Relocalising community through design: considering the role of participatory mapping

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The COVID-19 pandemic forced many communities to switch to online modes of communication. While the pandemic may be officially over, many working and studying environments have remained online and remote. Sherry Turkle and Ezio Manzini claim that virtual communities are unsustainable. This study explores how participatory design, specifically participatory mapping, can negotiate stronger connections, and more sustainable communities. This study explores how the characteristics of participatory design may contribute to placemaking and Manzini’s hybrid communities of place. Furthermore, this study attempts to establish what role participatory mapping may place on relocalising, hybridising and for stronger connections within existing communities. This research study is situated within the theoretical framework of Human-centred design, specifically, Design for Social Innovation. It does this by making use of a practice-led approach, with the methodology being rooted in participatory design. The study involved practical collaborative maps with students at The Open Window Institute in Pretoria, South Africa to assess the relationship that participatory mapping may have on community development. This involved a top-down method, however, there were a few activities that allowed students to direct from the bottom up. This study found that participatory design, specifically participatory mapping, may contribute to more sustainable communities by relocalising and connecting students, although only in niche cases that involved little online interaction and the extreme willingness of the participants. This research provides a foundational framework for making use of participatory mapping methods and leveraging collaboration to enhance community sustainability. It encourages higher education institutions to assess their community culture and could be an initial step to paving the way for more studies on the long-term impact of participatory mapping on community dynamics.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die COVID-19-pandemie het baie gemeenskappe gedwing om oor te skakel na aanlyn kommunikasiemetodes. Terwyl die pandemie amptelik verby mag wees, het baie werk- en studieomgewings 'n aanlyn en afstandskarakter behou. Sherry Turkle en Ezio Manzini beweer dat virtuele gemeenskappe onvolhoubaar is. Hierdie studie ondersoek hoe deelnemende ontwerp, spesifiek deelnemende kartering, sterker verbindinge en meer volhoubare gemeenskappe kan bewerkstellig. Dit ondersoek hoe die eienskappe van deelnemende ontwerp tot plekmaak kan bydra en Manzini se 'hibriede gemeenskappe van plek' kan bydra. Verder poog hierdie studie om vas te stel watter rol deelnemende kartering mag speel in die herlokalisering, hibridisering en vir sterker konneksies binne bestaande gemeenskappe. Hierdie navorsingsstudie is geplaas binne die teoretiese raamwerk van Mensgesentreerde Ontwerp (Human-centred design), spesifiek Ontwerp vir Sosiale Innovasie. Dit word gedoen deur van 'n praktykgeleide benadering gebruik te maak, met die metodologie wat gewortel is in deelnemende ontwerp. Die studie het praktiese deelnemende kaarte met studente by die Open Window-instituut in Pretoria, Suid-Afrika, betrek om die verhouding wat deelnemende kartering op gemeenskapsontwikkeling, te beoordeel. Dit het 'n van-bo-af-ondertoe metode gebruik, maar daar was ook 'n paar aktiwiteite wat dit vir studente moontlik gemaak het om van onder af te lei. Hierdie studie het bevind dat deelnemende ontwerp, spesifiek deelnemende kartering, mag bydra tot meer volhoubare gemeenskappe deur herlokalisering en die bou van konneksies tussen studente, alhoewel dit slegs in spesifieke gevalle was wat min aanlyninteraksie en die uiterste gewilligheid van die deelnemers ingesluit het. Hierdie navorsing bied 'n basiese raamwerk vir die gebruik van deelnemende karteringmetodes en die benutting van samewerking/deelname om gemeenskapvolhoubaarheid te verbeter. Dit moedig hoër onderwysinstellings aan om hul gemeenskapskultuur te evalueer en kan 'n aanvanklike stap wees om die weg te baan vir meer studies oor die langtermynimpak van deelnemende kartering op gemeenskapsdinamika.
Thesis MA (VA)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.