Utilising blockchain technology to combat counterfeit products on digital platforms

dc.contributor.advisorLouw, Louisen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorPalm, Danielen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKotze, Marko Abrahamen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this research project is to develop 'n conceptual technology model that can assist organisations with the practical application of blockchain technology (BCT) in designing, or redesigning, their e-commerce platforms. Such a technology model will assist organisations in developing platforms that are more effective and efficient at combatting the sale of counterfeit online goods. BCT's most revered ability - allowing people who have no confidence in each other to collaborate without the need for involving a central neutral authority - is not an inherent property of BCT. Instead, it is the result of all the principles BCT is built upon, which rely on complex systems that are elegantly interwoven into a single technology. It is the decentralised trust created by BCT, which establishes it as a possible solution to fraudulent activities in supply chains (SCs). The conducted literature review indicates that the counterfeit market is growing and that existing techniques and technologies are failing to combat the rise in counterfeit goods. A review of literature and pilot projects indicated that businesses are using BCT as a tool to record and store product provenance. Typically, these pilot projects rely on side-chains, to increase blockchain (BC) scalability, or fungible tokens as a digital representation of the product on the BC. For this project an e-commerce based technology model is proposed, which takes advantage of two underutilised BCTTs: state channels and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The project is developed around two core ideas for combatting fraudulent activity during online transactions: establishing provenance and applying mutually assured destruction (MAD) principles to transactions. State channels are proposed to help scale BCT and it is in these channels that MAD principles can be applied as a fraud deterrent to assure that the fraudster would lose more than they would gain. To help establish the provenance of a product, the value chain needs to be tokenised in order to trach a product. The NFT standard ERC-998 was used to develop the NESIA token which is unusual in that it has an ability to adopt other tokens. This means that the provenance of a product can be established independently from the product ID toke (NESIA) and the token can simply adopt the provenance after the transaction is complete. The NESIA token is used to link the provenance gained in the state channel based SCs to that of the MAD principle designed state channels. To test the validity of the proposed technology model, a technology demonstrator was developed for an Ethereum based solution. Multiple teste scenarios were developed, based on user concerns and requirements, which simulated fraudulent behaviour from either the buyer or the seller. The initial results are positive with no monetary losses suffered by either party, apart from one instance where the case was unresolved. Further research opportunities exist to expand the project by applying the ideas of NFTs to sidechains as the basis for developing digital twin environments.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsingsprojek is om 'n konseptuele tegnologiemodel te ontwikkel wat organisasies kan help met die praktiese toepassing van blokketting-tegnologie (BCT) in die ontwerp of herontwerp van hul e-handelsplatforms. So 'n tegnologiemodel sal organisasies help om platforms te ontwikkel wat meer doeltreffend en effektief die bestryding van vervalste aanlyngoedere verkope kan bekamp. BCT se mees gerespekteerde vermoë - om mense wat geen vertroue in mekaar het, toe te laat om saam te werk sonder om 'n sentrale neutrale owerheid te betrek - is nie 'n inherente eienskap van BCT nie. In plaas daarvan is dit die resultaat van al die beginsels waarop BCT gebou is, wat staatmaak op komplekse stelsels wat elegant in 'n enkele tegologie verweef is. Dit is die gedesentraliseerde vertroue wat deur BCT geskep word, wat dit vestig as 'n moontlike oplossing vir bedrieglike aktiwiteite in voorsieningskettings (SC). Die literatuuroorsig wat gedoen is, dui aan dat die nagemaakte-goedere mark groei en dat bestaande tegnieke en tegnologieë nie die styging in vervalste goedere bekamp nie. 'n Oorsig oor literatuur en loodsprojekte het aangedui dat ondernemings BCT gebruik as 'n instrument om produkherkoms aan te teken en te stoor. Hierdie loodsprojekte is gewoonlik afhanklik van sykettings om die skaalbaarheid van blokketting (BC), of wedersyds-verwistig tekens, te verhoog as 'n digitale voorstelling van die produk op die BC. Vir hierdie projek word 'n e-handelsgebaseerde tegologiemodel voorgestel, wat voordeel trek uit twee onderbenutte BCT's: staatskanale and nie-wedersyds-verwistig tekens (NFT's). Die projek is ontwikkel rondom twee kernidees vir die bekamping van bedrieglike aktiwiteite tydens aanlyntransaksies: die vasstelling van herkoms en toepassing van prestasie waarborge, gebaseer op onderlinge versekerde vernietiging (MAD) -beginsels, op transaksies. Staatskanale word voorgestel om BCT te help skaal, en dit is hierdie kanale waar MD-beginsels toegepas kan word om as bedrogafskrikmiddel om te verseker dat die bedriër meer sal verloor was wat hulle sou verdien. Om die herkoms van 'n produk te bepaal, moet die waardeketting getekenariseerd word om 'n produk na te spoor. Die NFT-standaard ERC-998 is gebruik om die NESIA-teken te ontwikkel, wat ongewoon is omdat dit die vermoë het om ander tekens aan te neem. Dit beteken dat die herkoms van 'n produk onafhanklik van die produk-ID-teken (NESIA) vasgestel kan word en die teken eenvoudig die herkoms kan aanneem nadat die transaksie afgehandel is. Die NESIA-teken word gebruik om die herkoms wat in die staatskanaalgebaseerde SC's verkry is, te koppel aan die van die MAD-beginsel-ontwerpte staatskanale. Om die geldigheid van die voorgestelde tegnologiemodel te toets, is 'n tegnologiedemonstrator ontwikkel vir 'n Ethereum-gebaseerde oplossing. Verskeie toetsscenario's is ontwikkel, gebseer op gebruikersbesorgdheid en vereistes, wat bedrieglike gedrag van die koper of die verkoper nageboots het. Die aanvanklike resultate is positief, sonder enige geldelike verliese wat deur een van die partye gely is, afgesien van een geval waar die saak nie opgelos is nie. Verdere navorsingsgeleenthede bestaan om die projek uit te brei deur die idees van NFT's op sykettings toe te pas as die basis vir die ontwikkeling van digitale tweelingomgewings.af_ZA
dc.format.extent230 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBlockchains (Databases)en_ZA
dc.subjectDatabase securityen_ZA
dc.subjectSupply Chainen_ZA
dc.subjectDigital identityen_ZA
dc.titleUtilising blockchain technology to combat counterfeit products on digital platformsen_ZA
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