Onderwysstudente se parodieë as hibridiese tekste : ’n navorsingsverslag

dc.contributor.authorKruger, Estelleen_ZA
dc.descriptionCITATION: Kruger, E. 2006. Onderwysstudente se parodieë as hibridiese tekste : ’n navorsingsverslag. Literator, 27(2): 83-108, doi:10.4102/lit.v27i2.194.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThe original publication is available at http://www.literator.org.zaen_ZA
dc.description.abstractParody as hybridic text: research report Parody can be seen as one of the techniques of selfreferentiality through which a consciousness of the context dependency of meaning is revealed in an aesthetic way. This article explores the theoretical background of parody as literary style against which the researcher challenged a group of teacher education students in a research programme to generate their own parodies. The task required that they choose a well-known fairy tale and use its structure to mock their own society. Students of another group were asked as the writers’ peers to read the stories in order to engage in a dialogue between encoder and decoder in the process of reception. The educational aim of the programme was to equip students to reflect critically and react creatively to social, political and economic issues that surround them. Furthermore, the researcher wanted to discover how these texts would generate a flexibility, fluency and hybridity in relationship with the students’ cultural identity and how they would project their own liminality in a no-man’s land between youth and adulthood. Analysis and interpretation of the parody texts revealed themes of late capitalism, materialism and consumerism, as well as typical student cultural manifestations of language usage and some of their existing attitudes toward the South African political society in post-apartheid. The students’ parodies have intertextual density with imitation and subversion of the original text contexts and values. The writers used a variety of stylistic techniques to generate double-voiced narratives as manifestation of literary creativity.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractParodie kan gesien word as een van die tegnieke van selfreferensialiteit waardeur die outeur se bewussyn van die kontekstuele afhanklikheid van betekenis estetiese vergestalting vind. Hierdie artikel verken die teoretiese agtergrond van parodie as literêre styl, sowel as die navorser se bevindings van ’n navorsingsprogram waarbinne ’n groep onderwysstudente uitgedaag is om hul eie parodietekste te genereer. Die taak was om ’n bekende sprokie te kies en die struktuur daarvan te gebruik om met die samelewing te spot. ’n Ander groep studente het in die navorsingsprogram as portuurlesers opgetree, om deur die lees van die nuwe parodieë in ’n dialoog tussen enkodeerder en dekodeerder te tree. Die opvoedkundige doelwit van die onderrigprogram wat deel van die navorsingsprogram was en waarvan verslag gelewer word, was om onderwysstudente toe te rus om krities te reflekteer en kreatief skrywend te reageer op sosiale, politieke en ekonomiese kwessies wat hulle omring in die samelewing. Verder wou die navorser ontdek hoe hierdie kreatiewe skryfpogings buigsaamheid, vlotheid en hibriditeit in verhouding tot die studente se kulturele identiteit uitbeeld. Die analise en interpretasie van die parodietekste het verskeie temas van laat-kapitalisme, materialisme en ’n verbruikersamelewing aangetoon, sowel as tipiese studentekulturele manifestasies van taalgebruik en bestaande houdings teenoor die Suid-Afrikaanse sosiaal-politiese samelewing in postapartheid. Die studente se parodieë het intertekstuele digtheid getoon, met nabootsing en omkering van die oorspronklike tekste se kontekste en waardes. Uiteindelik het die studente as outeurs ’n verskeidenheid stilistiese tegnieke gebruik om dubbelstemmige narratiewe te skep.af_ZA
dc.description.versionPublisher's versionen_ZA
dc.format.extent26 pagesen_ZA
dc.identifier.citationKruger, E. 2006. Onderwysstudente se parodieë as hibridiese tekste : ’n navorsingsverslag. Literator, 27(2): 83-108, doi:10.4102/lit.v27i2.194en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn2219-8237 (online)
dc.identifier.issn0258-2279 (print)
dc.publisherAOSIS Publishingen_ZA
dc.rights.holderAuthors retain copyrighten_ZA
dc.subjectStudent teachers -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectParody in literatureen_ZA
dc.subjectCritical thinkingen_ZA
dc.subjectReasoning -- Study and teachingen_ZA
dc.titleOnderwysstudente se parodieë as hibridiese tekste : ’n navorsingsverslagaf_ZA
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