A philosophical study of alternatives to practices of educational philanthropy

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : This study explores the structural and conceptual notions underlying educational philanthropy. I hold that many stakeholders in their private and public capacity are assisting and contributing toward quality education for children in South Africa. The concept of help or assistance is understood to be called philanthropy. I therefore constructed and synthesised the concept of educational philanthropy. Different stakeholders practise educational philanthropy in different ways due to various conceptions and understandings. I therefore contend that, in order to assist in education, which is a complex environment, one needs to understand the meanings behind the concepts of educational philanthropy. I have chosen philosophical inquiry to provide me with the conceptual tools to explore and clarify my research question. I have employed three methods of inquiry, namely conceptual analysis, exploring hidden assumptions underlying a particular view or broader school of thought, and questioning the practice of educational philanthropy in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the meaning of concepts. I have also used interpretive inquiry and critical theory as my research methodologies. The findings indicate that the literature confirmed my perception that there are different meanings and hidden assumptions attached to the concept of educational philanthropy. This study thus allowed me to gain a better and deeper academic understanding of the concepts I am engaging with in my practice on a daily basis.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie ondersoek die strukturele en konseptuele konsepte onderliggend aan opvoedkundige filantropie. Ek is van mening dat verskeie belangegroepe in hulle private en publieke kapasiteit ondersteuning bied en bydrae maak tot kwaliteit opvoeding vir kinders in Suid- Afrika. Die konsep van ondersteuning of help word ook filantropie genoem. In verwysing daarna het ek dus die konsep ‘opvoedkundige filantropie’ gekonstrueer. Verskillende belangegroepe voer opvoedkundige filantropie op verskillende wyses uit weens hulle verskillende konsepsies en begrippe. Ek argumenteer dus dat ten einde opvoeding, wat ’n komplekse omgewing is, te ondersteun, ’n indiepte begrip van die bedoelings agter die konsep van opvoedkundige filantropie nodig is en alternatiewe praktyke ondersoek moet word. Ek het ’n filosofiese ondersoek gekies as die mees toepaslike navorsingsbenadering om aan my die nodige konseptuele toerusting te bied om my navorsingsvraag te verhelder en te ondersoek. Ek het drie metodes van ondersoek gebruik, naamlik konseptuele analise, die verkenning van versteekte aannames onderliggend aan ’n spesifieke denkskool, en die ondervraging van die praktyk van opvoedkundige filantropie ten einde ’n diepgaande begrip te kry van die konsepte wat ek ondersoek. Interpretatiewe ondersoek en kritiese teorie is as navorsingsmetodologieë aangewend. Die bevindinge dui aan dat die literatuur my persepsie bevestig dat verskillende bedoelinge en versteekte aannames oor die konsep van opvoedkundige filantropie bestaan. Hierdie studie het dus toegelaat dat ek ‘n beter en diepgaande akademiese begrip van die konsepte waarmee ek op ‘n daaglikse basis in die praktyk handel, kon verkry.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2015
Education -- Alternative practices, Education -- Philosophy, Education -- Philosophy -- Conceptual analysis, Education -- Philanthropy