Transforming in-group and out-group identities in the local Seventh-day Adventist congregation, Cape Town : a realist evaluation research of mission practice

dc.contributor.advisorSimon, David Xolileen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAppollis, Edward Adrianen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The landscape of the SDA Church has changed due to globalisation, migration and urbanisation and resulted into an influx of foreign nationals into local congregations. This created a binary tension between the insiders and the outsiders and caused unprecedented challenges for the SDA Church. The consequences reverberate throughout the entire structure of the church, impacting not only members (local and foreign national), but also the leadership of the church (local, national, and global). Focusing on one particular congregation, this empirical study found that the foreign national SDA members are finding it impossible to integrate into the local church, due to the on-going and increased tensions between local and foreign national SDA Church members. With each group having different expectations and coming from diverse cultural backgrounds, workable solutions need to be found so that unity can be restored and that the Church can once again fulfil its purpose and participate in the missio Dei. To achieve this goal, the Context-Mechanism-Outcomes configuration (CMOc) methodology was employed to determine the causal factors of tension in the mission programme of the local SDA Church. This realist evaluation approach used theory-driven interviews which exist to inspire, validate, or confirm, and falsify or modify hypotheses about how programmes and interventions work. These iterative interviews were used to discover ‘what works for whom under which circumstances and why’ (developed by Pawson & Tilley (1996) called the “Pawson Principle”). This critical realist approach fits between the positivist and the anti-positivist approaches and utilised a different path of realist synthesis for data analysis. A set of findings also called the middle-range theories (MRT’s) were articulated as follows: 1)There is no mission programme and practice at this local SDA Church. 2)The mission programme and practice at this local SDA Church has been impacted bythe tensions between the local SDA Church members and foreign national SDAChurch members. The causal factors of tension are about seating space in the church,church membership, the language of worship services, cultural differences, and churchunity. 3)The local church pastor needs training for cultural competency in order to synergisehis congregation towards integration and mission. 4)The interventions done by the local church board to reduce the tensions and increasethe mission programme of the local church have proven to be ineffective. Based on the findings of this study, a number of workable solutions were devised in the form of recommendations addressed to various strata – members, leaders, pastors, academics – with the aim of facilitating transformation of identities in the local SDA Church, building on Christ’s method of mission as a foundation. The hoped-for outcome of facilitating transformation would be greater tolerance among members, a better understanding of one another’s respective cultures, bridging a knowledge gap in the academia; and increased participation in the missio Dei. A further invaluable contribution of this study was the development of the T2T4M booklet, which will be presented as a seminar to the church, and as a module to students at the local SDA seminary, which can also be extended to other congregations and denominations, experiencing similar challenges.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die landskap van die SDA-kerk het verander weens globalisering, migrasie en verstedeliking en het ‘n intog van buitelanders in plaaslike gemeentes tot gevolg gehad. Hierdie het ’n tweeledige spanning geskep tussen binne- en buitestaanders en uitdagings sonder weerga vir die SDA kerk tot gevolg gehad. Hierdie gevolge weergalm deur die ganse kerkstruktuur en raak nie net kerklede nie (beide plaaslik en uit die buiteland), maar ook die leierskap van die SDA kerk (plaaslik, nasionaal en wêreldwyd). Met die klem op een spesifieke gemeente, het hierdie empiriese studie bevind dat die buitelandse SDA-lede dit onmoontlik vind om in die plaaslike gemeente te integreer, te wyte aan die voortslepende en toenemende spanning tussen plaaslike en buitelandse SDA kerklede. Met uiteenlopende verwagtinge en kulturele herkoms, moet uitvoerbare oplossings gevind word ten einde eenheid te herstel sodat die kerk weereens haar doel kan bereik en deelneem aan die missio Dei. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, is die Konteks-Meganisme-Uitkoms groepering (KMU-g) metodologie aangewend om die oorsaaklike faktore te bepaal wat spanning veroorsaak in die sendingprogram van die plaaslike SDA kerk. Hierdie realis-evaluasie benadering het teoriegedrewe onderhoude gebruik, geskep om te inspireer, te bevestig en te bekragtig en om hipoteses te weerlê of wysig oor hoe programme en intervensies werk. Hierdie herhalende onderhoude is gebruik om te ontdek ‘wat werk vir wie onder watter omstandighede en waarom’ (soos ontwikkel deur Pawson & Tilley (1996), genaamd die “Pawson-beginsel”). Hierdie krities-realis benadering pas tussen die positivis- en anti-positivis benaderings in en gebruik ’n verskillende roete van realis-sintese vir data-analise. Bevindinge wat ook as middelvlak-teorieë (MRT’s) bekend staan is soos volg verfyn: 1)Daar is geen sendingprogram en -praktyk by hierdie plaaslike SDA kerk nie. 2)Die sendingprogram en -praktyk by hierdie plaaslike SDA-kerk is geraak deur diespanning tussen die plaaslike SDA-kerklede en buitelandse SDA-kerklede. Diespanning spruit uit sitruimte in die kerk, die taal van aanbiddings dienste,kultuurverskille en kerkeenheid. 3)Die plaaslike pastoor het opleiding nodig in kulturele bekwaamheid om die nodigesinergie in die gemeente te bewerk tot integrasie en sending. 4)Pogings deur die plaaslike kerkraad om spanning te verlig en die sendingprogram teversterk, was onsuksesvol. Gegrond op die bevindinge van hierdie studie, is ’n aantal uitvoerbare oplossings beraam in die vorm van aanbevelings gerig op verskeie strata – lede, leiers, pastore, akademici – met die doel voor oë om gedaanteverandering van identiteit in die plaaslike SDA gemeente teweeg te bring, gegrond op Christus se metode van missie. Die gesogte uitkoms van hierdie transformasie sluit in groter verdraagsaamheid, ’n beter begrip van onderskeie kulture; n kennis gaping te oorbrug en toenemende deelname in die missio Dei. ’n Verder waardevolle bydrae van hierdie studie is die daarstelling van die T2T4M-boekie, wat as ’n seminaar aan die kerk aangebied sal word en as ’n module aan studente by die plaaslike SDA kweekskool. Hierdie kan verder uitgebrei word aan ander gemeentes en genootskappe wat soortgelyke uitdagings die hoof moet bied.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxi, 335 pages : illustrations (some color)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Uiversityen_ZA
dc.subjectGroup identityen_ZA
dc.subjectSeventh-Day Adventists -- South Africa -- Cape Townen_ZA
dc.subjectMissions -- Theoryen_ZA
dc.titleTransforming in-group and out-group identities in the local Seventh-day Adventist congregation, Cape Town : a realist evaluation research of mission practiceen_ZA
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