Developing a framework to investigate the resource efficiency of manufactured titanium components process chains

dc.contributor.advisorOosthuizen, Gert Adriaanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGirdwood, Richard Daviden_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: As part of an ever growing trend regarding both the aerospace and medical industry, requirements have risen that allow the users and manufacturers the ability to develop Titanium components with complex geometries, which in the past were only dreamed of. A solution that has made this possible for Ti-component manufacturers all over the world has come in the form of both additive and subtractive manufacturing. Pursuing more sustainable process chains, manufacturers are constantly striving to enhance the resource efficiency of their manufacturing systems. As part of this, additive and subtractive manufacturing technologies have become increasingly important for reducing waste, time and costs. Various input factors affect the efficiency of an additive approach and therefore also have an impact on the sustainability. Towards the establishment of an evaluation framework and an Excel based tool, this work investigates all the factors and characteristics that influence the resource efficiency of additive and subtractive manufacturing process chains. The design and development of various AM and SM manufacturing strategies for the fabrication of these parts will allow for and in-depth evaluation and comparison of which process chain is the most resource efficient through the steps of a developed framework model. The capability profile of each process chain can be outlined by quantifying the characteristics that follow: . Manufacturing Time . Geometrical Accuracy . Manufacturing Cost . Energy Consumption . Material Waste An overview is provided on the different approaches and techniques that have been used with the aim of identifying the most influential factors. The framework was validated using titanium aerospace and biomedical benchmark components together with conducted surveys. The Excel based tool was validated through the benchmark components, thereby essentially proving its ability to assist the process planners with decisions regarding Titanium manufacturing process chain selection. This study strives to contribute its value academically, together with industry partners and possible AM and SM manufacturers. Guidelines will also be given for the possible end users on how they should go about being more resource efficient.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As deel van 'n steeds groeiende tendens in beide die lug en mediese bedryf, het vereistes gestyg wat die gebruikers en vervaardigers dryf om Titaan komponente, met komplekse geometrieë en vermoë wat in die verlede net van gedroom was, te ontwikkel. 'n Oplossing wat dit moontlik gemaak het vir Titaan-komponent vervaardigers regoor die wêreld het gekom in die vorm van beide Toevoegings- (TV) en Subtraktiewe- Vervaardiging (SV). Deur te streef na meer volhoubare proses kettings, moet vervaardigers voortdurend poog om die hulpbron doeltreffendheid van hul vervaardigingsprosesse te verbeter. As deel van hierdie, het toevoeging en subtraktiewe vervaardiging tegnologie al hoe belangriker vir die vermindering van afval, tyd en koste geword. Verskeie inset faktore beïnvloed die effektiwiteit van 'n toevoegende benadering en het dus ook 'n impak op volhoubaarheid. Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek die faktore en eienskappe wat die hulpbron doeltreffendheid van toevoegings- en subtraktiewe-vervaardigingsproses kettings beïnvloed, tot die samestelling van 'n evaluerings raamwerk en 'n Excel-gebaseerde instrument. Die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van verskillende TV en SV vervaardiging strategieë, vir die vervaardiging van hierdie dele, sal, deur middel van 'n ontwikkelde raamwerk model, toelaat vir ‘n indiepte evaluering en vergelyking van watter proses ketting die mees hulpbron doeltreffendste is. Die vermoë profiel van elke proses ketting kan beskryf word deur die volgende eienskappe te kwantifiseer: . Vervaardigings Tyd . Geometriese Akkuraatheid . Vervaardigings Koste . Energie Verbruik . Afval Materiaal 'n Oorsig word op die verskillende benaderings en tegnieke wat gebruik is word gegee met die doel om die identifisering van die mees invloedryke faktore te vergemaklik. Die raamwerk is gevalideer met behulp van Titaan lugvaart en biomediese maatstaf komponente sowel as vraelyste. Die Excel-gebaseerde instrument is ook gevalideer deur die maatstaf komponente en het daardeur, in wese, die vermoë om die proses beplanners te help met besluite oor Titaan vervaardigingsproses ketting seleksie bewys.In die algemeen poog hierdie studie om akademiese waarde by te dra en ter selfde tyd met bedryf vennote en moontlike TV en SV vervaardigers te help. Riglyne sal ook gegee word vir die moontlike eindgebruikers oor hoe hulle te werk moet gaan om hulpbronne doeltreffend te gebruik.af_ZA
dc.format.extent183 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectResource Efficiencyen_ZA
dc.subjectTitanium industryen_ZA
dc.subjectTitanium -- Manufacturing processesen_ZA
dc.titleDeveloping a framework to investigate the resource efficiency of manufactured titanium components process chainsen_ZA
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