An investigation into the pre-service preparation of secondary teachers of English

dc.contributor.advisorRidge, E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAlberts, Angelika Brigitteen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Department of Education Policy Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (M. Ed.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1996.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an exploration into the pre-service preparation of secondary teachers of English. The investigation was prompted by three main factors that affect the teaching of English at secondary level. South Africa's new language policy and the role of English in the new democracy, far-reaching changes in the country's education policy, and the tendency worldwide for teachers not to be regarded as professionals in contemporary society. The literature review focused on past and present concecptions of language teaching, views of language, the learner, and language learning, views of knowledge and views of the teacher. The concepts teacher education and teacher training were investigated and their relative merits compared, and three models for language teacher education were discussed. In order to obtain first-hand information on the preparation of secondary teacher of English, questionnaires were sent out to two sets of respondents: all lecturers/tutors involved in such preparation at university faculties of education in South Africa, and excellent teachers of English in the Western Cape. It was assumed that the lecturers/tutors would know what was essential to this type of preparation, and that excellent secondary teachers of English would be professionals who would know what the teaching of English entailed and would be able to articulate what they viewed as essential to the pre-service course. The questionnaire provided for both restricted and unrestricted responses. Both the literature review and the findings of the survey strongly suggest that pre-service preparation of secondary teachers of English should be along the lines of teacher education rather than teacher training This implies that a process as well as a product orientated approach should be taken. Rather than merely providing students with a particular method, tools and skills which they apply unthinkingly in their classrooms, teachers should be educated to evaluate each individual teaching situation and to apply the methods and skills needed for that situation. This presupposes they have a sound knowledge of the theory and principles underlying different language teaching methods, an awareness of the different needs of their pupils, the confidence to alter teaching techniques when necessary, knowledge of themselves and their pupils, and that they be open to change.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is 'n ondersoek na die wyse waarop sekondere Engels onderwysers voorberei word vir diens. Die ondersoek is geinisieer deur drie hooffaktore wat die onderrig van Engels op sekondere vlak raak: Suid Afrika se nuwe taalbeleid en die rol van Engels in die nuwe demokrasie, verreikende veranderinge in die land se onderrigbeleid, en die hedendaagse wereldwye beskouing dat die onderwyser nie 'n professionele persoon is nie. Die literatuurstudie fokus op die vroeere en hedendaagse beskouinge van taalonderrig, die leerder en die aanleer van taal, sienings oor kennis en sienings oor die onderwyser. Die begrippe ondewyseropvoeding en onderwysersopleiding is nagevors en hulle relatiewe meriete vergelyk, en drie modelle vir die opvoeding van taalonderwysers is bespreek. Om eerstehandse inligting in te win oor dic voorbereiding van sekondere Engels onderwyers is vraelyste aan twee groepe respondente gestuur: alle dosente betrokke by sodanige voorbereiding wat aan die opvoedkunde-fakulteite van alle Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite verbonde is, en uitstekende sekondere Engels onderwysers in die Wes-Kaap. Daar is aanvaar dat dosente sou weet wat noodsaaklik is vir hierdie tipe voorbereiding, en dat uitstekende Engels onderwysers professionele mense sou wees wat sou weet wat die onderrig van Engels behels en sou kon verduidelik wat hulle as essensieel beskou vir sodanige voorbereiding Die vraelys het voorsiening gemaak vir beide beperkte en onbeperkte response. Sowel die literatuurstudie asook die bevindinge van die ondersoek dui sterk daarop dat die voorbereiding vir diens van sekondere Engels onderwysers eerder onderwyseropvoeding as onderwyseropleiding as riglyn behoort te neem. Dit impliseer dat sowel 'n proses- as 'n produkbenadering gevolg behoort te word. Eerder as om studente slegs van 'n bepaalde metode, hulpmiddels en vaardighede te voorsien wat hulle onnadenkend in hul klaskamers toepas, behoort onderwysers opgevoed te word om elke individuele onderrigsituasie te evalueer en daarvolgens die geskikste metodes en vaardighede toe te pas. Dit veronderstel dat hulle 'n grondige kennis sal he van die teorie en beginsels onderliggend aan die verskillende onderrigmetodes, bewus sal wees van die verskillende behoeftes van hul leerlinge, die vertroue sal he om onderrigtegnieke te verander waar nodig, selfkennis en kennis van hul leerlinge sal openbaar, en sal oop wees vir verandering.af_ZA
dc.format.extent236 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectTeachers -- Training ofen_ZA
dc.subjectEnglish teachers -- Training ofen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen_ZA
dc.titleAn investigation into the pre-service preparation of secondary teachers of Englishen_ZA
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