A conceptual analysis of the provision of a private school in a Namibian town

dc.contributor.advisorVan Wyk, Berteen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNieuwoudt, Reynoen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Education Policy Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : This study draws on the work done by Gadamer on hermeneutics. Gadamer’s hermeneutics mainly focuses on the understanding and interpretation of text. Using this as a platform for my study, I conducted a conceptual analysis of the provision of a private school in a Namibian town. This was done by analysing policies that influenced the position and development of the private school in its current form. The study of hermeneutics assisted me in developing an acute awareness of where the originator and the receiver of policy documentation stand in relation to the text of the policies. The town of Oranjemund is going through transformation in becoming a 'normalised' town. All town functions used to be owned and managed by Namdeb, which meant that the Mine not only focused on the mining operations, but also focussed on managing town amenities like the only school, the hospital, town library, town swimming pool and the recreational clubs. De Beers conducted mining operations along the north-western coast of South Africa for many years. In a similar situation as Oranjemund, as part of an attraction and retention strategy, amongst all the other incentives, schools were built in Kleinsee and Alexander Bay. These private schools were carbon copies of each other. Similar buildings, similar funding and even similar organisational structures. There was also a distant correlation with the De Beers School situated in Botswana. The schools in Kleinsee and Alexander Bay were handed over to the Ministry of Education in the Northern Cape. The impact on the schools was quite severe and no longer functioned as private schools. The attraction and retention of skilled labour was lost and the mines suffered losses in skilled labour. This while the mines in Kleinsee and Alexander Bay underwent serious reconstruction and changes in management and ownership due to production and economic challenges. The main aim of my research would be to do a conceptual analysis of the provision of a private school in Oranjemund. The research would indicate whether there is a place for a private school in this community if it depends only on the support of the parents or whether it needs major support from a major sponsor like Namdeb to be sustainable. Further to this study, policy research and the impact it has on society, especially in these remote areas, is something I investigated and described in my findings.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie is gebaseer op Gadamer en sy werk oor hermeneutiek. Gadamer se hermeneutiek fokus hoofsaaklik op hoe teks verstaan en geïnterpreteer word. Deur dit te gebruik as ‘n basis vir my studie, was ek in staat om a konseptuele analise in die voorsiening van ‘n privaatskool in ‘n Namibiese dorp te doen. Ek het die beleidsdokumente geanaliseer wat ‘n invloed op die posisie en ontwikkeling van die privaatskool in sy huidige vorm gehad het. Die studie van hermeneutiek het my gehelp om my baie bewus te maak van waar die skrywer en die ontvanger van die beleid staan in terme van die interpretasie van teks in die beleid. Oranjemund as a dorp is besig om ‘n transformasie te ondergaan om ‘n ‘normale’ dorp te word. Alle dorpsfunksies was gewoonlik deur Namdeb besit en bestuur, wat beteken het dat die Myn nie net op die myn-operasie gefokus het nie, maar ook moes fokus op die bestuur van die dorp se fasiliteite soos die enigste skool, die hospitaal, dorpsbiblioteek, dorp se swembad en die ontspanningsklubs. De Beers het vir baie jare mynbou langs die noordwestelike kusgebied van Suid-Afrika beoefen. Net soos in Oranjemund, as deel van ‘n aantrekkings- en retensiestrategie, is daar saam met al die ander byvoordele, ook skole gebou in Kleinsee en Alexanderbaai. Hierdie skole was identiese kopieë van mekaar. Dieselfde geboue, dieselfde finansiering en dieselfde organisatoriese strukture. Daar was ook ‘n vêrlangse ooreenkoms met die De Beers-skool wat in Botswana geleë is. Die skole in Kleinsee en Alexanderbaai is aan die Onderwysdepartement van die Noord-Kaapse Regering oorhandig. Die impak op die skole was groot en hulle het nie meer as privaatskole gehandel nie. Die aantrekkings- en retensiekrag vir geskoolde arbeid was verlore en die myne het hierdie werkers verloor. Dit terwyl die myne in Kleinsee en Alexanderbaai besig was met herstrukturering en verandering in bestuur en eienaarskap as gevolg van produksie en ekonomiese uitdagings. Die hoofdoel van my navorsing is om ’n konseptuele analise te doen op die geldigheid van ’n privaatskool in hierdie gemeenskap van Oranjemund. Die navorsing dui aan of daar plek vir ‘n privaatskool sal wees as dit slegs op die ondersteuning van die ouers moet staatmaak en of dit sal staatmaak op die ondersteuning van ‘n groot donateur soos Namdeb om volhoubaar te wees. Ek het ook deur my navorsing vasgestel en beskryf watter impak beleidsdokumente op die gemeenskappe, veral in vêr afgeleë gebiede het.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 145 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPrivate schools -- Oranjemund (Namibia) -- Feasibility studiesen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation and state -- Oranjemund (Namibia)en_ZA
dc.titleA conceptual analysis of the provision of a private school in a Namibian townen_ZA
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