Adapting to a COVID world: A comparative study of participants’ experiences of online vs. face-to-face facilitation

dc.contributor.advisorKafaar, Zuhayren_ZA
dc.contributor.authorJackson, Justineen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: This thesis explored the differences and similarities between feedback from those who experienced a synchronous online workshop vs those who experienced the same workshop in a face-to-face delivery method. The workshop that I got the feedback sheets from was a cognitive behavioural workshop delivered to adults in a corporate environment in South Africa. It was a 4-day workshop, which looked at shifting unhelpful behaviour in both the work and home environment. My research attempted to aid in the understanding and to further explore both differences and similarities in terms of the feedback and whether there were any differences and similarities in terms of the experience of either format. This may assist decision-makers to make more informed choices as to whether to continue developing employees or to cancel training altogether if online learning is the only option. Should there be only limited academic research to base decisions on, there is a risk that corporates will choose to either abandon training or follow their own lead and agendas when it comes to financing training for their employees. This is a potentially significant risk that could be mitigated with enough formal research regarding face-to-face versus online learning. My hope is that my thesis will add to the body of formal research on this topic and also provide more relevance in terms of the South African context. This research may also be relied upon since almost a third of the country is vaccinated and businesses are considering new hybrid ways of working and whether or not to reopen face-to-face training or to consider a synchronous training as the new normal. This thesis employed a thematic analysis in order to generate themes through the data. Through the data analysis there were five themes that emerged, namely: “The Link Between Perceived Value and Impact”, “The Effect of an Informal Light-Hearted Learning Environment”, “Engagement Always Wins”, “Gratefulness for Personal Growth” and “Experienced Irritations”. In response to the key research question, What are the differences and similarities between adult learners’ experiences of the cognitive-behavioural training workshop when performed virtually versus face-to-face, I picked up on some clear similarities as well as some unique differences. The differences were that the feedback sheets received from the face-to-face workshops had no comments about connectivity issues. “Experienced Irritations” comments from those in the faceto- face workshop revolved more around the course participants themselves feeling drained or tired at the end of the workshop. An additional difference in the feedback from the participants in the different formats was found under the theme “The Effect of an Informal Learning Environment”. There were also differences under the theme “Creating Safe Spaces”. For the rest of the themes and subthemes, both formats seemed remarkably similar in their feedback and the participants overall experiences.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die verskille tussen terugvoer van diegene wat 'n sinchrone aanlyn werkswinkel beleef het, teen diegene wat dieselfde werkswinkel ondergaan het in 'n aangesig-totaangesig afleweringsmetode. Die werkswinkel waaruit ek die terugvoer blaaie gekry was, was 'n kognitiewe gedragswerkswinkel wat aan volwassenes in 'n korporatiewe omgewing in Suid - Afrika gelewer is. Dit was 'n vierdaagse werkswinkel waarin gekyk is na die verskuiwing van onbehulpsame gedrag in die werk- en huisomgewing. My navorsing het gepoog om die begrip te vergemaklik en om ooreenkomste en verskille in terme van die terugvoer te ondersoek en of daar verskille is in die ervaring tussen die twee formate. Dit kan besluitnemers help om meer ingeligte keuses te maak of hulle wil voortgaan om werknemers te ontwikkel of om opleiding heeltemal te kanselleer as aanlyn leer die enigste opsie is. As daar slegs beperkte akademiese navorsing is om besluite te baseer, bestaan die risiko dat ondernemings besluit om opleiding te laat vaar of hul eie leiding en agendas te volg ten opsigte van die finansiering van opleiding vir hul werknemers. Dit is 'n potensieel beduidende risiko wat met genoeg formele navorsing oor aangesig tot aangesig teenoor aanlynleer verminder kan word. My hoop is dat my proefskrif bydra tot die formele navorsing oor hierdie onderwerp en dat dit ook meer relevant sal wees in terme van die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks. Hierdie tesis het 'n tematiese analise gebruik om temas deur die data te genereer. Deur die data-analise het vyf temas na vore gekom, naamlik: "Die verband tussen waargenome waarde en impak", "Die effek van 'n informele lighartige leeromgewing", "Betrokkenheid wen altyd", "Dankbaarheid vir persoonlike groei" en " Ervare irritasies ”. In reaksie op die belangrikste navorsingsvraag: Wat is die verskille tussen volwasse leerders se ervarings van die kognitiewe gedragsopleidingswerkswinkel wanneer dit aanlyn teenoor aangesig tot aangesig uitgevoer word, het ek 'n paar duidelike ooreenkomste sowel as enkele unieke verskille opgemerk. In reaksie op die navorsingsvraag, was die verskille dat die terugvoer blaaie wat van die aangesig-tot-aangesig-werkswinkels ontvang is, geen opmerkings oor verbindings probleme gehad het nie. Opmerkings van "Ervare irritasies" van diegene wat in die werkswinkel van aangesig tot aangesig was, het meer gedraai na die kursusgangers wie self uitgeput of moeg gevoel het aan die einde van die werkswinkel. 'n Bykomende verskil in die terugvoer van die deelnemers in die aanlyn formaat is gevind onder die tema "Die effek van 'n informele leeromgewing". Daar was ook verskille onder die tema “Veilige ruimtes skep”. Vir die res van die temas en subtemas het beide formate opmerklik dieselfde gelyk in hul terugvoer en die deelnemers se algehele ervarings.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 126 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectOnline learning and distance educationen_ZA
dc.subjectSynchronous online workshopen_ZA
dc.subjectFace-to-face workshopsen_ZA
dc.subjectCOVID-19 (Disease -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleAdapting to a COVID world: A comparative study of participants’ experiences of online vs. face-to-face facilitationen_ZA
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