The effect of technological advancement on human resources performance : a case study of the office of the Prime Minister, Republic Of Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This study examines the use of performance management techniques in the public service, focusing on the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) of Namibia. Furthermore, the study seeks to establish the effects of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in promoting performance. Just like other African governments, the Namibian government set out to implement the use of ICTs to improve its performance. The use of ICTs is to compliment the mechanisms of performance measurement that have been adopted by the public service. The motivation for this study arises from policy formulation and implementation often not being done adequately. The study uses a qualitative research methodology in which data was collected from employees of the OPM. The data collected and its analysis confirmed that the OPM does have a performance management policy which is implemented across different departments and units of the OPM. The findings of the study also suggest that the performance management policy used at the OPM appears to be performance contracting, a policy commonly used in other African countries. Furthermore, participants in this study confirmed that it is beneficial to make use of computers as this can enhance performance. However, there are suggestions that the ICTs at the OPM need to be improved if benefits are to be maximised. Findings from this study can be useful in improving the implementation of performance measurement and ICTs in the public service.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie het ondersoek ingestel na die gebruik van tegnieke vir prestasiebestuur in die staatsdiens, met die fokus op die kantoor van die premier (OPM) van Namibië. Daar was veral navorsing gedoen om die effek van ICT's in die bevordering van prestasie te bepaal. Net soos ander Afrika-regerings, het die Namibiese regering die gebruik van ICT's ingestel om die prestasie in die werksplek te verbeter. Dit is ingestel om die meganismes van prestasiemeting, wat deur die staatsdiens aanvaar is, aan te vul. Die motivering vir hierdie studie is ook om die gaping tussen beleidsformulering- en implementering, aan te spreek. Hierdie studie het 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie gevolg, en data was versamel deur werknemers van die OPM te betrek. Data-insameling en -analise het bevestig dat die OPM wel oor 'n prestasiebestuurstegniek beskik. 'n Soortgelyke prestasiebestuurstegniek word ook in verskillende departemente en eenhede by die OPM geïmplementeer. Die bevindings van hierdie ondersoek dui daarop dat die prestasiebestuurstegniek wat by die OPM gebruik word, waarskynlik Prestasiekontraktering is. Prestasiekontraktering is 'n tegniek wat algemeen in ander Afrika-lande voorkom. Deelnemers aan hierdie studie het ook bevestig dat dit voordelig is om rekenaars te gebruik, aangesien dit die prestasie in die werksplek kan verbeter. Nietemin, daar is voorstelle dat die ICT's by die OPM verbeter moet word, ten einde voordele te maksimaliseer. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie kan nuttig wees om die implementering van prestasiemeting en ICT's in die staatsdiens te verbeter.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Performance -- Management -- Technological innovations -- Namibia, Civil service -- Namibia, Namibia. Office of the Prime Minister, UCTD