research study set out to explore the latent variables that interact to characterise employee well-being, from a dynamic intra-individual psychological perspective. Drawing on the theoretical frameworks of self-determination theory and psychological ownership theory, inspired by the eudaimonic activities model, a generic theoretical dynamic needs-action model of employee well-being, from a psychological perspective, was developed. Through theorising, five specific needs-based models, which replicate the dynamic well-being process suggested in the generic dynamic needs-action model, per specific need, were presented and tested longitudinally. The generic dynamic needs-action model presented certain predictions, namely the influence of basic psychological needs (self-identity, autonomy, competence, relatedness and beneficence) on motivation to pursue the route of self-investment, the effect of motivation on route pursuit (investing the self in the job, in task crafting behaviours, in optimally challenging tasks, in positive relations and in altruistic acts), and the subsequent influence of route pursuit on need satisfaction. Moreover, it was predicted that need satisfaction would influence the respective positive psychological state (psychological ownership, self-esteem, self-efficacy, psychological safety and meaning), which would in turn predict subjective well-being experienced by employees, over time. A three-wave quantitative, non-experimental research design, executed with a longitudinal online survey, incorporating a planned missing data design, was followed, using a convenience sample (Time 1: n = 290; Time 2: n = 229; Time 3: n = 195), to test the five specific needs-based cross-lagged panel models, with Mplus version 8.4. Three of the five specific needs-based models, namely the need for self-identity (Model 1), the need for relatedness (Model 4), and the need for beneficence (Model 5) obtained acceptable fit. However, statistical support was only found for certain paths within each of these models. The models pertaining to the need for autonomy (Model 2) and the need for competence (Model 3), failed to obtain acceptable fit and further investigation was halted for these two models. The results therefore revealed somewhat limited, partial, evidence to support the proposed generic theoretical dynamic needs-action model of employee well-being, from a psychological perspective. Conclusions pertaining to the overall predictions, presented in the generic theoretical model, were based on trends and insights garnered from the three models that obtained statistical support. Therefore, this research study found empirical support for the inclusion of both need salience and need satisfaction, within a model of employee well-being, from a psychological perspective. Moreover, the results suggest that only individuals who were motivated to feel well, experienced the benefits of their efforts (route pursuits) in terms of improved subjective well-being. The active role of the individual within the well-being process was additionally supported by the data, since route pursuit predicted need satisfaction, and need satisfaction influenced the respective positive psychological outcomes ten weeks later. No empirical support was found for the well-being gains argument inspired by Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory, and Hobfoll's conservation of resources theory. Methodological and theoretical effects that may have potentially influenced the results are suggested. Lastly, practical implications, limitations and future research areas are presented.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrikheid van welstand kan nie ontken word nie. Sielkundige welstand is 'n voorvereiste vir fisiese gesondheid en is van fundamentele effektiewe kognitiewe funksionering, die handhawing van suksesvolle interpersoonlike verhoudings, om ‘n bestaan te voer en ‘n goeie lewe te lei. Op grond van 'n onlangse voorgestelde model van welstand, naamlik die eudaimoniese aktiwiteitsmodel (EAM), wat ‘om goed te doen’ beklemtoon binne die proses van om 'goed te voel', het hierdie navorsingstudie vanuit 'n dinamiese intra-individuele sielkundige perspektief die latente veranderlikes, wat saamwerk om die werknemer se welstand te kenmerk, ondersoek. Op grond van die teoretiese raamwerke van selfbeskikkingsteorie en sielkundige eienaarskapsteorie, geïnspireer deur die eudaimoniese aktiwiteitsmodel, is ’n generiese, teoretiese dinamiese behoefte-aksiemodel van werknemerswelstand ontwikkel vanuit 'n sielkundige perspektief. Deur teoretisering is vyf spesifieke behoefte-gebaseerde modelle voorgestel en longitudinaal getoets. Die modelle repliseer die dinamiese welstandproses wat in die generiese dinamiese behoefte-aksiemodel voorgestel word, volgens die spesifieke behoefte. Die generiese dinamiese behoefte-aksiemodel het sekere voorspellings gemaak, naamlik die invloed van basiese sielkundige behoeftes (eie-identiteit, outonomie, bekwaamheid, verwantskap en liefdadigheid) op motivering om selfbelegging na te streef en die effek van motivering op hierdie aktiwiteite (investering van die self in werk, in werkomvorming gedrag, in optimale uitdagende take, in positiewe verhoudings, en in altruïstiese dade), en die gevolglike invloed op behoeftebevrediging. Boonop is voorspel dat behoeftebevrediging die onderskeie positiewe sielkundige toestande (sielkundige eienaarskap, selfbeeld, selfdoeltreffendheid, sielkundige veiligheid en betekenis), wat subjektiewe welstand van werknemers sou voorspel, oor tyd sou beïnvloed. ’n Drie-fase kwantitatiewe, nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp, uitgevoer met ‘n longitudinale aanlynopname, met 'n beplande ontbrekende data-ontwerp, is gevolg met behulp van 'n gerieflikheidsteekproef (Tyd 1: n = 290; Tyd 2: n = 229; Tyd 3: n = 195), om die vyf spesifieke behoefte-gebaseerde kruis-vertraagde paneelmodelle te toets, met Mplus weergawe 8.4. Drie van die vyf spesifieke behoefte-gebaseerde modelle, naamlik die behoefte aan eie-identiteit (Model 1), die behoefte aan verwantskap (Model 4) en die behoefte aan liefdadigheid (Model 5) het aanvaarbaar gepas. Statistiese ondersteuning is egter slegs verkry vir sekere paaie binne elk van hierdie modelle. Die modelle met betrekking tot die behoefte aan outonomie (Model 2) en die behoefte aan bekwaamheid (Model 3) het nie 'n aanvaarbare passing getoon nie en verdere ondersoek van hierdie twee modelle is gestaak. Die resultate onthul dus ietwat beperkte, gedeeltelike bewyse ter ondersteuning van die voorgestelde generiese teoretiese dinamiese behoefte-aksiemodel van werknemerswelstand, vanuit 'n sielkundige perspektief. Gevolgtrekkings oor die algehele voorspellings, aangebied in die generiese teoretiese model, is gebaseer op tendense en insigte wat verkry is uit die drie modelle wat statistiese ondersteuning verkry het. Daarom het hierdie navorsingstudie empiriese ondersteuning gevind vir die insluiting van beide behoefte-bewustheid en behoeftebevrediging binne 'n model van werknemerwelstand vanuit 'n sielkundige perspektief. Boonop dui die resultate daarop dat slegs individue wat gemotiveerd was om goed te voel, die voordele van hul aktiwiteit ervaar het ten opsigte van verbeterde welstand. Die aktiewe rol van die individu in die welstandproses is verder ondersteun deur die data, aangesien die aktiwiteite die behoeftebevrediging voorspel het en behoeftebevrediging die onderskeie positiewe sielkundige uitkomste tien weke later beïnvloed het. Geen empiriese steun is gevind vir die argument oor welstandwinste nie, wat geïnspireer is deur Fredrickson se verbreding-en-bou teorie, en Hobfoll se teorie oor die behoud van hulpbronne. Metodologiese en teoretiese gevolge wat die resultate moontlik beïnvloed het, word voorgestel. Laastens word praktiese implikasies, beperkings en toekomstige navorsingsgebiede uitgewys.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 289 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectPersonnel management -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectWork environment -- Psychological aspects -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEmployees -- Mental health -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectIndustrial hygiene -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectMental illness -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleDevelopment and evaluation of a longitudinal dynamic needs-action model of employee well-being : a psychological perspectiveen_ZA
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