Prof. B.B. Keet, 1885 tot 1974, leraar en hoogleraar in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This scientific biography deals with the life of Prof. Barend Bartholomeus Keet. An attempt is made to penetrate to the fundamental characteristics of his life, and to establish why Prof. Keet found it necessary on occasion to take a stand which brought him into conflict with the church and society. His influence on others in this regard .is not ignored either. The course of his life is described in its historical context. Events and discussions in which he took part are identified and discussed with a view to reaching a synthesis. The conclusion arrived at is that Prof. Keet's life was governed by his interpretation of his calling, namely to verbalise the will of the Lord for society according to the Scriptures. Three of his personality traits, namely his formidable reasoning abilities, his sense of justice and his aversion to dissension, played a decisive role in this respect.It was therefore vitally important to him, as a theologian, always to be accountable to the Scriptures and the reformed tradition. Prof. Keet's influence was especially evident in his introduction into the Dutch Reformed Church of the theological principles set by the Free University of Amsterdam. He was very particular, however that advocacy of these principles should not lead to a pedantic approach. For forty years he instructed future ministers in these principles. When he retired, he could take pleasure in the fact that all the lecturers at the Theological institutions at Stellenbosch and Pretoria were past students of his! As an ethicist he exerted his influence to great effect to convince the Dutch Reformed Church that the State's policy of apartheid could not be substantiated by the Scriptures. In conclusion it can be said that his own words "The church must not allow itself to be led by others; it should rather show others the way", serve to describe the fundamental principle of his life. That is why the text used at his funeral was so appropriate: "It is the duty of priests to teach the true knowledge of God. People should go to 'them to learn my will, because they are the messengers of the Lord Almighty."(Mal.2:7)
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierd'i'e wetenskaplike biografie handel oor die lewe van prof. Barend Bartholomeus Keet. Daar is probeer om na die grondliggende karaktertrek in sy lewe deur te dring. In samehang hiermee is die vraag waarom prof. Keet dit nodig gevind het om standpunte in te neem, wat horn in die kerk en samelewing in gedrang gebring het, nagevors. Die invloed wat hy in die verband uitgeoefen het, kon ook nie verbygegaan word nie. Sy lewensloop is aan die hand van historiese verbande beskryf. Gebeurtenisse en debatte waaraan hy deelgeneem het, is onderken en beredeneer, ten einde tot 'n sintese te kom. Ui teindelik is tot die slotsom gekom dat prof. Keet se lewe _., beheers is deur sy verstaan van sy roeping, nl. om die weg wat die Skrif in die samelewing aanwys, te verwoord. Hierin het drie persoonlikheidstrekke, nl. sy beredeneerde denke, sin vir geregtigheid en afkeer van partyskappe en verdeeldhede 'n deurslaggewende rol gespeel. Daarnaas was di t vir horn van . kardinale belang dat hy horn as teoloog skriftuurlik en in 'n gereformeerde sin verantwoord. Prof. Keet se invloed was veral daarin gelee dat hy die teologiese uitgangspunte van die Vrye Universiteit van Amsterdam in die Ned. Gere£. Kerk ingedra het. Hy was egter versigtig dat die verkondiging van hierdie uitgangspunte nie tot 'n "engheid van denke" sou lei nie. Vir veertig jaar het hy voornemende predikante prinsipieel onderrig. By sy aftrede het hy die voorreg gesmaak dat al die dosente aan die Teologiese inrigtings te Stellenbosch en Pretoria sy oudstudente wasl Verder het hy as etikus groot invloed uitgeoefen om die Ned. Gere£. Kerk te oortuig dat die staatsbeleid van apartheid nie Skriftuurlik verantwoord kon word nie. Ten slotte kan gese word dat sy eie woorde: "Die kerk moet horn nie laat lei deur antler instansies nie, maar hy moet die weg aanwys vir andere", hierdie man se ui tgangspunt in die lewe was. · Daarom was die woorde wat by sy begrafnis as teksvers gebruik is, .so van toepassing: "Want die lippe van 'n priester moet kennis bewaar, en uit sy mond word onderrig gesoek, want by is 'n boodskapper van die Here van die leerskare." (Mal.2:7).
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 1992.
Keet, B. B. (Barend Bartholomeus), 1885-1974, Du Plessis, J. (Johannes), 1868-1935, Bible. Afrikaans -- Translating, Church controversies -- Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk -- History -- 20th century, Apartheid -- South Africa, Theology, Doctrinal -- South Africa -- History -- 20th century