Evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation process of the inclusive education policy in two schools in the Kavango East Region in Namibia

dc.contributor.advisorLange, Junayen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorHausiku, Regina Nanguraen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : The schools in the Kavango East Region of Namibia are faced with challenges to comply with the inclusive education policy of (2013) because of the limited resources which are not equally distributed across all schools. The physical environments of the schools which were studied do not support some cases of learners with learning barriers and disabilities, e.g. learners with speech problems, learners with spelling problems, slow learners, learners in wheelchairs and blind learners, which make it difficult for schools to comply with some guidelines stated in the policy. The Namibian government has embarked on a journey to address the inequalities in the education system. The government replaced the former education system with a unified one to promote equality, justice, democratic participation and human dignity (Ministry of basic education and culture, 1992:24). Article 20 of the Namibian Constitution ensures that all children will have the right to education and that primary education is compulsory and free. There was a need to investigate the inclusive education policy which is currently being implemented as an intervention which addresses the issue of inequality in the education system. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the policy for inclusive education in two schools of the Kavango East Region to determine if it is being implemented effectively. The study aimed at answering the following question: How effective is the implementation process of the inclusive education policy in the selected schools in Namibia? The study adopted a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews, document analysis and observation. The data was arranged into themes and reported on in narrative form. The findings show that the policy is not effectively implemented in the schools due to lack of resources. Furthermore, training was not conducted to cater for all the policy users. Schools are experiencing human and physical resources as stumbling blocks when it comes to policy implementation. The study revealed that some implementers are not aware of what the policy wants to address because they did not read the policy. Therefore, the study recommends training for teachers and other stakeholders to create awareness and educate them on the aims and objectives of the policy for inclusive education. There is also a need to provide more teaching and learning resources to support the schools in Namibia.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die skole in die Kavango-Oos Streek van Namibia word deur uitdagings in die gesig gestaar deur aan die inklusiewe onderwysbeleid van 2013 te voldoen weens die beperkte hulpbronne wat nie regverdig oor al die skole heen versprei word nie. Die fisiese omgewings van die skole wat ondersoek is, ondersteun nie party gevalle van leerders met leerhindernisse en -gebrekke, bv. leerders met spraakprobleme, leerders met spelprobleme, stadige leerders, leerders in rystoele en blinde leerders, wat dit moeilik maak vir skole om aan sommige riglyne in die beleid te voldoen nie. Die Namibiese regering het ’n reis onderneem om die ongelykhede in die onderwysstelsel aan te spreek. Die regering het die vorige onderwysstelsel met ’n gelykvormige een vervang om gelykheid, geregtigheid, demokratiese deelname en menswaardigheid te bevorder. Artikel 20 van die Namibiese Grondwet verseker dat alle persone die reg tot onderwys het en dat primêre onderwys verpligtend en verniet is. Daar was ’n behoefte om die sukses van die huidige inklusiewe onderwysbeleid, as ’n intervensie wat die kwessie van ongelykheid in die onderwysstelsel aanspreek, te ondersoek. Die doel van die studie was om die beleid met betrekking tot inklusiewe onderwys in twee skole van die Kavango-Oos Streek te evalueer en te bepaal of dit effektief geïmplementeer word. Die studie het gepoog om die volgende vraag te beantwoord: Hoe effektief is die implementeringsproses van die inklusiewe onderwysstelsel in die geselekteerde skole in Namibië? Die studie het die kwalitatiewe benadering benut deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, dokumentanalise en observasie aan te wend. Die data is in temas rangskik en in narratiewe vorm oor verslag gedoen. Die bevindinge toon dat die beleid nie effektief geïmplementeer word in die skole nie weens ’n tekort aan hulpbronne. Verder, met inagname van al die beleidsgebruikers, is opleiding nie verskaf nie. Skole ondervind menslike en fisiese hulpbronne as struikelblokke wanneer dit by beleidimplementering kom. Die studie het getoon dat sommige implementeerders nie bewus is van wat die beleid wil aanspreek nie omdat hulle nie die beleid gelees het nie. Vervolgens beveel die studie opleiding aan vir onderwysers en ander belanghebbendes om bewustheid te bewerkstellig en om hulle te onderrig jeens die doelstellings en doelwitte van die beleid vir inklusiewe onderwys. Daar is ook ’n behoefte om meer onderrig- en leerhulpbronne te voorsien om skole in Namibië te ondersteun.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 96 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectEducation and state -- Kavango (Namibia)en_ZA
dc.subjectInclusive education -- Evaluation -- Kavango (Namibia)en_ZA
dc.titleEvaluating the effectiveness of the implementation process of the inclusive education policy in two schools in the Kavango East Region in Namibiaen_ZA
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