Analysis of interventions in support of small tourism businesses in the Eden District Municipality

Biljohn, Mareve
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Macro-economic policy interventions have been driven by the South African national government in order to create economic and trade opportunities for small businesses within the first economy. This macro-economic policy intervention of the government which advocates the active and inclusive participation of small business in the first economy has set the trajectory for small business development and support by both provincial and local government. The significant contribution of small businesses (SBs) to local economic development in the locality of municipalities has thus seen the prioritizing of small business support and development by local government as a focal point of municipal Local Economic Development programmes. However these small businesses are often subject to a myriad of challenges compared to larger established businesses that fall outside the classifications of small businesses. These challenges thus make it impossible for SBs to compete with established businesses and to actively participate in the first economy. The Eden District Municipality, a renowned and reputable tourism destination, offers substantial business opportunities that favour small tourism businesses. This is all to the good, but the question is what programmes are on offer by the Eden District Municipality that may assist small tourism businesses (STBs) to tap into these business opportunities. Furthermore, do such programmes address the needs of STBs to access trade and economic opportunities? In the light of the foregoing, this study sets out to establish the areas in which STBs require support, to establish the current level of support received from the Eden District Municipality, as well as the participation levels of STBs themselves in the development of tourism strategies. This study investigates the coherence between interventions and support programmes provided by the Eden District Municipality and seeks to identify the areas in which small tourism businesses (STBs) require support and assistance. The population sample employed comprises small businesses from a previously disadvantaged background in the Eden District Municipality. A quantitative research design was followed and questionnaires were used to elicit responses from STBs which constitute the primary data to address the research question. It is anticipated that the findings of this research will assist the Eden District Municipality with the identification of future required interventions that will augment accessibility to trade and economic opportunities for STBs. By using the findings of the study as a yardstick, the Eden District can assess its own efforts and ensure that programme responses are designed to meet the identified needs of STBs. The findings highlight an overall need for broader consultation with STBs when support programmes and interventions are developed, and can be used as a benchmark by other researchers and local municipalities in the development of support programmes and interventions for STBs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Makro ekonomiese beleids intredes word deur die nasionale regering bestuur om sodoende ekonomiese- en handelsgeleenthede vir kleinsakeondernemings binne die eerste ekonomie te skep. Hierdie makro-ekonomiese beleidsintredess van die Suid- Afrikaanse regering bevorder die aktiewe en inklusiewe deelname van kleinsakeondernemings in die eerste ekonomie en stel baan daardeur die weg vir ontwikkelingsprogramme deur provinsiale en plaaslike regering ter ondersteuning van hierdie ondernemings. Die noemenswaardige bydrae van kleinsakeondernemings tot plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling in plaaslike munispaliteite het gelei tot die prioritisering van ondersteunings- en ontwiklelingsprogramme deur plaaslike regering as ‘n fokus punt van munisipaliteite se plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogramme. Hierdie kleinsakeondernemings word dikwels gekonfronteer deur verskeie struikelblokke vergeleke met groter gevestigde besighede wat buite die klassifikasie van klein besighede val. Die struikeblokke maak dit dus onmoontlik vir kleinsakeondernemings om te kompteer met gevestigde besighede en sukkel om aktiewe deelname te hê aan die ekonomie. Die Eden Distriks Munisipaliteit is bekend as ‘n geloofwaardige toerisme bestemming en bied substansiële besigheidsgeleenthede waarby kleinsake toerisme ondernemings kan baat. Dit is alles tot voordeel maar watter hulpprogramme bied die Eden Distriksmunisipaliteit aan klein toerisme sakeondernemings om toegang tot besigheids geleenthede te verkry. Die vraag is of hierdie programme die behoeftes van klein toerisme sakeondernemings se behoefte tot toetrede tot ekonomiese geleenthede bevredig. In die lig hiervan sal hierdie studie die ondersteuningsbehoeftes van klein toerisme sakeondernemings bepaal, die huidige vlak van ondersteuning vanaf die Eden Distriks Munisipaliteit vastel, sowel as die deelname van klein toerisme sakeondernemings in die ontwikkeling van toerisme strategiëe. Hierdie studie ondersoek dus die verband tussen intredes- en ondersteuningsprogramme wat deur die Eden Distriks munisipaliteit verskaf word en die gebiede waarop kleinsakeondernemings in toerisme bystand benodig. Daar word in die vooruitsig gestel dat die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing die Eden Distriks Munisipaliteit sal help om toekomstige intredes te identifiseer wat toegang tot handel en ekonomiese geleenthede vir klein toerisme sakeondernemnings sal bevorder. Deur die bevindinge van die studie te gebruik as ʼn maatstaf kan die Eden Distriks Munisipaliteit sy eie werk evalueer en gebruik om te verseker dat programme met die behoeftes van klein toerisme sakeondernemings bevredig. Die bevindinge beklemtoon ‘n behoefte vir brëer konsultasie met klein toerisme sakeondernemings wanneer programme en intredes ontwikkel word, en kan ook deur ander navorsers en plaaslike munisipaliteite gebruik word as verwysingsraamwerk in die ontwikkeling van ondersteuningsprogramme en intredes.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Small business -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Tourism -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning